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404 Plus One. - Printable Version

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404 Plus One. - Kaze - 03-15-2017

Office Foxtrot Alpha, Alpha Section, Fort Bragg
LIBCENTCOM, Planet Manhattan


Once again, the smoke trailed its path upwards in the motionless air. With a pull, the cigarette tip burned brightly, and she pushed the smoke out. The office did not changed much, most of the holo-photographs were still the same. More medals though. A new holo of Jones in a dreadnought bridge, sided with O'Brian. Kaze placed the cigarette in the ashtray and opened the lid of the coffee container and sipped some.

Sitting in one of the chairs, facing the Admiral's desk, her back was to the door as she continued to drink the black coffee and pulled her wrist-pad to check on a very special data-feed. Her brother still hadn't replied to her latest dead-drop, something she was expecting. Leaving Guadalajara was not easy for a man that had in his brain schematics upon schematics of the Legion tech, and never mind his already known penchant of following unsavoury ladies to unsavoury places.

But he had grown up, it seemed. It was evident in the last conversation in Ames. Tired as well. Although the news he brought were rather worrisome. As was Jones latest request.

On the dark maple wooden desk, three paper files waited for his hand. Coded of course, for whatever path she would choose, all basis would have to be covered. Denial or acceptance. Review or return. Putting the coffee away, she once again grabbed the cigarette, and took another pull of the sweet smoke. Exhaling, she looked at the watch and time kept on ticking. Every second beating as a hidden drum.

Every second, a step into the future.


RE: 404 Plus One. - Sonja - 03-16-2017

Next to enter was Christina Robinson, former Commodore of the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet. Now reduced somewhat to a pen-pushing role for Agency 404, she had nevertheless taken on what was, in essence, a secretarial role for the Agency's directorate. No longer as fit or as young as she once was, her declining performance in combat roles had forced her hand, as well as her arse, to swap the combat seat for an office chair.

As she opened the door without a knock, she noticed that Kaze Dagon had made it before her. How long before her was not relevant, for she did not like being beaten especially by people with such colourful and anti-Liberty histories as Kaze. Her eyes narrowed for a few moments as the already seated Kusari-featured lady turned to greet her, with what Christina could only interpret as a snide grin of superiority.

Taking a deep breath with her hand sliding the door closed behind her, she forced herself to remember that everyone in the room was, this time, on the same side. In about half a second, Christina convinced herself that she was seeing what she wanted to see based on her beliefs and suspicions. It was difficult to let go of the past, especially concerning someone who once possessed a bounty on their head from the Republic of Liberty even greater than that of the notorious Lane Hacker, Phate.

The door shut with a small click behind her and she began walking over to one of the spare seats next to Kaze, opposite the more opulent seat reserved for the Fleet Admiral.

"Hello Kaze. It seems we're a bit early, don't you think?"


RE: 404 Plus One. - Arbs - 03-17-2017

The smoke trail turned into a cloud, making visible the sun rays coming from the window. Same old office. Different rationale. Now with both, Robinson and Kaze, it was quite the recipe for conflict but things never went out of hand. Silent enough to hear the tick-tack, looking at the clock Kaze would notice that the Admiral's Dress jacket and screen cap were still hanging there. He wasn't far. Just a few offices and a hallway away, passing something down for Admiral Reaser to handle, picking up some folders and papers, and making some hot coffee.

As Alan was walking down the hallway he anticipated the clock to be close to hitting 1200 hours and was left wondering whether they had already made it to his office. It was an interesting situation to be into. Robinson on one hand was a once pertinent officer of the Primary Fleet, one of the few still around from her time. Alan held her in rather high regard. Kaze on the other hand had a mercenary past, antagonizing the Liberty forces. Now making worthwhile probably her one chance at redemption. Jones only had only so many encounters with the Reavers before they went off the map. Couldn't call any of them pleasant. Robinson probably had a much more fair share of it and the past mercenary wars.

Nonetheless now everyone was in the same side. Shared goals and mission were now bringing them together and making up despite the "small" differences. Funny how things change.

Finally at the door, he could hear Robinson's voice coming from inside but not what she was saying. Lowering the handle and with a little push the door opened. Pausing for a second as his gaze caught the two agents. He turned around and audibly closed the door.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Alan smiled with a small smirk as he put the freshly brewn coffee on the Desk close to the guests and slammed the papers on the other corner of the desk before taking a seat. "Make yourselves comfortable." He Leaned back on the chair, fixed his collar and supported his arms in the chair's armrests.

Robinson was rather a special guest. "Great to have you here Robinson." He nodded moving his attention to Kaze. "And welcome back Kaze."


RE: 404 Plus One. - Kaze - 03-17-2017

Kaze nodded at the greeting and shook her coffee cup as a signal she was already served. Putting the cigar out on the ashtray, Kaze started to talk.

"Good day. Why I am certain you both understand the necessity of this meeting, and since I do hate to waste our time, I will cut this short. I am here to put both you and Ms. Robinson on the same level of knowledge regarding all my operations under the 404 Agency and the ESRD. To what end? To prevent any future misunderstandings that I was certain that would come up, if this step was not taken. But first..."

Rising from her seat and taking a step towards the admiral's desk, her bionic hand grabbed hold the three paper folders that she had previously left. Jones raised his eyebrow on the why she was removing papers from his desk.

"In here, coded of course, is a summary of the background of three Reavers, their most prominent members in the past five years, as requested. More... " She said raising them, and distributing one to each of them. Kaze then sat once again in her seat.
"More is impossible. Their databases are locked and the security above par. Nothing can be copied to a local or extra-net location. I managed to get these by recording them." Her bionic hands taps near her right eye.

Jones and Robinson opened the files and all they saw was gibberish, aching to a Rorschach test with letters and random dabs of black ink. Robinson, obviously annoyed, looked at Kaze, that had already a small pair of spectacles in her hand. Robinson was granted one and Kaze delivered the another to Jones. As they looked at the files through the spectacles, the gibberish transformed itself into a file with a personal picture and details.

"In there, you have the background files of color code Cerulean, current owner of the Reaver Mercenary Company, Sangria, the previous owner, and Silver, whom we all know. Do mind the data is slightly outdated, but as background files go, they are solid. The Company prized itself by having all the information needed for any situation."

Sitting dow, she crossed her legs, and looked at both. As she kept talking, she lit another cigarette and exhaled the smoke.

"The Company is active once again, with Cerulean in the lead and Silver acting as a regular, for what I have gathered. They were last spotted in the Omicrons in the Outcast/Corsair front in Xi, collecting bounties on both sides. Current contractors, unknown. There is one development I only found out yesterday. Silver has a child now. I am still looking to find out who the father is. Their resurgence is somewhat troubling due to the Company's proclivity to tip the scales in whatever engagements they find themselves into. Their current strength is nothing comparable to the past however, but that is a mistake many made and many still do. So I do advise against any sort of assumptions regarding the Reavers."

Opening and closing her bionic hand, she finished.

"If you have any questions, do ask."


RE: 404 Plus One. - Arbs - 04-01-2017

Upon being handed the files, Alan tested the ink blots under the reflection of the light. Just a lot of random letters and words nothing more and nothing less. Now with the spectacles it was almost magic. Everything was decrypted and provided accurate information. Jones raised his head again, looking at kaze with an impressed look.

"Great find Kaze. It's good to know who you're bound to deal with."

Alan unfolds a few of the files to look at the rest as well. Going through them on a brief look to see what's included, he took the spectacles off and put the files back on the table.

"Impressive nonetheless. I did receive reports from the ESRD team allocated in Bretonia about their resurgence. My agents were a bit, more persuasive than I'd like them to, but nonetheless they created an environment fit for dealing with the Reavers."

Leaning in on the desk and taking a deep breath he continued.

"Technically what the ESRD directorate was suggesting is exploiting their expertise and keeping them occupied and outside of Liberty. At a certain cost that is, of course. But on the other hand it keeps them from being our problem and having to put our men on the line."

Following that Alan moved his attention to Robinson.

"Now of course something like that is the kind of action that gets publicly denied. And you know how that goes. If you have to deny the action, it is a crap action." After a brief pause he continued. "And I'm not exactly fond of these kind of decisions. Any thoughts Robinson?"