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The Forlorn Hope || Information - Printable Version

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The Forlorn Hope || Information - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-04-2017

[Image: bdPNNCO.gif]
|The Forlorn Hope|

"One man with courage makes a majority"
~Andrew Jackson

The Forlorn Hope is a group of Freelancer pilots who have banded together in an attempt to have a positive effect on the Sirius sector. Offering a wide array of services, the Forlorn Hope are the premier in private security, and each of our pilots is certified in Emergency Response Maneuvers, Advanced Combat Training, Diplomatic Interaction Training, Blind Navigation Courses, Electronic Counter Warfare and Counter Insurgency Operations. The Forlorn Hope can react quickly and effectively anywhere in the Sirius sector, and will make sure the terms of your contract are left satisfied every time.

General Information

  • »» Name: The Forlorn Hope
  • »» Tag: Forlorn|-
  • »» ID: Freelancer
  • »» IFF:Freelancer
  • »» Current Headquarter: Glendalough Orbital, Coronado System.

  • »» Jobs:
    • »» Escort Work
    • »» Scouting
    • »» Hauling
    • »» Blockade Running
    • »» Item Procurement or Retrieval
    • »» Military Scale Action
    • »» Counter Insurgent Action

    A note about jobs, due to our small size starting out, some of the above services are withheld until further notice. Feel free to contact us with your specific offers and contracts to determine if your request can be accommodated.
    Additionally, while it is preferable for contracts to be brought to one of the Knight Captains, if a Knight is contacted with a potential contract, they are to present it to the Knight Captains, who will determine if it may be voted on or not. This is to prevent contracts that would harm our reputation or the Forlorn Hope directly.

  • »» Goals:
    • »» To secure an independent base.
    • »» To expand our ranks.
    • »» To create alliances with specific organizations.
    • »» To establish ourselves throughout Sirius.
    • »» //To promote roleplay amongst our members and those that we encounter in the course of our adventures.


Ancient Times

The Forlorn Hope gains its name from Earth history. Named after the company of men which would make up the front line of the battles, Forlorn Hope Companies were a means of quick advancement and honor to those who made them up. Despite the high risk of such a position, many soldiers volunteered for the Forlorn Hope in the hopes of proving their bravery and entering their names into history by their deeds.


Honoring the legacy of our name, Forlorn Hope seeks to make the Sirius sector a better place through the use of our skills. In recent events we have proved our capabilities, both in combat and as scouts and escorts, as well as our dedication and commitment as haulers to be relied on. Actively seeking out contracts and extending a diplomatic hand to those with similar ideals to our own, the Forlorn Hope seeks to expand its influence throughout House, Edge, and Borderworld sectors.


[Image: kaLu7W9.png]
The Forlorn Hope fleet is made up all most entirely of snubcraft at this point in time, with a few transport ships and gunboats at our disposal as well. The types of ship commonly flown by Forlorn members are either of the Civilian series, such as the Eagle VHF or the Roc Bomber, and that of the Borderworld series, such as the Sabre VHF and Montante gunboat. However, one of the goals of Forlorn Hope is to acquire a capital ship, both to extend the capabilities of the fleet, and to serve as a mobile base for the group.

Code of Conduct

The Forlorn Hope is a tightly knit group that views each individual member as an equal to everyone else, and is built upon a strong foundation of respect, trust and loyalty. The pilots of the Forlorn Hope are relentless combatants and friendly traders, with a emphasis placed on striving to be the best you can be in what ever you pursue. To help maintain the foundation that Forlorn Hope is built upon, members are required to live according to a set of tenants that will help define them, and strengthen the groups reputation amongst those who witness our actions. Finally, the members of the Forlorn hope are all encouraged to stand up for whats right, even when its the difficult thing to do.

  • »» Respect the members of the Forlorn Hope, for they are your family.
  • »» Humble in victory, Gracious in defeat. Let your skills speak for themselves, and seek to better yourself daily. A defeat is merely another lesson for you.
  • »» Fight hard, but fight for the right reasons. There is no dishonor in defending a noble cause, nor is there shame in championing a downtrodden cause that is righteous.
  • »» Integrity and honor. As long as you pilot your ship, let your word be true and do not falter to carry out your promises.

Rank System and Recruitment

The Forlorn Hope utilizes a democratic system in determining its future goals and its daily operations. All members of the group vote on matters, trivial and important alike, to determine the next course of action to be followed. For this reason there is no real ranking system to be found within Forlorn Hope, as all members are treated as equals. However, even amongst equals there must be leaders, if only to ensure direction and purpose are maintained. To this end the Knight Captains hold tiebreaker votes, and may veto undesirable courses of action, however this is not a privilege that is used lightly.
  • »» Knight Captains: The leaders of the Forlorn Hope, the Knight Captains vote on only the most important matters concerning the group and its well-being.
  • »» Knight: The majority of the Forlorn Hope are the Knights, which vote on almost every decision the group makes, driving it forward. The only issues the Knights do not vote on are those which require the guiding hand of the Knight Captains.


[Image: hszWB8n.png]
  • »» Crayter Republic
[Image: BafQ767.png]
  • »» Liberty Navy
  • »» Agency 404
[Image: yi8fFBP.png]
  • »» The Core
  • »» House Polices
  • »» House Navies
  • »» Liberty Corporations
  • »» The Council
  • »» Zoners
[Image: M5xBiT8.png]
  • »» The Inner Phalanx / Auxesia
  • »» Hellfire Legion
  • »» Bounty Hunter Guild
  • »» Junkers
  • »» Hogosha
  • »» Omicron Research Group
  • »» Everybody not mentioned
[Image: evqT6yu.png]
  • »» Bundschuh
  • »» Blood Dragons
  • »» Atrum Exercitus
  • »» Most unlawfuls
  • »» Gallic Corporations
  • »» The Order
[Image: 1tbBl0Y.png]
  • »» Gallic Navies & Police
  • »» Rogues
  • »» Outcasts
  • »» Lane Hackers
  • »» Zugaikotsu
  • »» KOA| (While flying in Liberty)
At war:
[Image: lU47LuJ.png]
  • »» Nomads
  • »» Wilde


As it stands, the Forlorn Hope is a relatively new organization, and can only claim a few completed operations at this point in time, however this is subject to change.
[Image: hXd6tKq.png]
  • »» OSI Scouting Job
    • ♦ Status: Complete
    • ♦ Hostiles Encountered: 1
    • ♦ Hostiles Terminated: 1

  • »» Nebula Complex Hauling Contract
    • ♦ Status: Complete
    • ♦ Supplies Hauled: 36000~
    • ♦ Complications Encountered: None
Last Words

Should you have any questions, requests, contracts or wish to attempt to enlist with Forlorn Hope, you can either attempt to get in contact with us through one of the Knight Captains: Nick Stenn, Elena Voigt, Sarah Fenn; Or you can address a comm to Forlorn Hope Command. If you wish to contact us in regards to recruitment, please fill in an application form Here, and wait to be processed.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Forlorn Hope Command

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Sombs - 03-04-2017

I was looking forward to see this. You have my blessings, keep up the good work! (sun)

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Foxglove - 03-04-2017

Looks pretty neat. The tag is a bit clunky, although I probably shouldn't be talking, given that I decided to go with Vagrant. for my faction. I haven't encountered you ingame, I believe, so I'll be reserving any further words for then.

Also, why are the chevrons under Jobs and Goals not colored while they are colored under the CoC and Diplomacy? (sun)

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Ice Princess - 03-04-2017

Keep up the great work and RP! (sun)

The night is not darker than the day, with you on my side.

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Eurobeat - 03-04-2017

Hi there!

Trenton Outpost is a Universal Shipping base. Personally I don't see a problem with your HQ being there(however I am not the only one to decide on that), but we would appreciate some RP as to having it set up on the base. Otherwise, great writeup and good luck!

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-04-2017

(03-04-2017, 11:12 PM)Eurobeat Wrote: Hi there!

Trenton Outpost is a Universal Shipping base. Personally I don't see a problem with your HQ being there(however I am not the only one to decide on that), but we would appreciate some RP as to having it set up on the base. Otherwise, great writeup and good luck!

When we say HQ, at the moment we mean, using our characters apartments as bases. However, with that said, we'll do some rp to fix that asap.

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-04-2017

(03-04-2017, 11:10 PM)Foxglove Wrote: Looks pretty neat. The tag is a bit clunky, although I probably shouldn't be talking, given that I decided to go with Vagrant. for my faction. I haven't encountered you ingame, I believe, so I'll be reserving any further words for then.

Also, why are the chevrons under Jobs and Goals not colored while they are colored under the CoC and Diplomacy? (sun)

I blame tired eyes, fixed Big Grin. Yea, the tags a tiny bit long, but we like the look of it. Hopefully you'll be seeing us soon in space Big Grin

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Eurobeat - 03-04-2017

(03-04-2017, 11:14 PM)Forlorn Hope Command Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 11:12 PM)Eurobeat Wrote: Hi there!

Trenton Outpost is a Universal Shipping base. Personally I don't see a problem with your HQ being there(however I am not the only one to decide on that), but we would appreciate some RP as to having it set up on the base. Otherwise, great writeup and good luck!

When we say HQ, at the moment we mean, using our characters apartments as bases. However, with that said, we'll do some rp to fix that asap.

That makes things much easier. In that case, think of it as making sure the owners know that business done by you won't be harmful to the base or their reputation.

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - sindroms - 03-04-2017

I am a bit concerned that this is very similar to an existing official FL ID group, the FLER.
If the trend for using generic factions for obtaining unlimited ZOIs and flexibility continues, we might need to amend the faction creation rules and the existing IDs sooner rather than later.

RE: The Forlorn Hope || Information and Feedback - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-04-2017

(03-04-2017, 11:45 PM)sindroms Wrote: I am a bit concerned that this is very similar to an existing official FL ID group, the FLER.
If the trend for using generic factions for obtaining unlimited ZOIs and flexibility continues, we might need to amend the faction creation rules and the existing IDs sooner rather than later.

We've had the same concern to be entirely honest, yet we cant decide on a different ID that offers the flexibility needed to work in a large ZOI while still being unaffiliated with a house or large corporation. If there is one we may have missed that still gives us operational flexibility and movement, we will gladly consider changing to it to avoid any problems.