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To: Liberty Law-Enforcement Entities | Subj: Joint Forces channel. No-Reply - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Law-Enforcement Entities | Subj: Joint Forces channel. No-Reply - Arbs - 03-05-2017


[Image: Flag-liberty.png]

The Republic of Liberty
Liberty Navy High Command

COMM ID: Liberty Navy High Command, No-Reply
TARGET ID: Liberty Law-Enforcement Entities
Subject: Joint Coordination channels.

To all Liberty Law-Enforcement entities,

The High Command has pushed for the creation of a join channel for the Liberty Forces. A decision which will lead to increased combat and operational efficiency. Participation in said project is voluntary.

The purpose of this channel is to create possibilities for more cooperation and closer communication between different branches of the Liberty Forces to allow for greater ease in exchange of information, operational details and other statementments.

In conjunction with said channel, a smiliar channel with the sole purpose of raising awareness in case of emergencies and important announcements has also been created.

Channel details will be attached in the attachment section bellow.

> General Channel: ::::::
> Emergency/Announcement Channel: ::::::

Best of regards,

Liberty Navy High Command


//post conatins skype join links

RE: To: Liberty Law-Enforcement Entities | Subj: Joint Forces channel. No-Reply - Arbs - 03-26-2017