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To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Printable Version

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To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Hunor - 03-03-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]


For the ease of understanding I want to keep this short and direct. It was economically beneficial in the past period as a result we decided to expand Kensington Shipping Platform. All this is necessary to increase the base receiving capacity. The plan is ready and what we need is one expert team in base building. We believe that your company have enough experience to take a lead role in this base expanding project.
The construction have three phase (attached the documentation). This would be what we are looking for an execution plan about materials required for the above building. If you are agree with the terms and conditions we are ready to sign precedence contract.

Looking forward to your reply as soon as possible,


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Smokey - 03-04-2017

[Image: CWDJLYUKl.png]

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Accounts Department

To: Mr Alan Shepard | CEO | Gateway Shipping inc.
RE: Kensington Shipping Platform expansion

Good day Mr Shepard,

Firstly, i'd like to thank you for choosing Bretonia Mining & Fabrications for your Stations expansion needs. We pride ourselves on our commitment to quality service and can assure you our complete dedication from start to finish.

I've been in a meeting this morning with Miss Scarlet Hastings our Operations manager to discuss how best to approach your requirements and She confirms that we are indeed capable of seeing this contract through. We would therefore like to propose the following:

  1. As specialists in this area and to ensure a smooth, streamlined operation we should be responsible for all three stages of the stations upgrade, seeing through the project from start to end, although, should we need to we will hire sub-contractors to fill parts of the contract. This is usual practice for our base building division and all things are taken into consideration when hiring others to do wok in our name

  2. We will split billing for each stage of the project into three separate payments, the cost to Gateway, including supply, fabrication and installation, will be;
    1. Stage 1 - Storage Module expansion -130,000,000 SC
    2. Stage 2 - Type 1 Station grade solar panel installation -4,700,000 SC
    3. Stage 3 - Dry Dock installation -327,000,000 SC
    The payment for each being due upon completion of each stage respectively. Alternatively, payment in total of 591,700,000 SC in full before the project start date is also acceptable

Of course this is all still open to negotiation but i can assure you that this is not irregular work for us, we have a wealth of experience in this sector and can offer you the best service. If you are happy to proceed please complete the contract attached and send me a copy and we'll start the gears moving. If there is anything at all you would like to discuss please contact me any time, night or day. Myself, Mr Conner and other members of the board are frequently found in our Tee & Pee Bar, I've added your name to our VIP member list, drop in anytime for a chat

For now then Mr Shepard, it is a pleasure to be working again with Gateway Shipping inc. And i look forward to your next transmission

Yours Sincerely,
Clark Kent
Account Manager
Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Isle of Skye, NL

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Hunor - 03-05-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]


These are very good news the only thing left is to sign the contract. There is no problem in terms and conditions. The only comment would be about the payment method. We would prefer to paid it at once because this allows the possible future extra expenses to be managed seamless. Furthermore the construction will begin when we get permission from the local authorities in this case we hope the administration will be fast.
I hope to work together strengthens the relationship between us and I thank you for the invitation in the Tea & Pee Bar. I'm sure we will meet there and I feel if we'll have in our hands the licenses we will celebrate this event.
About the Action plan we review every part and we considered that it complies with all the simulated plans. Now BMF have the option to implement into reality our imaginations.

Signed Contract:

Contract Agreement

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications


1. Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
2. Gateway Shipping inc.


1. Bretonia Mining & Fabrications will be responsible for the supply, fabrication and installation of all three stages of the upgrade project, this stages shall consist of, and, unless agreed by both parties in writing shall be limited to;
1.1. The upgrading of current storage modules to increase station storage capacity.
1.2. The supply of two Type 1 Station grade solar panels.
1.3. The fabrication and installation of a new dry dock.

2. Gateway Shipping inc, being the legal owner and responsible for Kensington Shipping Platform agree to;
2.1. Comply with current licensing regulations in Bretonia and ensure that any planning permission and/or licences are in place, failure to do so will not render Bretonia Mining & Fabrications responsible and in such an event, nullifies this contract in it's entirety
2.2. Pay, upon completion of each stage, the agreed sum for each stage, set out in article 3 of this contract, to Bretonia Mining & Fabrications. Failure to pay in full at the end of a stage will result in the stopping of the next phase

3. Payment; Payment shall be divided into three stages representing the three stages of the project: Storage expansion, Solar panel Installation and installation of a dry dock.Payment for each stage shall be as follows;
2.1. Stage 1 - Storage Expansion - 130,000,000 SC
2.2. Stage 2 - Solar Panel Installation - 4,700,000 SC
2.3. Stage 3 - Dry Dock Installation - 327,000,000 SC


______Clark Kent______
Bretonia Mining and Fabrication Account Manager

_______Alan Shepard_______
Gateway Shipping inc.


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Smokey - 03-06-2017

[Image: CWDJLYUKl.png]

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Accounts Department

To: Mr Alan Shepard | CEO | Gateway Shipping inc.
RE: Kensington Shipping Platform expansion

Good day Mr Shepard,

I am glad to hear all is to your liking with the action plan and you are satisfied with our quotation. With regards to your query about payment, i can confirm we can accept payment in full on commencement of the project, it's just our standard procedure of payment on large projects but we always aim for customer satisfaction so this won't be a problem.

So, for now then it seems all we are waiting for is the confirmation from the Bretonian authorities. Once this is in place please contact me again via this channel and we will set a date for the commencement of the project. In the meantime i shall be making preliminary preparations for the smooth implementation of stage 1.

Until next time Mr Shepard,

Yours Sincerely,
Clark Kent
Account Manager
Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Isle of Skye, NL

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Hunor - 04-09-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]


The agreed amount of credits is also sent. The financial background is assured. The building permits are guaranteed. Once we have fulfilled all the conditions I see no barrier to start the constructions. We await your engineers and employees on Kensington Shipping Platform !

Payment Visual Proof:
[Image: nvtelen_by_hunorgateway-db57s2z.png]


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Smokey - 04-10-2017

[Image: CWDJLYUKl.png]

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Accounts Department

To: Mr Alan Shepard | CEO | Gateway Shipping inc.
RE: Kensington Shipping Platform expansion

Mr Shepard, good to hear from you

I can confirm receipt of your payment to the BMF bank account. I have discussed our next move with our operations manager Miss Scarlet Hastings and we shall be dispatching the first set of crew to your station within the next 48hrs. This first team will be responsible for the preparation work such as dismantling old equipment and repurposing current architecture ready for the upgrades

Yours Sincerely,
Clark Kent
Account Manager
Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Isle of Skye, NL

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Smokey - 05-23-2017

[Image: CWDJLYUKl.png]

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Accounts Department

To: Mr Alan Shepard | CEO | Gateway Shipping inc.
RE: Kensington Shipping Platform expansion

Good day Mr Shepard. Sorry for the delay in providing this latest update. I had some personal matters to attend to in the Cambridge system but am back now to my usual duties.
Now, as per my last transmission four weeks ago, a crew of 50 men and women, some of our finest engineers, were transported to your station. They immediately set to work dismantling the old infrastructure and preparing it for the new modules. It was reported back to me by our operations manager Miss Hastings that the implementation of the preparation work went fully according to plans and was completed in a timely and cost effective manner

[Image: 0IC491Tl.png]

Now this work is complete we shall move onto the second stage of phase 1 and begin delivery of the required materials for the construction of the newly upgraded storage modules. We have recently started working with an external supply company, namely White Shipping Co. There ships will be making regular deliveries so if you could let your docking master know that would be sterling.

If you have any questions or queries on the process so far please do not hesitate to contact me.

Until next time

Yours Sincerely,
Clark Kent
Account Manager
Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Isle of Skye, NL

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - White Shipping - 05-23-2017

[Image: ewYv7MP.png]

Identification: Noah White
Ranking: Chief Enginner
Location: Planet New London

Hello Mr Alan Mister Kent inform us about filling your base with some materials we have don our job here we deliver you a logs.

[WSC]-White.Ship: HULL SEGMENTS: 21540

[WSC]-L.Enginner.Wiggin: ROBOTIC HARDWARE: 31770


[WSC]-knezmario1: INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE: 14196

Whit all do respect Chief Engenner Noah White


RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Smokey - 05-23-2017

[Image: CWDJLYUKl.png]

Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Accounts Department

To: Mr Alan Shepard | CEO | Gateway Shipping inc.
RE: Kensington Shipping Platform expansion

Mr Shepard, as you are most probably aware delivery of the required materials for stage 1 is now complete. Our engineers are starting work on the modifications as i write and i am informed by Miss Hastings that the intended works will take approximately two working weeks to complete

[Image: TRGqLgh.png]

Once we have the first storage module in place which should be in the next two days, we shall start deliveries for stage 3. As you are aware from our initial arrangements we will be subcontracting the installation of the solar panels in stage 2 to another company that specialize in that field.

As always Mr Shephard If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely,
Clark Kent
Account Manager
Bretonia Mining & Fabrications
Isle of Skye, NL

RE: To: BMF; From: Gateway| Shipping Inc.; Subj.: Project "Kensington Fairy Tale" - Hunor - 05-24-2017

[Image: gateway_newalansz_tbarr_by_hunorgateway-daug8t5.png]

Greetings again People,

I am more then happy to see things are on the right way. Yes, it is good for us to involve other experts as well. The expert attitude and the expert quality it is important to us. We would welcome the people from the White Shipping Co. we hope that they will find a friendly environment as well. I promised during the recent visit I will give a little surprise to our guests. In addition to the hard work relaxation and fun are also important.

And secondly I hope we are within the agreed financial framework. If any problem arises we'll immediately intervene to avoid any disruption of construction. One more time I thank you for this professional look and for the partnership that was created for a good cause. Until the next report I wish all the best,


Alan Shepard,

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]