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Commune R&D - Sirius Morphologics & Phased Jumphole phenomenon - Dave Synk - 04-17-2017

[Image: X7LGmSE.png?2]
Terminus Research & Development Laboratories

Entry ID : Dave Synk
Category Study
Case: Sirius Morphological Structure – Phased Jumphole Research
Encryption: #TRM-c-S-clc-0344

Scientific Report – Log 1

This will be the first entry, as my study upon the gravimetrical anomalies categorized with “unknown” origins, -Phased Jumpholes- will resume since now I have a more stronger reason to continue and have some practical results.

Dr. Taylor has given me access to the databanks of their Generator technology. I am yet to review it but in the meantime I started to resume and take preliminary data of certain anomalous sightings in the Omicrons. In my opinion, the Omicrons were the heart of the Sirius Sector’s initial engineering by the K’Vosh. For some reasons, even the Nomads are not completely aware and do not posses –yet- the technical specifics of spatial mechanics.

I’ve seen installation on how they try to create Jumpholes and I am aware that they did it before. That could explain the dramatic expansion and the various footholds in the Omicrons at least. I cannot grasp to understand how the K’Vosh ever used their technology to create an entire Star Cluster but, at least I need to prove myself it is true.

In order to understand the concept of the Phased Jumpholes, I will need to explain the theorized concept. Jumpholes, the simple standard ones, that are spread throughout the galaxy even, are gravimetric anomalies that make a shortcut in space between two different solar systems, considered point A and point B. The phenomenon stands in bending the space-time continuum in a way to reduce the actual time of travelling. The Jumpgates are controlled, artificially made point-to-point jumpholes. Informations on the Jumpgates predates the ideas taken presumably from ancient Sol when the travel was rumored to be made by using Warp Gates between planets. Now this technology is facilitated by the Trade Lanes system.

The more feasible technology that was “created” by Ageira Industries a few centuries back, is of alien origins de facto. The proof is undeniable within the Omicron Iota systems where the Nomads use similar concepts of the Trade Lanes but more efficient and also the Hypergates which presumably they cover a larger distance than what the humans were capable to create by analyzing the ancient Valhalla One K’Vosh Vault on Planet Manhattan.

The Hypergates are, according to my studies so far, devices that can control and create Phased Jumpholes. The concept of the Phased Jumphole is similar to the normal ones, but instead they have properties of a Singularity point, or Black Hole. This phenomenon has an event horizon similar to a singularity but not that powerful and there are powerful energy emanations from the funnel shape. There is a possibility that the variety of subparticles that the Hypergates release are proving the fact that the P.J. manifestation works on a quantic level as well. If the theory is true it might answer the question of how the K’Vosh Hypergates network expanded across the galaxy and how they could jump from one region to another.

The creation of a phased jumphole will require at least Nomad technology infused with what the ORG has developed in order to create a permanent gravimetric anomaly. But I need to gather more data. The first system I studied for this case, was Omicron Lost. This system is located at the edge of the Sirius Star Cluster and it used as a backdoor re-entry point for Slomon’K’Haras to get back to Sirius space. There is only a large source of Iridium that is considered viable but the distance from the Core Worlds is making it even more abandoned. The lack of anything is actually the mask of the systems true purpose.

At certain coordinates in the solar system, there is a an anomalous gravimetric area that well.. is not detectable. But the Nomads appear out of nowhere from that area of the space. I’ve travelled in the Nomad worlds before and I’ve experienced the effect myself. It’s only a one way Jumphole. That might be artificially created by the Nomads or the K’Vosh. It’s what I am interested to discover further.

For my next trip will be enigmatic Razgriz “Black Hole”. I will get as close as possible to get telemetry data and compare it to the one I’ve got before in some years ago. I will upload my data feed from the Omicron Lost.

RE: Commune R&D - Sirius Morphologics & Phased Jumphole phenomenon - Dave Synk - 04-21-2017

[Image: X7LGmSE.png?2]
Terminus Research & Development Laboratories

Entry ID : Dave Synk
Category Study
Case: Sirius Morphological Structure – Phased Jumphole Research
Encryption: #TRM-c-S-clc-0344

Scientific Report – Log 2

As I've stated before, I continued my research regarding the Morphological Analysis of the Sirius Sector and the Phased Jumphole phenomenon, with the next case study : The Razgriz Blackhole.

As all necessary data was taken from Omicron Lost and I've cleared that the system is a direct one-way trip from the heart of Nomad Space located at the designated area. To be noted again that the gravimetric anomaly is subtle and doesn't really rise suspicions. I am telling you the effect and the exact location because I traveled in the past in those distant systems and that was the re-entry point into Sirius space.

But now with the Razgriz. Upon passing through Omicron Alpha to reach the solar system where the Blackhole resides, I've made a pit-stop to take some scans from an unstable Jumphole, that was presumably linked to Omicron Kappa if I recall correctly since I wasn't interested in Maltese space before. Regardless of destination, the Jumphole gives "corrupted gravimetric readings" as in the normal frequencies of gamma radiation are highly filled with noise. As in, the jumphole has lost her EM integrity and the atomic collisions between various particles made the entire space rift to collapse on it's own but not entirely. Simulations and extensive calculus resulted in a presumed destination of the jumphole and that was somewhere inside the core of a Star. This explains the extensive amount perturbations that pour into normal space from the other side of the Jumphole where it's presumed to be the Star itself.

Given the environment and the huge amount of Outcast wrecks around the jumphole, the instability of the hole came to be from the intensive abuse of it and fighting that took place. Discharges of repeated energies of various types, tachyons, neutrinos, kations and so on, combined with the repeated access of the jumphole, could create perturbation on the rift's natural integrity and stability of the link-up between the points in space. Given the amount of wrecks around it, the battle was massive and the stress on the Jumphole was very high. The result was more than predictible.

This means that even the natural phenomenons can be "controlled" so to speak, so far we have examples of JHs being closed indefinitely but can we re-open the link to their original point B ? Or can we decide when or not a JH to be accessible. Jumping inhibitors could be adapted to this resolution but further studies need to be based, I do have some ideas on how to get this done.

My trip continued and I arrived again, for the 3rd time as I know it, to the Razgriz Blackhole. Quite a fascinating phenomenon and I really managed to get very close to it, in the safe limits, to take some interesting readings from it. This trip really got me the idea on how to create what both the Commune and ORG desire so far and if it works maybe we will aid the Sol Project too, with a cost of course. All we need is an "impulse" of massive gravity envelop that can be harnessed from the Blackhole's core. And the Corsica Outer Sanctum got a way to do it. I am currently staged there and observe the relevant data I acquired so far and heading towards the various scientific decks of the station to search what Data the local scientists gathered.

Now regarding the Blackhole, well the phenomenon of it has various myths. It was presumed in older times that the Razgriz was the "Gate of Hell" and people saw flying space demons hurling around it until one day the lock was put indefinitely and protected by an invisible wall of eternal turmoil and death to those daring to knock on it's door. This metaphor was circulated when the first contact with the hole was made by the Hispania's remnants. Leaving the fantasy away, the interesting fact is that the Razgriz was described very accurately with such archaic terms. The "invisible wall of eternal turmoil and death" is actually the event horizon of the hole in which the gravity starts to become very massive and crushes everything to it's proximity. Not mentioning the wall of intense radiation that is coming. Interesting fact... it's the same type of radiation that comes from a normal jumphole but quantify it with several superior unit measurements.

But the rumors in the past were heard by me too. Several centuries ago, explorers who tumbled in this system saw something unusual near the entrance of the Blackhole. They said at first they thought to be just space debris but eventually they saw erratic movement in their trajectory that did not look natural. And some said that the Blackhole was much brighter to it's core sometime ago. What I want to get to is that the Razgriz... well was not a blackhole all the time and I'm not sure of it now.

Remember that I mentioned the blocked Jumphole on Alpha ? Well what if Razgriz was an ancient Jumphole as well used by the K'Vosh ? If we presume the Theory of Sirius being forged and arranged by the K'Vosh for their legacy, the Nomads, it might be very possible. The K'Vosh was at least a Type 1 or 2 Civilization on the Kardashev scale. It might be very possible and I tend to a agree with it. I theorized before that it would've been the ... gateway to their dimension or maybe another corner of the galaxy or universe even. Nobody ever studied the jumphole in such manner to be honest, there was 1-2 other scientists that I mentioned before who followed the same track but I have no lead on them.

The readings are contradictory as much, because I have a telemetry from what a blackhole should offer as feedback. And it's not. I consider the Razgriz to be a Phased Jumphole itself. The structure is prolific to it and the behavior is similar. It's masked by the radiation that destroys anything close to it and the massive gravity fields around it. I will make some more reports later on the subject.

Another curious thing is that the Corsica is capable of "reviving" singularity cores. You see the structure of the station is like an amplifying dish. The superior arc is the receiver and the inner tunnel with various energy discharges is the "reactor chamber" of the process. What does it amplify ? The gravity mass from Razgriz. The arc itself channels the gravity from the Razgriz and funnels it towards the interior of the station's structure inside the tunnel I mentioned. And this is the place where we can create a permanent stabilized jumphole. Gravity is the trick and the answer to our equation.

I will make further investigations and simulations on the matter. Here are the visual telemetry of what I gathered.

I had another image stored but it's corrupted because I reached it's radiation wall. Distance : ~33K

RE: Commune R&D - Sirius Morphologics & Phased Jumphole phenomenon - Dave Synk - 04-29-2017

[Image: X7LGmSE.png?2]
Terminus Research & Development Laboratories

Entry ID : Dave Synk
Category Study
Case: Sirius Morphological Structure – Phased Jumphole Research
Encryption: #TRM-c-S-clc-0344

Scientific Report – Log 3

I'm staged at Corsica currently, kept a thorough connection with the rest of Commune on what's going on in our space. But nevertheless I continued my studies here on the station. Since the influence we started to have, I was recognized with ease by their scientific staff and they let me access what they gathered during the years of study about Razgriz and also had access to reports regarding how they use the massive gravity of the black hole to re-activate singularity cores.

I went further into some restricted areas and well... I've seen a part of Corsica that not many individuals have the chance to actually see it. Some even think it doesn't exist. The advanced technology in research and study is.. well almost never used for some reasons. And the designs are completely foreign. Not the typical Maltese ones. Remember the rumors about the station having some "lower" decks that seem utterly alien ? It is true. I felt natural to work there despite the unnatural feeling flowing and the look in some of the assistants eyes. The levels I had access were not even numbered or registered and were heavily guarded.

Anyway, having the data gathered I had also samples of Nomad materials and tech to better my analysis and experiments. I received a quantity of Black Nova from Eridu, at my disposal so I can conduct the tests. Given the properties of the compound, combined with the nomad technology and using the Razgriz' massive gravity, I was able the model a simulation in which .. two points were completely linked with success.

That's the short version. The Nomad technology were samples from their Hypergates and Lanes. I don't really care how they got there but I am sure it was all in good reason. The parts were mostly used because of their strong EM fields that they were generated, the Black Nova was used as fuel to create the reaction and the gravity was to bend the space-time continuum.

The gravity wavelength propagation managed to break and create a local rift towards wherever I wanted to go. After reaching the other destination. The linked was made. I could deactivate and re-active the rift by accessing the frequency that was left behind as a trail in the space-time rupture. What this device does is actually similar to a jumpdrive, but in theory could reach a lot more. It's all about the gravity we can generate we can harness and the energy we need to generate.

[Image: QXVZ3Wnm.png]
My calculations made me think that an amount of 5000 Units of Black Nova Compound could be used to maintain a reaction necessary for the final project. Now, I've came with the conclusion that the Corsica Sanctum, can close and open a similar kind of rupture. Given it's channeling of gravity from Razgriz, the capability of re-activating a singulariy core can be used to .. create a jumphole. It could be even for an indefinite amount of time.

Reading the data-pads from doctor Taylor regarding their Jumphole technoloy it came to my attention that the temporary effect is a consequence of losing the space-time manifold control and having the quantum entanglement deviation of 23% upon trying to compensate the energy output, while ignoring completely the fields destabilization because of gravity loss.

The Nova combined with nomad technology and their jumphole generator could result into a more permanent, one-timed effect. The costs are... well ambitious. That to be done the second time from scratch, luckily we can avoid the time investment for a while because the ORG have the actual generator under testing. I can only come by improving it and upgrade it with the a fore mentioned devices. Because given the simulations, if used with a jumphole generator (all using the schematics provided) the gravity that is created in a temporary manner is enhanced exponentially but the risk of the ship being ripped apart appears.

I think the attempt to create a permanent jumphole should be done with a large enough vessel without crew... preferably. I am pretty sure it can be done. I will follow update the progress with an actual schematic and technical detail about the .. "Manifold Enhancer".