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Tea Break? - Printable Version

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Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-06-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 5 April, 824 A.S

A few bottles of gin, some bread, and some water were all Nicole needed for the days ahead. She bought a fine apartment outside the capital, the constant acid rain and fog made indoor life much more comfortable than outdoors. Her skin was going a bit more pale from being inside for so long, combined with her family genes. Despite being miserable from drinking after her demotion, she still appeared attractive. Her face was -luckily- untouched from combat on Planet Leeds, her arms and legs suffered no injuries. Her shoulders however bared surgical marks and scars from some minor shrapnel wounds. All in all she got off lucky, most of her companions from her original squadron on Planet Leeds were killed, or worse. The freedom of R&R left Nicole without a purpose, she changed her appearance, never wearing her uniform out in public. She let her hair grow out just past her neck, standard military dress code had every woman with short hair in a bun, but Nicole hated the consistency of keeping her hair so short. Still, some traits from the military stuck with her, she never wore any makeup, or dressed as fancy as most other women on New London. She walked, spoke, and approached people like a soldier.

Nicole's drinking habit wasn't just a result of her demotion but more or less the growing PTSD from Planet Leeds. Nicole had never seen people killed in person before her eyes. Amputations, seeing her colleagues ripped apart by mines and gunfire left what seemed like -a permanent scar- in Nicole's head. Drinking changed her, the more she drank the more she began to feel a sense of guilt for the loss of her friends. She would keep drinking until she passed out, and would find herself hungover as fluff the next morning.

Nicole sat on the tram wearing casual clothing looking out a window across from her. She had 3 bags of groceries sitting behind her, the tram stopped and she went to stand up. The rest of the passengers kept seated as she began to make her way out to the door before seeing two men walk in the tram cutting her off. As she went to walk by them one of the men grabbed her shoulder to pass by, and held on unnecessarily long. He winked at Nicole as she made her way out of the tram, she ignored him, she wanted to drink and get some sleep. Nicole strolled down the entrance to her apartment, the fog made it impossible to see anything more than 8 feet ahead, and the rain came down as if the planet was being hosed. As Nicole went to open the door, she heard a voice from behind. Hello there pretty lady. Both of the men stood behind her with guns. Now, its your money, or I could take something else, something much more satisfying. Nicole looked back, she put the groceries down, reached for her wallet, she walked up towards the two men, now convinced they were going to get her money. She dropped her wallet, and snapped her hands together against one of the guns, the gun seemed to vanish out of the thief's hand. Before the other thief could process what had just happened Nicole grabbed the other thief as cover and shoved him into his friend. She punched the other thief in the face, grabbing his wrist and disarming him. She emptied both the guns and tossed them aside, before she could move to swing at them, two policemen arrived on the scene. POLICE! YOU TWO ON THE GROUND! MA'AM HANDS UP! they screamed at Nicole and the two thieves, she raised her hands. Several officers swarmed in, wrestling the two thieves on the ground while another approached Nicole. Ma'am this isn't the first time these two have made trouble, they've been arrested on separate charges, what happened here? Can I see an ID? Nicole picked up her wallet and handed it to the officer without saying a word. Upon reading the ID, he realized she was with the Armed Forces. My apologies for your time Ma'am you're free to go, however if we need some questions answered... You can stop by anytime. She cut him off before he could finish his sentence, she nodded at him walked back to the door, picked up her groceries and entered the apartment, it was time for some extra drinks.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-08-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 5 April, 824 A.S

Nicole walked into her apartment, after the run in with some thieves and likely catching police questioning for hours the next day, she was ready to drink the night away. Nicole put the grocery bags down on her kitchen table, just over the stove. She ignored the food and water, going straight for the Gin that was in one of the bags. 7 Bottles of gin, she needed two to start falling asleep. Nicole took out one of the bottles, starring into the logo on the front of the bottle, she was thinking. She was falling into the pit, she was probably going to hit rock bottom soon if she kept up her habit. She felt beaten, tossed about like some tool with no more use. The odds seemed to be constantly working against her, her valiant efforts in Omega-3 were met with a demotion from some prick wearing an officer's rank, he probably had no piloting experience. Her friends were dead, or worse, amputated. She hadn't heard from her brother in months, he was probably off on the front lines in Leeds still fighting off the Gallics. What hurt the most was the Enterprise, she loved the Enterprise, and its crew. The ship had a legacy that she did her utmost to uphold, the previous captain was a legend, that left enormous shoes to fill. The ship had taken down several Valors and even been present at two of the most decisive victories for the Armed Forces, Royal Flush, and the Omega victory that pushed the Armed Forces exploration to Omega-5 before the Hessians stabbed the Armed Forces in the back. Nicole looked at the bottle some more, having tiny flashbacks of planet Leeds when she crashed. She was alongside some of the most heroic soldiers she'd ever met, all of them sacrificed everything they had for their Nation, all of them were willing and brave. Nicole didn't feel the same way, she was ready and willing, but she certainly wasn't as brave at the time. A teardrop rolled down from her eye as she opened the bottle and started drinking.

Within the next half hour she had gone through 3 bottles and was on her bed about to faint. She was in her underwear, sweating, crying, falling victim to her own emotions and to liquor. Everything seemed to go black all the sudden, she couldn't hear or see, all of her senses were just shunned as she went to sleep.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-10-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

Nicole woke up to the sound of rain slamming against the window next to her bed. As she attempted to move hear head up from the puddle of sweat that was -her pillow- she was met with a throbbing head pain that sent her head back against the pillow in a split second. She couldn't feel her right arm, which was hanging over the side of her bed just over an empty bottle of Gin. Her sweaty hair encompassed the bottom half of her face, making it difficult to breath. She lied on her stomach as she was for a few moments before opening her eyes, everything was blurry, but only for a few seconds before her vision became clear. Slowly, she moved her head over the side of the bed and looked down, seeing her lifeless arm over the empty Gin bottle. She lifted her arm back over the bed, she rolled over slowly, feeling every ounce of the painful stomach acids eating at her insides. She felt weak, helpless, destroyed, she could barely move her limbs. After lying for another moment, she moved her hair away from her face, and sat up slowly. Her head started throbbing faster than her heartbeat. Upon sitting upright, she pressed the palm of her left hand against her head, the cold sting felt unbearable for a second. Fuck. She muttered to herself, as she glanced over at an empty glass. Slowly, she got out of bed, pressing her hands against the wall as she worked her way over towards an empty glass near her sink. She reached down and grabbed the glass. The walk to the water dispenser on her refrigerator seemed endless, she moved like a zombie, shifting from side to side with one hand against her forehead. Her body collided with the refrigerator as she slammed the glass under the water dispenser. She stood there breathing heavy as she felt the water overflow the glass and run over her hand. She chugged the water down without taking a breath, after finishing she fell forwards, coughing, and breathing heavy.

Nicole's eyes watered up as she lied on the ground in such a weak state, she had never felt so beaten before, nor had she felt so weak. Being unable to stand up with her head throbbing, Nicole crawled into the bathroom. She reached over and grabbed the shower faucet, twisting it to the right completely, as the hot water ran down she grabbed the edge of her sink and pulled herself up. She gazed in the mirror, her hair was both messy and sweaty, hanging over her shoulders. Her eyes looked slightly red from tearing up, her face looked lifeless, her skin pale and purple. She splashed her face with some cold water and widened her eyes a bit before brushing her teeth for a short while. She looked over and saw the tub of water nearly full. She dropped the toothbrush, spit out the rest of the tooth paste, undressed, and nearly collapsed into the bath tub. The warm water was a warm welcome in contrast to her sweat infested bed. Something about the water made her head ease, her pulse slowed along with her breathing, her eyes closed slowly as the throbbing pain in her head began to drift away.

Nicole was out for about 90 minutes before waking back up, she was feeling better, but not completely. She still could not conceive her PTSD, or deal with it properly, and she still was sad that she had fallen victim to alcohol abuse as a means of ignoring her PTSD. As Nicole got out of the bath tub she herd someone knocking at the door. Shit. She quickly threw on some underwear and a robe, combed her hair back behind her ears and head and walked over to the door. She picked up a loaded SIG-Sauer P226R -a gift from one of her commanding officers-, from inside one of her drawers near the door, she held it in her left hand behind her back, ready to unload it through the door if the guest was another thief. As she opened the door she saw two men in police uniform, one looking older, maybe in his late 40s, the other much younger, as if he wasn't 30. Miss Nicole Brennan we're with the Bretonian Police, we'd just like you to recount yesterday night's events for us. The older officer spoke up almost immediately. Of course, come on in. She slipped the SIG onto the table quietly as she opened the door to let the officers in. She walked over and sat down on her couch as the police sat down across from her.

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-10-2017

Constable John Steiner and Richard Montgomery wandered into the apartment and were appalled by what lay before them. Bottles lay all over the place, the stench of alcohol, mixed with the smell of sweat, lingered in the air. The lady infront of them looked no better either, she'd obviously been drinking, heavily.

''Bloody nora'' Richard said quietly as he looked around, noticing the gun on the table he gave his partner a quick tap and nodded toward the firearm, a look of concern over his face.

''Good Morning miss Breenan, I'm constable John Steiner, this is Constable Richard Montgomery, we're here regarding yesterday's incident...this, isn't a bad time I hope'' John said, taking note of her bathrobe. Partly ignoring Montgomery's concerned look about the gun.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-10-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

Nicole sat down, oblivious to the fact that her house painted out the scene of an alcoholic, she looked at the officers as they moved to sit down on the couch. They probably noticed the gun, but Nicole had no intention of fighting Police Officers, or resisting any potential arrest. She figured her background in the Armed services would make possession of a handgun warranted. As she sat down her head started throbbing violently for a few seconds, she reacted by pressing her hand against her head, her eyes snapped shut for the time before the pain wore off. No, of course not. You'll have to excuse my appearance though, was trying to get rid of a headache. She shook her head a little before looking back at the officers. How do you want to start?

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-10-2017

'' You may dress as you please in your own home ma'm.'' John said as he sat down while Richard took out his notebook.
''Alright so, talk us through what happened by your account'' Richard started as John looked around her flat to get some idea on who she was and what kind of state she was in. Judging by the liquor bottles and the smell, not a good one it seemed.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-10-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

I was walking to the entrance to my apartment from the tram station down the street, two men were following me. I didn't notice them until I was at the door because of the fog, one of them spoke up as I went to open the door. She took a breath and looked dead at the officers, straightening her posture. He demanded what money I had, he said if I refused, he'd rape me. They both had guns, I walked towards them with my wallet, dropped it and disarmed them both. The police arrived before anything else happened.

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-11-2017

Richard took notes while John quickly read the attending officers report on the matter to see if they reflected what she said.''You ever meet either of these men before?'' Richard asked ''And could you describe these men for us, any outstanding marks? tattoos, scars...that sort of thing.''

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-11-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

I've never seen them before. She answered as the officer finished. She thought for a second, didn't the police catch the two men? Either way it didn't matter to her, she just went on to answer the question. They both had black hair, and were taller than me, I couldn't make out any facial descriptions because of the rain and the fog. Did the police loose custody of them? I saw them tackle the two men down.

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-11-2017

We got them, don't worry. We're just making sure, we were hoping you'd be able to speak against them in court if need be John said.