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To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - Printable Version

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To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - DraconAUT - 03-20-2017

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Difficult
Origin: Bretonia, New London, Southhampton Shipyard
ID: Captain John Armada
Subject: Bretonia Expediatory Assignment

Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen of the BAF High Command!

I just wanted to inform you that, by order of Admiral Sader of the Liberty Navy's 5th Fleet, I have been assigned to the Bretonia Expediatory fleet and stationated on Southhampton Shipyard, to assist your and our forces against the Gallic threat.

With this assignment I have moored and docked following ships upon Southhampton Shipyard:

"Archer" Siege Cruiser

"Upholder" Bomber

"Guardian" Very Heavy Fighter

"Liberator" Light Fighter

Should you have any questions regarding this, feel free to ask me or Admiral Sader.


CPT John Armada
Liberty Navy's 5th Fleet

RE: To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - Thunderer - 03-21-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Boston
To: Captain John Armada, 5th LN Fleet
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Dear ally,

We have received your message. Welcome to Bretonia.

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - DraconAUT - 03-23-2017

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Difficult
Origin: Bretonia, New London, Southhampton Shipyard
ID: Captain John Armada
Subject: Duties, rights and permissions.

Sir Hall,

thank you for welcoming to your home space.

I would like to request a list for my duties and permissions, while I am stationed in your home.
It is my first time of being on an expediatory assignment and I wouldn't really want to make mistakes by taking permissions and rights to do deeds and tasks, as well as to enter areas, I am not supposed to do so.

The 5th Fleet's High Command has instructed me to just follow the Laws of the Kingdom of Bretonia, which is a natural thing to do, of course, but is there anything else I should be aware of?
Such as enforcing the Law of Bretonia, including taking care of criminals, enemies of Bretonia, smugglers and civilians who missbehave?


CPT John Armada
Liberty Navy's 5th Fleet

RE: To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - Thunderer - 03-24-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Boston
To: Captain John Armada, 5th LN Fleet
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF

Dear ally,

You have been instructed correctly, but I would like to rephrase it.
You should follow the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, but you should not enforce it, unless our own law enforcement requests help. The main reason why you are here is military reinforcement against already proven enemies of the Kingdom of Bretonia, external and internal.

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: BAF| High Command || From: Captain John Armada - DraconAUT - 03-24-2017

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Difficult
Origin: Bretonia, New London, Southhampton Shipyard
ID: Captain John Armada
Subject: Duties, rights and permissions.

Sir Hall,

thank you for your swift reply.

The instructions of both, you and my High Command are clear, understood.
As there are no further questions, I shall let you attend to more important tasks and duties.


CPT John Armada
Liberty Navy's 5th Fleet