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Commune R&D Labs - "Nephtys" Development - Dave Synk - 03-03-2017

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Source ID: Terminus R&D Laboratories Staff
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Encryption: #CRB-SYN-Babylon.alg

>Accesing Files
>Topic : Reverse Engineering - Order "Nephtys" Class Fighter
>Opening Zeta Relay:::

Captured Vessel : Order Very Heavy Fighter – Class : Nephtys assault craft.

Preliminary Specifications :

Hull Integrity points : 13.600
Cargo capacity: 70 units (meter squared)
Nanite/Shielding batteries capacity (in units) : 73Nan/73Bats
Maximum Impulse velocity : 80m/s
Maximum Drive Thrust: 199m/s
Maximum Cruise Driving: 350m/s
Power calculated in gigawatts : 15.000
Power recharge (Gigawatts per second): 1340

Additional Specifications:

- 1 Class 10 Gunnery type weaponry slot
- 2 Class 8 Gunnery type weaponry slots
- 3 Class 9 Gunnery type weaponry slots
- 1 Class 2 360 degrees weapon slot (Turret)
- 1 Class Disruptor type slot OR can be replaced with Fighter Torpedo
Note: Light Cloaking technology can be attached.

Shielding Capability : All known variant type of Heavy shielding
Scanner : All known sub-light scanning equipment.

Preliminary analysis using the A.F.W.A. system (Atomic Frequency Wave-length Analyzer) has revealed the main area of interests in the entire process of reverse-engineering. The ship’s apparent simple designs holds intricate circuitry arranged in a prioritized layering technique. The ship’s most important systems to be recreated and to be developed further more are those that will be documented further on, and they are :

- Adaptive Hull Stressing system, in which we will analyze furthermore the capacity of the ship to temporarily adapt to various energy fluctuations that are detected on the moment of impact with the actual hull material.

- The Drive Command system; this particular section will develop the basic logical inputs and outputs that are communicating with the main CPU aboard the vessel and also to analyze the capacities of the engines. There might be needed a further improvement of the original design circuitry and command controls to extend other types of sub-light Drives.

- The Reactor Chamber; in order to understand the type of the energy feed that it is required to operate and power the entire ship, we will document the typical specifications of the original reactor and we will also follow up possible replacements and improvements of it to adapt it to Commune standards.

- Main CPU Control Unit; the “brain” of the vessel will be analyzed in order to develop ways to understand the basic functions of the communication network between ship systems and pilot interface. We will find as well, ways to improve using Commune technology developed by our laboratories as well as other research data from the knowledge of Doctor Dave Synk.

The ship’s systems are well organized, as it was specified before, in three sections. The design is clever so the maintenance to be easy and to localize the problems fast. The ship is an advanced variant of the Anubis class assault fighter. The improvements are made first of all at the ease of maintaining and operating. The sections are : Cockpit Section, Main Hull + Wings Section, Engine Section.

Further more documents will be released after the official signature of Dr. Synk. With this report a file will be attached below to actually observe the schematic of the vessel.

Terminus Research & Development Labs.

RE: Commune R&D Labs - "Nephtys" Development - Dave Synk - 03-04-2017

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Source ID: Terminus R&D Laboratories Staff
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Encryption: #CRB-SYN-Babylon.alg

>Accesing Files
>Topic : Reverse Engineering - Order "Nephtys" Class Fighter
>Opening Zeta Relay:::

Captured Vessel : Order Very Heavy Fighter – Class : Nephtys assault craft.
Analysis and Research Report : Drive Core and Propulsion Unit.

Preliminary results:

The extraction of the Drive section was rather simple do to the easy way of assembly of the specific section. The process was quickened because of Dr. Synk’s expertise on Order technology from his previous affiliation. He supervised the entire procedure and the analysis was rigorous. As predicted before, the ship can be split in three parts. For this report we occupied ourselves with the disassembly of the Drive section of the vessel and it’s specific components.

The section was detached releasing the connector clamps from the hull that are underneath the main layer of armor near the upper section of the wings. After releasing the clamps, the Drive Core was exposed and we managed to extract it and to put it inside the analyzer and simulate various conditions. The command of the clamps can be given via the cockpit controls or either accessing a lower section of the ship in which a mechanical switch can be commuted.

The following data has been obtained during the types of tests first being :

Fuel variations:
- Plasma type of fuel : Nominal power output.

- Anti-matter type of fuel (bars) in a controlled environment : Extra 35% thrust power

- Azurite Gas (experimental) : Unstable, requires caution for further examining.

- H-fuel : Under nominal power.

- Modified plasma isotopes : 20% extra thrust output

Conclusion : If made extra adjustments on the fuel valve adapters and the Acceleration Oscillators, increased EM fields and energy dampeners, the drive core can be adapted to further exotic fuels.

Stress conditions:
- Under immediate exposure from vacuum to air and viceversa : 0% stress

- Extensive EM field pulses : Drive offered a strong feedback at first to compensate the incoming pulse with a countered frequency. Increased EM pulse frequency disables the engine for an interval of 2 seconds.

- Simulated fuel overflow : OVF Controllers are active and tend to eliminate the surplus outside the ship’s systems.

-System overcharge : Energy dampers reset the main power highway and offers an extra choice to relocate energy flow to another ship system, protecting the surplus from the engine, to avoid the circuitry commands being fried.

-Jammed port thruster actuators : The drive has a stable energy flow trying to compensate and overpass the trapped switches. Auxiliary command is given to the auxiliary thrusters to keep the vessel at nominal speed.

Further analysis:

Several systems have been reviewed and the schematics have been developed in conformity to the Commune standards imposed by Dr. Synk.
The followings have been documented:

- Feed-forward fuel channels : Direct channel inside the combustion system in order to keep the process working at optimal parameters. The process is being regulated by controllers and systems that process the input data given by the pilot from the main controls and compares the output data.

- Adaptive logical controls : Advanced systems that are based on quantic computational in which the best of the needed performances are calculated and the best decisions are taken by the local processor unit inside the Drive core, in order to make the performance top-notch.

- Gyro control unit : It’s located on the upper side of the Drive Core, it offers the feature in which the processor and the entire Drive system, makes the most delicate calibration in order to deliver the optimal energy and power output from the Core, in conformity with the maneuvers the pilot desires to do.

-Sequential processor unit : The local brain of the Drive Core. It servers all aforementioned functions, using an integer system based upon introducing a number of sequences, which represent the operations that are going into the process itself.

The status of the Drive Core part of the vessel has been documented, further notifications will be posted on this Relay channel towards Commune base of operation. Attached below, there will be a schematic of what was studied under the direct supervision of Dr. Synk.

Terminus Research & Development Labs.

RE: Commune R&D Labs - "Nephtys" Development - Dave Synk - 03-13-2017

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Source ID: Terminus R&D Laboratories
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Encryption: #CRB-001-SYN

Order Very Heavy Fighter – Class : Nephtys assault craft

Analysis and Research Report : Hull and Wing section

>>Preliminary Results<<

Given the flexibility of the Order VHF design, the analysis and further development of the next section was rather conducted with ease. The structural design, at least for the exterior hull, is related to the Libertonian attack fighters. This design precedes even before the Nomad War, as the Order developed the ships on stolen Navy plans. What they did was rather an improvement, Liberty will never accept it but the Order technology is way cheaper, optimized and performing at higher rates, at least at that period. Nowadays the technologies are quite similar, yet the Order’s is again, as stated in previous reports, more organized and easier to maintain.

We made tests regarding the adaptability of the ship’s hull pieces. We concluded that the ship, if taken serious damage, one part from a certain Nephtys could be taken and replaced to ours, and there would be no actual difference, unless the ships are part of a newer and improved version.

We have also observed that the specific hardpoints could be adapted to implement more exotic weaponry such as Hybrid Prototypes that Dr. Synk and his trusted scientists are all studying. The wings have been adjusted to improve the performance and the response period given by the pilot towards the weaponry. Inside them, we’ve found a series of Hardwired Synapses that are like a small neural network in which the ship adapts in various combat situations, shifting more or less power, reinforcing the shielding capacity temporarily, activating or de-activating stability gyros in order to take faster or more dangerous U turns.

The Synapses also give direct feedback to the cockpit’s sensors in order to pressurize accordingly the vessel so in situations when the pilot does dangerous maneuvers, the pressure to be exact so he would not lose his consciousness. Further on, we will document more data and conclusions taken from our thorough research.

Further analysis
- The Power Core is a TLX-90 Fusion Reactor adapted for line vessels of it’s type. It’s an improvement of the Libertonian TLS-45. The power output data are the following:

>> 150 Giga Watt power – in optimal functionality

>> +30% extra boost in critical conditions (system failures, hull integrity lowered) in order to compensate the stress the ship is supporting

>> -50% system loss if unmatched power coupling clamps are detected in the hardpoints

>> Plasma containment field is stable at an average of 20 Gw of minimum power

>> Time period till fuel is over : Optimal usage – 30 days / Stress usage – 2 days

- A sensor network is across the second layer of the vessel, aka the Hull Energy Resistive Reinforced Plates. The entire hull is actually wired with various sensors that give direct feedback to the pilot and he can adjust commands while the other automated systems and the ship’s computer take the entirety of the multi-tasks that are impossible for a human operator alone to take. The following sensor types have been discovered:

>> Hull Stress sensors, that give command to the power core to compensate further energy towards the plating.

>> Gyro-stabilizers

>> Sublight harmonic oscillators, they have the role to establish long rage communication using sublight speed and also can jam weaker signals (Civilian systems).

>> Power equalizers, they balance the power oscillations across the vessel

>> Dynamic weapon coordination sensors

>> Autonomous navigational sensors, they calculate by triangulating the positions of nearby space objects and create optimal flight paths that are suggested to the pilot.

>> Misc sensors : Temperature, pressure, fuel capacity, rudimentary internal sensors for inner ship systems.

- The Hull is based on an Energy Resistive Reinforced Plating technology, in which the ship can adapt and strengthen temporarily the hull integrity of the ship, by applying powerful electromagnetic fields released by energy currents given by the power core. This being active, the ship can support several hundred more Newton/m squared kinetic power. The effect of this system is that the incoming energy force is reduced in power when it makes contact with the ship’s EM field on the surface of the plates. This is useful in critical situations when the pilot would require extra hull and energy to evade a certain-death scenario.

- The Shielding Matrix Emitting Chamber is an isolated section below the power core, in strong connection with it. The shielding is adaptive in order to the applied technology on the specific hardpoint. The chamber has to role to reinforce a more organized and dense shielding, by applying various calculations to create a matrix-like organization of the energy surrounding the vessel. This is all done by adjusting the frequency of the installed shield, to remove noise and rudimentary signals that are considered as perturbation by the Chamber.

- Adaptive Hull Circuitry, as mentioned above, the ship has an adaptive capability during its usage in the dangerous exotic systems of the Edge Nebula. This works similar to an energy compensator in which, after several states of hull integrity loss, the ship’s sensors take the feedback, give it to the ship’s main computer, which makes further calculations in order to find the best solution to make the ship stable and to repair certain critical areas that are more important during the operation taken by the pilot, which will take us to the next system.

- Self-repair Regulator System. This specific one does what it actually says, repair the ship automatically. That means it repairs the internal systems and not the exterior hull. Because of the Adaptive Circuitry, the Regulator gets the command from the main CPU to repair certain internal systems to make the ship operable onwards. The system compensates the perturbations (in our case the affected systems) and makes the entire Ship (which is considered the main process by the Regulator) working in optimal parameters as given by the CPU.

This finalizes the second part of the vessel. In the following report we will discuss the cockpit and the electronic defenses and capabilities of the vessels. After that there will be a final report of the finalization of the Reverse Engineering project of the Nephtys. This has been all conducted by the Terminus Labs under the direct supervision of our Science Divisions’ Director, Doctor Dave Synk.

Terminus R&D Laboratories.

RE: Commune R&D Labs - "Nephtys" Development - Dave Synk - 04-08-2017

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Source ID: Terminus R&D Laboratories
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Encryption: #CRB-001-SYN

Order Very Heavy Fighter – Class : Nephtys assault craft

Analysis and Research Report : Cockpit Section

>>Preliminary Results<<

After the first steps in “dissecting” the ship’s main control area and electronics, we’ve encountered several failsafe mechanisms that prevented us to go further more into the ship’s circuitry blocks. The systems were designed in a way that if an external attempt to use brute-force on the failsafe, the security system will break and fry the circuitry. Detecting this system and deducing it’s role, we managed to simulate a series of signals that were close to the computer’s frequency, in order to make the system consider that a friendly and authorized user exists and needs access to the ship’s mainframe.

With success we managed to break through the failsafe, but risky, we were close to lose the entire system at our last attempt, because one of the signals had a leftover byte that could’ve been detectable by the internal counter. We connected the main computer of the ship to the laboratory’s one and we managed to have access to all signal nodes, all circuitry mapping, all terminals, the entire ship network. We’ve taken in a more thorough inspection the ship’s main electronic systems and capabilities so we can adapt it to our usage.

>>Further analysis<<

>> One of the biggest attraction to our scientists was the Electronic Defensive Software that was implemented on the vessel. It’s a general accepted theory that all of Order’s crafts use this kind of system to prevent external wireless attempts to disable a ship. We’ve considered this system to be also offensive and we tested it on our own testing computer. The ship first analyzed the opposed CPU, while we simulated that our test computer was inside another attack vessel. The first steps of the system was to overwhelm using a brute-force attempt the enemy’s firewalls by sending teraflops of feed data, consisted of useless random bits. Then, after doing so, the EDS managed to disable thrusters, fluctuate the shields, jam the weapons and make the reactor of the enemy vessel unstable. All this happened because we tested the reach of the software. In reality the enemy crafts might have the same tactics and it’s more tougher to disrupt.

>> Neural Connectivity-Control. As the name itself speaks, the system offers an option for those that have a certain specific implant, to control the ship with their own mind. The test was made under a simulation, and we used a volunteer to do the job. He successfully managed to control the vessel in the simulation, only just thinking where he wanted the ship to go.

>> Sensory Array systems. On this area is the main control and direct feedback, from the ship’s sensors. We have tweaked them already in our previous research.

>>Improvements made<<
>> The EDS system was improved, making it more resilient to all known hacking techniques by updating the database with various signatures, tactics and our own designed viruses to interfere with the systems. The system will be implemented and developed more when Dr. Dave Synk will finalize one of his old projects that desires to fund very soon. He never mentioned any details. Also, the EDS has been improved with a quantum entanglement node that can reach instantly to all known frequencies and ships that support the devices, furthering a safer communication protocol. The boost in speed is with 35% extra, and has a quicker reaction time to external stimuli of all kinds. The software has been rewrited extensively that the original one became redundant. The code is based on a recursive self-adaptive system based on the Von Neumann’s principle of self-improvement and self-creation.

>> The Neural Control was overhauled with an extensive holographic control of the vessel and all it’s function. There are no actual physical controls anymore. If the ship is through an EMP, and say it disables the holographic controls, the neural cortex is still active because it’s been redirected to a shielded power array with the rest of the ship’s vital systems.

>> Sensory arrays have been made more effective with an increased longer range and greater affinity to gravitrons, kations, tachyons and many subparticles that are constantly found from either natural or artificial sources in the cosmos.

>>Closing Statement<<

This finalizes the process of reverse engineering with lots of hours spent by the Terminus Staff. These schematics and research we took, could be used as we’ve stated above, for a future line of vessels for the Commune. Director Dave Synk, has issued a refitting order of the Nephtys and it would be ready to use very soon.

Terminus R&D Laboratories.

> > Scientific Documentation Logged < <