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Gamblin' chips, n' losin' ships - Printable Version

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Gamblin' chips, n' losin' ships - jammi - 01-01-2009

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+++Recording log+++

Personal Entry: 01/01/817

Eurrgh, today has been one o' them days. The ones that sneak up on ya, then turn ya pockets out and run off with all yer cash.

Woke up with a hangover on Rochester, where someone had dumped me in a pilot's dorm. Some filthy Junker git was snoring nexta me, with a puddle'a puke between us. I felt pretty rough, so it coulda been either of ours.

Ne'ways, I got down to the dockin' bay to find m'ship was gone, an some grubby Starflyer was in it's place. I asked a few questions and waved my blaster about until someone told me I'd been drunk outa my skull last night and been betting re-eal heavy an had eventually lost my Bloodhound 'cos some crooked booky had rigged some cards.

Mmn, I'm gonna get the git as soon as I can, but until I could track him down I was left with the 'Flea. As I undocked, turns out he'd done me a favour seein' as there was a mob of Navy-boys hanging around outside, as well as a '=LSF=Gamma-6' or summin' like that. If they'd seen my trusty Bloodhound, I'd be back in Sugarland before I had a chance to say 'damn'.

Turns out the 'Flea was stock and was registered as a civilian ship, lettin' me slip away without em noticing. Heh, the trade lanes were even working for me. Had some trouble with steering the damn thing though... As I was passin' Manhattan, lost control and ploughed into some o' those Storage Depot things, an' managed to tear one'a my wings off.

Anyways, made it ta' the Badlands where ah started gettin' an emergeancy beacon signal comin' from the left hand side of the field. Went ta have a look about and found the Flint, which was a Mule or sumthin' like that. He'd been torn up pretty bad. Probably Navy or Bounty Hunters. Ne'ways, got a clamp on it and popped her open, and I swear, when that 'lil mooring corridor opened I gagged. Was like a month's worth of recycled air and bottled fart.

[Image: screen222-1.jpg]

Well, tha pilot was still alive 'n helped drag his cargo out the ship an into mine. Turns out I'd just snagged a tonne of Cardi, which I reckoned I could probably use to bribe flight control into giving me another ship. After we loaded up, I blew the guns of his ship and pulled em in too.

After that, set course to Buffalo and set off through the rocks, which was pretty rough. I'd already lost one wing an' some of them rocks got so close I nearly soiled myself. Or I may well have done. Can't really remember.

Once we got ta Buffalo, I chucked the Cardi to the deck mechanic and he sorted me a new Bloodhound after hauling the 'Flea off for scrappin'. After that, I flew out towards Pittsburgh, heading t'wards the particle cloud in the debris field to meet up with some buddies to go jump the lanes, n' maybe pop some DSE freighters.

Once we'd dropped the ring, coupla Patriots came hurtlin' out, an not wanting to stand on ceremony, all five of us jumped em before they could give us away. None of us want ta go back to Sugerland. I got em trussed up in my hold, an after that we got the freighters we wanted. All of us loaded up of the medicine we'd been after, then headed back towards Buffalo for drop off.

An' now I'm tired of gassin' at this 'lil recording box, so that's my log.

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Gamblin' chips, n' losin' ships - jammi - 01-03-2009

+++Neural Net link established+++
+++Recording log+++

Personal Entry:

Woke up this mornin' an set off for Rochester again with some o' that Cardimine some Outcasts had dropped off the night before to peddle ta them Junkers. Somehow they's manage to get it down ta Manhattan without gettin' caught. Them Junkers be slimey gits, but they gets the job done.

'Neways, after I landed, got sidetracked bettin' again an' managed to lose meself five K in credits. Then it was all fine 'cos I saw that bookie that stole my last ship, an' I broke his nose, so we're good now. Then some'o them Junkers got a bit annoyed with me, 'cos I broke their gamblin'-man's nose and tried to start on me, but I got the blaster out an' they backed off, so it was all good 'gain.

After that, got called back to Buffalo, but the LPI in-system had got wind that we was movin' supplies through and were on alert, so we had to take a re-eally long detour through the Detroit field, then in the Badlands through the Western half.

Got back 'ta Buffalo an' they bloody-well sent me off again to pick up more supplies from them Junk-ies in Texas, so I popped through the hole and got me some stuff then flew back. After that there weren't nuthin' to do, so I headed back over to Texas, an got jumped by some o' them Hunter scumbags, who ended up chasin' me towards the Peq-u-ena Negra, which was fulla them nasty rad's. 'Neways, them Hunter's weren't gonna risk their asses chassin' a Bloodhound through a dark matter coated asteroid field, an' that's not mentioning the Wolfhounds that appeared to crap em up, so they buggered off. I found one 'o them Hunter wrecks though.

I see to be magnets to them lost ships, right? Some bugger can't keep control of their ship an' crashes it, then boom! I find it! 'Neways, this one was one'a those Pirann-a-es - Hunter contraptions 'neways, called the Avenger. Ship computer reckoned it'd been there for a coupla years, 'n I didn't wanna see no skellingtons, so I didn' pop it, just blew the guns off and tractored in the scrap, 'n sold it to them Junk-ies on Beaumont.

[Image: screen228.jpg]

After that, headed over to California to meet up with them guys over at Alcatraz, 'cos it was the closest Rogue base, an' I need anti-rad pills, 'cos I'd been dosed on the stuff pretty bad when I was flying through that Peq-u-ena Negra.

'Neways, got there, popped some pills and ate some'o their slop an set off again. Just doin' the rounds - heading down towards Cali-Minor to pop some lanes, but I didn't catch nothin', although there was this one guy slaggin' off Lib-er-tee, so I gave him a piece 'o my mind an' vowed my Bloodhound's hunt 'im 'til me engines fell off. Which'd probably be sometime this morning unless I can get some tech-ies to hammer in some more nails.

So I continued up north through the Tahoe Cloud 'til I hit the Cortez jump hole, where I hopped through and went to go see the fella's at Mont-e-zuma. They got some pretty nice ships up there, Hyena or sumthin' like that. Heh, the only time I'll 'ave a ship like that's my dreams though. Pretty hefty price tag. I'd need a heist of the century to be able to afford one'o them things.

I'm tired of talkin' to this box again. Not like 'nones ever gonna hear this anyways.

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