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Technology and Shipyard Hire - Register as reply - Printable Version

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Technology and Shipyard Hire - Register as reply - The Syndicate Leagues - 03-15-2017

[Image: WDfTf5j.png]

Die Reichsarbeitergesellschaft der Alster Technology and Shipyard licensing.


All requests to purchase, of have manufactured, Unioner proprietary technology by non-Unioner groups are to transmitted here. This pertains to all space-borne hardware of Unioner manufacture, including guns, turrets, and ships. Union cells are exempt from this registry. Shipyard space aboard Pacifica may also be purchased for non-Union associated technology.

Abuse of Unioner technology or Shipyard licences to compromise Unioner assets and operations will result in an immediate Sirius wide 30.000000 credit bounty, immediate hostilities between yourself and any organisation you represent, and the cessation of any further purchase rights.

All vessels and equipment are available to purchase by all parties of true neutral reputation or higher. Hostile parties are barred from registry.

No discounts. No refunds.

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - open to all. - The Syndicate Leagues - 03-15-2017

1.0 Munitions licences.

All purchases of Unioner specific ship mounted ordinance are to be purchased here. Technological incompatibilities are to be worked through with the end user, or through the purchase of Unioner shipyard space.

To be considered for licence, you must answer the following questions in a manner the Union deems satisfactory. Off the cuff, fast remarks will be rejected out of hand. You are expected to respond in detail. The larger the munitions, the more detail you will have to provide.

Weapons are priced as follows:

Fighter cannons: 1.000000 SC per unit, all primaries.

Gunboat cannons: 2.000000 SC per unit (unavailable till further notice)

Cruiser cannons: 5.000000 SC per unit (unavailable till further notice)

Questions are as follows:

Who are you? Who do you represent?

What are you relations to the Unioners?

For what ship(s) are the munitions intended?

Why do you want the munitions?

To what use will the munitions be put?

Describe the consequences of using the vessel abusively.

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - open to all. - The Syndicate Leagues - 03-15-2017

1.1 Spacecraft licences.

All purchase of Unioner vessels are to be done here. Technological incompatibilities are to be worked through with the end user, or through the purchase of Unioner shipyard space.

To be considered for licence, you must answer the following questions in a manner the Union deems satisfactory. Off the cuff, fast remarks will be rejected out of hand. You are expected to respond in detail. The larger the munitions, the more detail you will have to provide.

Any individual may only purchase a max of a single cruiser per month, and/or three fighters, with the exception of the Corsairs, who may purchase any number, at any time. This is to prevent any interruption of normal shipyard operations.

Vessels are priced as follows:

Arbeiter Very Heavy Fighter and Solidaritat Strike Bomber: 20.000000 SC.

‘Hel’ Light Cruiser: 500.000000 SC.

Questions are as follows:

Who are you? Who do you represent?

What are you relations to the Unioners?

Why do you want the ship?

To what use will the ship be put?

Describe the consequences of using the vessel abusively.

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - open to all. - The Syndicate Leagues - 03-15-2017

2.0 Unique Ship Construction and Reactor Repair

Mooring space on Pacifica shipyard may be purchased for any reason - including the production of unique spacecraft, or the refit of existing spacecraft to remove technological incompatibilities, or to repair long-lasting damage to a salvaged or stolen vessel’s power core. The shipyard can accommodate vessels of any size, from fighters to transports to battleships. However, customers are restricted to refit space for a max of one spacecraft per individual, regardless of size or class. In addition, customers are only purchasing the hardware, manpower and location to modify their vessel - the Union will not do your work for you, and you are expected to administrate and dedicate time towards your own vessel modifications.

Prospective customers are expected to answer with an exceptionally high level of detail when purchasing shipyard space.

Shipyard services are priced as follows:

One shipyard gantry for refits and repairs: 250.000000 SC.

One shipyard gantry and the expertise of Unioner engineers for the manufacture of a unique spacecraft: 2.000.000000 SC.

Questions are as follows:

Who are you? Who do you represent?

What are you relations to the Unioners?

Why do you want the ship?

To what use will the ship be put?

Describe the consequences of using the vessel abusively.

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - open to all. - eigos - 03-15-2017

[Image: jezdqyZ.jpg]
Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

To: The Unioners
Subject: [Facility Rental]
Priority: █ █ █ ▒ ▒
Encryption: [ECS Cipher]

Planet Curacao, Cortez

Meine Damen und Herren of the Reichsarbeitergesellschaft,

I have just been notified of your advert, as I was browsing for a suitable place to crash at, as close to Rheinland as possible. If luck was a commodity, then indeed, I must have been born quite rich! Allow me to introduce myself - I am Kadego Sudrossa - Entrepreneur by trade and Grease-monkey in my spare time... because the latter doesn't pay nearly enough as the first *laughs*.

But seriously - I know a good deal when I see one. I am digging your offer on purchasing a shipyard dock, priced more than fairly at $250,000,000 credits! It is almost too good to be true, not to mention the view across good ol' Bering... love that place. Used to fly there during my "export" years.

That's all well and good, so let us see if I can comply to your request for detailed personal information. First and foremost, I consider myself a Freelancer and as such, I do not represent anyone but myself. I have not had any interaction with members of the Reichsarbeitergesellschaft thus far, but I have had some contacts back in Kreuzberg Depot with members of the old Alster Union. Names and organisations may change, but I know one thing for a fact - the hard-working guys always speak the same language as me.

A little background of mine - I am of a mixed Hispanic/Rheinlandic origin, born in New Berlin, worked in Kreuzberg for a short period as a "courier", handling cargo toward Rochester in New York. If you want to check that, be sure to type in my father's name - Uli Eickmeyer. Should be in Kreuzberg's personnel logs.
I have also lived on planet Malta for a couple of years, as I got in touch with some relatives on my mother's side there. That was the place where I fell in love with the engineering side of things, under the tutelage of one of the legends in this field.

In the past year, I have taken on freelancing as my way of living. Whether it be hauling cargo, the odd security job or a simple tech trade-in for money - I do it all. I have read upon the rules and regulations of your organization and have found no conflict with what I do. I would consider myself on friendly terms with the Junker Congress and keep a great distance away from Xenos. I do not hate them, but for unknown reasons, they hate me... go figure.

So there's that! If you have any further questions, objections, suggestions or anything - this channel is always open.
Looking forward to your reply!

Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - Register as reply - Enkidu - 03-17-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: Civ4FAE.jpg?1]

To: Kadego
From: Vulkan
Subject: Gantry purchase

Your maltese half-breeding is of concern, however, we have no reason to doubt your conduct. No Sudarossa has slighted the directorate, if the record is true. Fortunate.

If you are as technically capable as you project yourself, then we see no concerns in providing you with our tooling.

We have no arbitrage of Congressional records, but the surname Eikmeyer evokes fourteen strikes in Union flightlogs and neuralnet records. What research we have found is positive - we have no incentive for doubt.

A Maltese engineer will find borderworlds tooling within Pacifica's inventory. It is generationally dated - war with Hessians has decreased availability. However, our repair arms will be sufficient to manage present generation hardware under oversight.

Provide a description, in detail, of the vessel to be serviced, and provide varifiable neuralnet record of a 250.000000 Sirian Credit transfer to the UN|Bank , and gantry Cäsar one will be made available. These are the terms of use.

Show my iron only love, foreigner, and you shall have your service bay.

From dead earth, life.

Master of the nanoforge, Bering.

Transmission Ended

RE: Technology and Shipyard Hire - Register as reply - eigos - 03-17-2017

[Image: jezdqyZ.jpg]
Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

To: The Unioners
Subject: [Facility Rental]
Priority: █ █ █ ▒ ▒
Encryption: [ECS Cipher]

Planet Curacao, Cortez

It is a good day to do business... *he grins, leaning back on his seat*

The money transfer is complete through a secure gateway and you may find it on your neuralnet by the time the transmission reaches you.

[Image: 2kKwYVW.png]

Now let's get to the fun part. You wanna see it in all its glory, right? I've got just the thing, hold on.... *he is typing something*
There we go... files are attached. Open them up and check out my pimped-out galley of justice!

A pleasure doing business with you and remember - if you see something about that size, flying about in Bering - don't shoot! It's me. *he laughs*

Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

File Transfer Complete:...(View in 3D)
[Image: RcWj8]