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Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Unseelie - 01-02-2009

Right, soo, I've a blanket bounty out on all corsairs. That is posted here! Theres also one on the MR. These groups are the only groups who have pirated me since I came back. In the past, I simply bountied people who had pirated me, but I found in two instances that the corsairs I bountied immediatly changed their names, hence, the blanket on every corsair.

Previously, I found the Outcasts, the dragons, the UoG, bounty hunters, the AW, and other assorted Freelancers cashing in on my bounties every day....but since I returned, I've had to pay out money only once. In light of the new restrictions on the BHG, I would have expected that they be all over the corsairs, but I've found...Well, to my disgust, if I happen to be smuggling, they're all over me, but whenever I'm pirated, they're nowhere to be found, yet I'm quite willing to pay them for that snatch of PVP I'm sure they'd enjoy, and can't otherwise recieve.

Sooo, I'm wondering, what, exactly, am I doing wrong? Is it just that none of them are aware? Are my 2-5 million recurring bounties not enough(I had rather thought that offering the bored BHG a chance at PVP and a reward would get them out in force) Seriously, what is up?

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - kindred - 01-02-2009

I fear the problem is you don't understand 70%-80% of bounty hunters.
Your bounty post for example.

The tile screams of intellectuality, virtual kryptonite to most BH's so only S/D and a few others visit.
Try instead:
Open Bounty on Corsair and Molly Pirates $<total amount>Million paid so far

The bounties themselves, there are no restrictions. Given the proper backlash BHG pilots have
received for the BH BC ways you might want to make a few things clear.
Try instead:

Benitez, OPG, and TBH/[+] Tagged Fighter and Bomber Class Ships - 4 Million Credits each
Must be collected in Gunboat class or smaller, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

Benitez, OPG, and TBH/[+] Tagged Gunboat, Cruiser and Battleships - 6 Million Credits each
Can be collected in any class vessel, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

All other Corsairs using a Corsair ID - Fighter and Bomber Class Ships - 3 Million Credits each
Must be collected in Gunboat class or smaller, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

All other Corsairs using a Corsair ID
- Gunboat, Cruiser and Battleships - 5 Million Credits each
Can be collected in any class vessel, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

Visual proof of ID and Death msg from onboard camera required for payment.

You get the drift, everytime someone collects a bounty post a payment confirmation. That will keep bumping the thread.
Don't use colors, use bold highlights carefully placed instead for visual appeal. Due to different forum themes, colors can hide parts of your post.
Whenever the thread reaches a few pages long ask a admin or forum moderator to clean it up a bit.
Hope that helps, kthxbai.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - zeinstruktor - 01-02-2009

I'm pretty sure nobody's aware of it.

Expect Breen to be cashing in fairly soon.

EDIT: And yes, changing the title would help tremendously.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Unseelie - 01-02-2009

' Wrote:I fear the problem is you don't understand 70%-80% of bounty hunters.
Your bounty post for example.

The tile screams of intellectuality, virtual kryptonite to most BH's so only S/D and a few others visit.
Try instead:
Open Bounty on Corsair and Molly Pirates $<total amount>Million paid so far
Will be changing the title a bit.
Quote:The bounties themselves, there are no restrictions. Given the proper backlash BHG pilots have
received for the BH BC ways you might want to make a few things clear.
Try instead:

Benitez, OPG, and TBH/[+] Tagged Fighter and Bomber Class Ships - 4 Million Credits each
Must be collected in Gunboat class or smaller, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

Benitez, OPG, and TBH/[+] Tagged Gunboat, Cruiser and Battleships - 6 Million Credits each
Can be collected in any class vessel, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland
All other Corsairs using a Corsair ID - Fighter and Bomber Class Ships - 3 Million Credits each
Must be collected in Gunboat class or smaller, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

All other Corsairs using a Corsair ID
- Gunboat, Cruiser and Battleships - 5 Million Credits each
Can be collected in any class vessel, Omicrons, Bretonia, Rheinland

Visual proof of ID and Death msg from onboard camera required for payment.
I want them dead, anywhere they are. Because, I trade in a lot of places (and, though its only my semilawful bretonian magnate doing the bountieing, I want the protection on all my characters, as the money is in a single bank area.) Moreover, I've no problem with a BHG BC killing an M26. Its much the same as a M26 killing a transport. Though, if I hear theres been a real breach of decency, such as battleships killing fighters, or gunships killing underlevels, I will be quite willing to blacklist the character.
Quote:You get the drift, everytime someone collects a bounty post a payment confirmation. That will keep bumping the thread.
Don't use colors, use bold highlights carefully placed instead for visual appeal. Due to different forum themes, colors can hide parts of your post.
Whenever the thread reaches a few pages long ask a admin or forum moderator to clean it up a bit.
Hope that helps, kthxbai.
That thread is, I believe, the oldest thread in the employment office, as it dates back to 2007. Its a few pages long because what's there is a large number of RP replies to it. The actual bounty payments are deleted, and hundreds of them have been. As you've pointed out, it is not getting bumped, because no one is taking the bounties..I'll bump it myself, and, though it hurts me, dumb down the title and initial post.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Zig - 01-03-2009

I wasn't actually aware this bounty was still extant, as, like you yourself admitted, it's been a while since either a claim was submitted or a payment made. Mason & Spencer'll get right on that... just as soon as I've reinstalled Freelancer on this snazzy new computer of mine.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Primus Avatar - 01-03-2009

can freelancers and indie pirates try and collect the bounty too?

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Kambei - 01-03-2009

Use plain english... pictures are good idea too:D

[Image: gunbb1.jpg]

also pay to BC for death of titan isnt good and fair but you can write something like

"bounties aviable for gunboat and lower class of vessels"


"bounties for destroyed gunboats aviable for battlecruisers too"

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - carlabrams - 01-03-2009

Well, the S/D is aware of this bounty - it's part of our regular operations manual.

I know we've TRIED several times to collect both this bounty and the one on the Molly's - and there's been some great combats that have resulted from it - but then either we're the ones that got toasted, or it was a draw when the other side ran.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Tic - 01-03-2009

To make it even simpler...

[Image: gunbb1lw8.jpg]

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - roadrunner - 01-03-2009

Unsielie or what your name is.
Just like that idiotick trader that put a bounty on all Corsairs in Gamma.
I will tell you this- IF this end up having a backdraft towards us traders that helps Corsairs, then be ready to look over you shoulders for those we will hire to justify our loss.

Roadrunner out.