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Banner's for me - Printable Version

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Banner's for me - Seth Karlo - 01-03-2009

Right, I'm going to be VERY picky with these, be warned.

I need the following:

A banner for my FLPack: Be imaginative, make it look pretty etc.

A banner for ME! Yes, this one will be picky, veeeeryy picky. This isn't a banner for any of my characters, this is just for me. You get me...right? Need's a kinda...dangerous feel, I dunno, make it look cool. You guy's are good like that. (Get me to agree to your version of this, you will be a very rich person. Trust me. We're talking 80 mill plus)

A banner for RepEx. I want to get the faction big and proud and lovely again, and the old banner is kinda boring in my opinion. Need's to have text that can be edited, so if you could write the text, and then provide the number's aswell so I can change it for each employee. Again, well paid.

That's it for now! The FLPack banner can be any size that I'm allowed to post on the forums, but preferably not too big.

The other two, mine and the RepEx one, need to be Signature sized. Slightly smaller than the max regulations, so people can have some text or something under their signatures. Maybe include a version of an employee (Our format is RepEx-Shipping|450 with the number changing) a version of the CEO and assistant CEO, and one for the Head of Shipping.



Banner's for me - Dopamino - 01-03-2009

Dang, I wish you had posted this at the beginning of winter break. Oh well, for 200 million credits, schoolwork can wait:yahoo:

Banner's for me - Magoo! - 01-04-2009

Umm... Rough draft for "your" banner? 'Twas sorta vague.

[Image: sethselfbannerpngmm6.png]

Only had a little bit of time to work, so its certainly not the best.:$

Banner's for me - Orin - 01-04-2009

Very cool premise, just needs some sprucing up.

I'm actually looking forward to the finished result on that. Nice work.

Banner's for me - Koolmo - 01-04-2009

Orin, that eye it totally freaky.

Small idea for Magoo, instead of link pictures on the side, you might try making the rounds themselves the links, with the name on them, but that also might be my natural attraction for pointy things:P

Banner's for me - Orin - 01-04-2009

<nods in recognition>

But if they aren't bullets, they could be separate designed tags for each faction or character or such. Very cool.

I think it would have too many bullets otherwise.:P

Banner's for me - Koolmo - 01-04-2009

Ah laik bullet though....

Banner's for me - Seth Karlo - 01-04-2009

Nah... I'm not all that killy... Am I? It kind of needs to reflect my personality a bit. You know what I'm like...

And any luck on the other's guys?

(I warned you I would be picky. Any good attempt's will get a 5 mill compensation prize though)

Banner's for me - ioha - 01-04-2009

Dang, I'm in serious need of Sirius Credits and this here looks promising...

Will see what I can do.

Banner's for me - Seth Karlo - 01-04-2009

Good to hear! The highest possible I can pay out is about 1.5 bill. Even though I won't:P

Just mean's that I can pay for lots of compensation prizes too:)