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To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - Printable Version

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To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - FrankGambit - 03-01-2017

[Image: 35jZjswm.jpg]
>Incoming Transmission<
>Comm ID: Frank Gambit<

Sup Dude, that tip you gave me at the races, did not pan out like I thought it would. But in hunting down that lead, the captain of my ship The.Huntsman, came across a route that did. If it had not been for you Bro, I would be 220 mill poorer. So, just showing you that even though you were not directly responsible, if we had not looked into that tip out in Kusari we would not have made a single credit. So, I sent you what should be close to a 20% cut of the profit for the information you gave me.

You have sent 20.000.000 credits to >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat

Even when you are wrong, you are right Bro.

On a side note, I got some stuff I need to get into Liberty. It seems these days the punkasses out that way have put a Kill on sight order on anything the AFC flies. So, If I can´t do it, I am hoping you can help a fellow scoundrel out and make the delivery for me. It would take meeting up in Kepler, near BP66 and Ill transfer the cargo over to ya. Probably gonna need a that BWT or a Serenity at least. Of course Ill need proof of it getting there, but I am sure that wont be a problem.

All you got to do is take it to Planet Manhattan and drop it off. I got people on the docks that can take it from there. You keep the profits of the sale and I´ll give you a 5mill bonus on top of that. Cargo is nothing to shady, mostly party favors and stuff. I am hope you got access to a ship with good papers for Liberty.

Anyways man, let me know if you can handle this and if not, I still owe you a drink out at BP66.

Gambit out.

>End Transmission<

RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - Croft - 03-01-2017

Incoming Message
Heavy Encryption Detected
Origin: #ERROR#
Message Begins

Hey Gambit,

I got those credits you sent me I gotta say you're a class act, ain't many guys that'd pay it forward like that especially off somethin' unintentional but hell I'm livin' proof that bein' in the wrong place at the right time can do wonders.
As for the job, yeah I can help you out there but that bonus forget about it, this one's on me.


Message Ends

RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - FrankGambit - 03-03-2017

[Image: 35jZjswm.jpg]
>Incoming Transmission<
>Comm ID: Frank Gambit<

Yo, Jimmy. Just so you know what you will be haulin, I am sending you a copy of the cargo manifest.. The ship you will be picking it up from is the {AFC}The.Huntsman[B]. You give me a time and date for the pickup somewhere within the Kepler system and the ship will be there to make the exchange.

It would be good if we could get this done as soon as possible, cause this order has been sitting on my desk for a good while now, and I am worried the party may be over with by the time the "items" get there. You do realize that once it is in your hands, it is your responsibility. You break it, loose it or it gets confiscated, it will be on you to make things good again.

Gambit out.

>End Transmission<

RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - Croft - 03-03-2017

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Origin: #ERROR#
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Looks pretty standard stuff Gambit, the only thing is my crate only carries 3,400 units and I ain't sure if I've got room for everythin' on your list.
As for meetin' I'll get you my private line, havin' your when's and where's out in the neuralnet ain't exactly good sense yeah?


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RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - FrankGambit - 03-04-2017

[Image: 35jZjswm.jpg]
>Incoming Transmission<
>Comm ID: Frank Gambit<

Sup, Jimmy. Well, 3400 will have to do man. When we set the meet up, the crew of The Huntsman will decide what they wanna keep on board. And yea, True dat, what you said about the NeuralNet, Ill be reachin out to ya on a private line.

Gambit out.

>End Transmission<

RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - oZoneRanger - 03-04-2017

[Image: cdv2earm.jpg]
<<-| IncomingTransmission |->>
>Comm ID: Chuleta.Prima alias Fat Amy<

Yo Jimmy, Thanks for being so prompt and on time. Ill let Frank know the pick up went smooth. Anytime you need any extra help with anything, look me up. Ill pass on to Frank the Cargo we passed off to ya. Hope everything goes well for ya.

Fat Amy.


RE: To:Jimmy.The.Rat|From:FrankGambit - Croft - 03-04-2017

Incoming Message
Heavy Encryption Detected
Origin: #ERROR#
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I 'preciate that, normally I don't handle drugs but this was a debt that needed repayin'. As for the drop, it's already been done right in front of some Navy mook no less. Guy was too busy overcompensatin' with his big ship to even stop me before I hit the atmo, reminded me of my old days.

Anyways heres the manifest your guy planetside signed off on, you two take it easy.

Manfiest: 1 2 3


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