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Das Wilde - Das Wilde Wesen - 01-02-2009

[Image: 3uM4S52.png]

The Wild - Official Faction Status

The information in the following document has been collected by Order scientists and field Agents alike. Its purpose is to give a more in depth view on the mostly unknown danger of Nomad infected humans.

Brief History Overview

After being unmasked in the Nomad War, the infested Rheinland fleet began to push furiously towards Kusari in an all out war against mankind. Their full brunt of the attack was met by the uninfested elements of the Kusari Naval Forces, who barely managed to beat back the massive invasion fleet in the space above New Tokyo. Reeling from this defeat, the Rheinland fleet returned home, where they were met by the Bundschuh, uninfested Rheinland Military forces, and the Order. At the final battle in New Berlin, Wilde central node Grosseadmiral Ernst von Scheck was killed and his flagship, the Fafnir, destroyed.

The few remaining snub squadrons, gunboats, and cruisers, along with a single battleship slipped away into the Sigmas, dogged by Order forces until the Wilde somehow managed to destroy a jumphole behind them, cutting off further pursuit. Their fate is unknown. But silently, in shadow, Das Wilde have spread and are gathering humans, ships, and materials.

[Image: Alfred_v.Tirpitz_1915.png]
Former Grosseadmiral Ernst von Scheck (670-804, possessed 800) was the key to the Nomad infestation of Rheinland.
Through him, they managed to infect the Kanzler himself.

General Overview

The term ‘Wild’ applies to every nomad infected human within the colonies. They are supposed to be a part of the Nomads collective consciousness, the mindshare, using their disguise to spread fear and distrust within the human society. While they do belong to the mindshare, scientists also assume that they follow their own plans and tactics to achieve largely unknown goals.

From the outside, there is little to no difference between the Wild and normal humans. After a time of familiarization the Incubus is able to control its host well enough to avoid any suspicion. Leading scientists also speculate that some hosts are willing servants of the Incubus, a fact that might allow the Incubus to let the human act on its own, without the risk of detection. It appears to be noteworthy that every attempt at removal of an Incubus has resulted in the death of both the Incubus and the human host.

The Wild are capable of speaking and acting as far as their human vocal cords allow, limited also by genetic accent and physiology. They appear to be capable of fluently speaking all human languages due to extensive knowledge of such languages in the Nomad psychic collective. The Wild do not possess a primary language, due to being part of the Nomad Mindshare and the ease in communication offered by it, they only have to transmit pure feelings not filtered through the refinery of knowledge. Through the advanced understanding of human psychology the Nomads possess, the Wild have been able to masterfully manipulate numerous uninfected humans into doing their bidding.

Covert Wild do not often advertise their nature to humans, for obvious reasons. They typically communicate as mysterious shadowy figures, or infiltrate criminal organizations such as they did with the Red Hessians or the Bundschuh in the past. They are masters in using their disguise to accomplish their goals.

There have been a few traces of covert Wild activity after the Nomad War, however none of these instances have been definitively linked to Wild operations. The more notable activities have been dealings with ALG's shipping division for unknown reasons, possibly for those of biological warfare. The Wild also appeared to be involved into battles around the Heavens Gate base in Kusari and the short war between Bretonia and Rheinland in the Omega systems.

Due to their access to the Mindshare, Wild are capable of expertly hacking computer systems at a level unparalleled even by Lane Hackers. This appears to allow them to create their own credits, making overall financial standing among humans merely a matter of plausibility and monetary value.

[Image: ISFJI9y.jpg]
A Rheinland gunboat undergoes repairs at a hidden shipyard

Medical Explanation of the Infection Process:

The source of the nomad incubi, in the state that might be referred to as a seed, is a nomad tissue produced by grown up nomad incubies. It is brought into the host body by a mouth to mouth infection. There are two different parts of the seed that can be distinguished - the cover which is made by human-like epithelium, and the core consisting of pure nomad tissue of unknown composition. The “seed” passes through the esophagus to the stomach, where the capsule gets digested by the gastric juices. The nomad tissue on the inside is acid resistant and passes to the duodenum. On its passage through the bowel, the nomad tissue is absorbed into the nearby human host tissue by mechanisms we yet have to understand.

As with all non-human materials within a human body, the nomad tissue provokes a strong immune system reaction, and the infected may feel sick and lose consciousness. At first, particles of the nomad tissue are released. Their mobility is increased by cytokines which induce their movement. The cells released from the nomad tissue then move towards the closest blood vessels. Their advance through human tissue is assured by the synthesis of proteolytic enzymes. After a relatively short period of time the nomad cells are getting into the blood system. They leave the circulatory system shortly after, minimising the risk of being destroyed by the macrophages and lymphocytes of the hosts immune system, just like most bacteria would. In a very similar fashion to human metastases, the nomad cells are captured mainly within the liver and lungs. Through the venous circulation the nomad tissue grows and is transported to the heart and brain. This is a very fast process, often happening within a few hours of infection, usually, but certainly not always while the infected is still unconscious.

After the infection has spread to the spine, the person should be called a Wild, as anything that once made it human is about to disappear. Upon its arrival at the spine most of the nomad cells reproduce and expand along the central nervous system, heading towards the brain stem. This process usually takes not much more than one or two hours, depending on the host’s physique. Once the Nomad tissue reaches the brain stem, the host’s body is fully controlled by the nomad tissue which infects most parts of the host’s ‘control centers’. The goal of the infection is to gain complete control of the body as swiftly as possible. Once said control has been gained, all other physiological functions are modified to accept the nomad tissue. Through this time the host is vulnerable to infections and all kinds of disease as its whole immune system is being adapted to accept the Nomad cells as the body’s own.

The growth and spread of nomad tissue from the seed is assured by its genetic code, but total control of the body can be only acquired once the nomad tissue inside the host is connected to the mindshare. This usually happens after the bodily functions have been largely adapted to the Incubus’ needs. Once the connection to the mindshare has been established the body is fully controlled by the nomads, with no chance to return to its previous, human state. However, the infectee is not able to use its full potential as the nomad tissue is required to expand through many other important parts of the body in order to achieve a perfect coordination of the human’s abilities. This process usually takes a few days, up to a few weeks.

[Image: Jcq1JCZ.jpg]
The Rheinland Chancellor attempts to infect President Jacobi

The Current Spread of Infection Within the Colonies:

Apart from the Nomad infected humans within Kusari, which are not part of this research, there appear to be three different main groups of infected humans within the Colonies, mostly spreading their influence over one of the houses and their surroundings:

Wild basing from within the Rheinland or Omega area are better known as ‘Das Wilde’.
This subgroups supposed area of operating appears to include Rheinland, Bretonia, the Sigmas and the Omicrons

This group of Wild consists mostly of Rheinland soldiers and Police Officers. The biggest part of them appears to belong to the remnants of the Nomad War, even though there have been reports of more soldiers going missing within the deep Omega systems over the years. This group of Wild seems to be the most aggressive and openly acting one, utilizing terror strikes on unsuspecting Rheinlanders whenever possible. Within the last years, ships that formerly belonged to other Rheinland groups, such as the LWB, the Hessians and the Unioners have been spotted within the forces of Das Wilde. These sightings show that the influence of Das Wilde has been spreading further and further over the years, making another large scale attack, similar to the ones happening to the time of the Nomad war, everything but impossible.

Das Wilde has been seen using the following technology:

Rheinland Military and Police vessels and weaponry. It is believed they even have been able to get a whole Cruiser Class vessel under their control.

Rheinland civilian vessels and transports, which have been seen only rarely, leaving their purpose unknown.

A small number of Hessian, LWB and Unioner vessels, which appear to be spoils of war or signs of infiltration within these groups - a question that cannot be answered without further knowledge of the security measurements within these groups.


Another group of Wild appear to be based from Bretonia and the Tau area. BIS agents that first came into contact with these gave them the name ‘Sluagh Sidhe’. They seem to operate primarily within Bretonian core and border space, as well as the Independent systems surrounding it.

Reports of Wild activity within the Kingdom of Bretonia have only recently started. Increased reports seem to coincide with a cataclysmic event in the deep Omegas. It can only be assumed that infection within Bretonia is recent, or that it has happened undercover, giving the Wild a long time to prepare their actions within this area. The latter option appears the more probable due to the chaotic nature of war. The Wild could easily work on their own goals, using the dense net of bureaucracy within Bretonia as perfect cover. The Nomad related research within the Newcastle system might have given them a perfect opportunity to do so.

The Sluagh Sidhe have been seen using the following technology:

Bretonian Military and Police vessels and weaponry.

It is notable that until now there have been no confirmed sightings of Bretonian Civilian or criminal vessels under Wild control. This however does not mean that the infection within these groups has not started to spread.


There have not been any reports of Wild activity within Liberty since the end of the Nomad War. However, due to Liberty’s secret research activities within the Omicron systems, it is unlikely that there are no Infectees in this part of Sirius. It should be noted that the Special Forces of the Hellfire Legion claim to have evidence that several - especially high-ranked military officers - had suffered infection. Their sources say that these individuals refer to themselves as 'Division 9' and work in the background only. So far nobody else can confirm this and the Liberty Government declines all knowledge.

All operate within the Omicron systems, should the Mindshare demand their help in this area. They seem to have infiltrated other, independent groups in this area as well, especially groups like the Bounty Hunters Guild, Corsairs and Zoners. Even the Order have to fear infection spreading within their ranks.

The far spread rumors of Order agents with an immunity against mind assaults is only a placebo for young Order trainees, told by their instructors in hope of raising their self-confidence during combat. In reality, humanity has yet not found any method to successfully counteract an infestation or temporary mind controlling. Every human connection to the mindshare leaves significant trauma inside the human psyche, making it more vulnerable to another attack. The human mind is unable to process all the information reaching it from the depths of the mindshare, so a direct contact often causes temporary unconsciousness if exposed for too long. It is known that some of the senior Order agents sometime feel an incoming attack due to a previous interaction, but scientists have not find a way to explain this effect yet.

[Image: 5aSPHmy.jpg]
A Nomad infested Rheinland Gunboat fires upon an unlucky target

Technological Information:

The Wild have created a vast amount of deadly weaponry. Utilizing the knowledge gained from human made weapons, and their own knowledge about Nomad energy sources and technology, has allowed them to create destructive equipment, which until now can not be matched by anything human made.

The most noteworthy Wild weapon appears to be the ‘Scorpion’ Combat Drone, an unmanned vessel spreading death and destruction wherever it is seen. Even though scientists have tried to understand the way it works, they were only able to confirm the fact that this drone is made from organic tissue. They have been unable to interpret any data received from the few small pieces of tissue they could examine.

Recent studies claim to have found a connection between Wild activity within the Omega systems and the cataclysmic events that could be measured in this region with state of the art technology. The creators of these studies did not, however, find any definitive evidence to back up their speculations.

Known Wilde Operating Behavior

Primary Targets
Rheinland and Bretonia lawfuls
The Order
Red Hessians
Civilian targets of opportunity

Secondary Targets
Everyone Else

Mindshare Members


The Angels


Das Wilde is an invite only faction. This means that you must specifically be invited by a Das Wilde faction member in order to be able to join. We are currently not accepting unsolicited stories from anyone.


1) InRP at all times while ingame
2) Stay alive if you can, we have limited resources
3) Space is dangerous, and we are one of the pre-eminent reasons why it is dangerous. But no griefing.
4) Don't abuse cloaks
5) Don't reply to forum threads about us
6) Scorpion Gunboats must always have a Wilde.Name format, other ship names can be at a player's discretion

Faction Feedback

If you have any comments or concerns please PM Das Wilde Wesen


The knowledge we have about the Wild is limited and their disguise tactics are hard to track, even for the most experienced Order operatives. In general it can be said that extreme caution is advised whenever it becomes apparent that you are dealing with a Wild.

RE: Das Wilde - Das Wilde Wesen - 12-02-2013

Updated 02/12/2013