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To the Leadership of LSF and Liberty Government - Printable Version

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To the Leadership of LSF and Liberty Government - Zelot - 01-02-2009

To: LSF Leadership
From: Minister Ze'ev Barak, Kusari Parliament
CC: LN Admiralty, Liberty Ambassador to Kusari, Libertonian State Department
Re: LSF operations in Kusari


I received reports of an LSF operative in Kusari tonight. This ship has unlawfully violated Kusari space, disregarding any treaty obligations between our two nations. This is just another blatant example of the crowning encroachment into Kusari of Liberty, using unfair trade practices and now we uncover covert LSF operations in Kusari space. This is an act against the sovereignty of Kusari, and we demand a prompt explanation of these activities.

Tonight, one of your Raven Claws, carrying an LSF ID and Tag with the name of =Chris.K.J= was found operating in Kyushu and disregarded calls to stop. My intelligence reports indicate that this is a LSF operative that is very active in New York and should be known by the leadership of the Liberty Navy and LSF. As such, we demand a full and unedited report on why this operative was operating in Kusari space.

Minister Ze'ev Barak, Kusari Parliament
Taishi of the Farmers Party Political Committee

To the Leadership of LSF and Liberty Government - Zelot - 01-03-2009


Ah, just another example of the disdain that Liberty officials hold the Kusari government in. While I may not be the Emperor himself, I am a member of the Kusari government, and as such would think that I am deserving of an answer. If this is how you treat the proud Kusari people, I would not be surprised to see us side with the Rhinelander's in your growing conflict. My friends you reap the seeds you sew.

Minister Ze'ev Barak

To the Leadership of LSF and Liberty Government - Asgardian - 01-03-2009

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Navy and LSF command are extremely busy with other matters at the moment. I cannot comment on why the LSF operative was in Kyushu, however I am confident he was not following direct orders from either LSF or Navy High Command. =Chris.K.J= is a LSF independent operative. Being merely a Lt. Commander, I do not have sufficient clearance to access this agent's movements to ascertain whether or not he is a rogue agent.

I assure you I will contact my superiors, and this mess can all be sorted out.

Lt. Commander Jack Malrone

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