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Admin Notice : Player Fined - Printable Version

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Admin Notice : Player Fined - Reverend Del - 01-04-2009

Cannibalistic-Mautilus has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 31/12/2008 for:

Quote:6.6 PvP combat is allowed only on roleplay basis. The pilot who is attacking must scan for an ID prior to the attack. Relying on general reputation status (red/neutral/green) without scanning for the ID is not allowed.

Non-RP attacks are considered PvP abuse and are sanctioned accordingly.

Consequences: Fined all guns, armour and measly credits. notifications in hold

Notes: Base camping Manhattan and shooting all you see is not allowed. Oh and according to our rules, you DO talk to Navy dogs. If only to tell them they are about to die.

Admin Link to Report



Admin Notice : Player Fined - Pandemonium - 01-04-2009

thats crap i was at manhattan collecting npc pilots and helping newbies get started up. it just so happen that as i was doing this multiple Liberty navy pilots and Bounty hunters undocked from manhattan so within RP, I engaged the said pilots. of which i gave a them a warning before i was going to engage them in system chat . Hence I wish to appeal this decision and I have the Screenshots to back up my actions also!

Tell me where to send them and you shall see my side of the story

Admin Notice : Player Fined - Pandemonium - 01-04-2009

' Wrote:Cannibalistic-Mautilus has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 31/12/2008 for:
Consequences: Fined all guns, armour and measly credits. notifications in hold

Notes: Base camping Manhattan and shooting all you see is not allowed. Oh and according to our rules, you DO talk to Navy dogs. If only to tell them they are about to die.

Admin Link to Report



You know im seriously getting sick of the Legal system you have here, it seems that some jerk who hates me can collect a few screenshots from people make up a story in VIOLATION REPORTS and then I get Sanctioned .
Before anyone even thinks to ASK ME my side of the story and whether I have proof to back it up, of which I on this Ocassion DO.

*ADVICE to the Admin team: REVAMP your Violation Report system because its FLAWED*

Admin Notice : Player Fined - Patriot - 01-04-2009

i was there,i see all,your guilty,you destroy numerous ship.....and i mean players not NPC,and you never say a word.

Admin Notice : Player Fined - Pandemonium - 01-04-2009

' Wrote:i was there,i see all,your guilty,you destroy numerous ship.....and i mean players not NPC,and you never say a word.

i have Screenshots that say otherwise, that show me identifying said target in sys chat before engaging so what are you talking about??

Admin Notice : Player Fined - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-04-2009

' Wrote:snip >>>thats crap i was at manhattan collecting npc pilots and helping newbies get started up.<<< endsnip
Run that by me again please ? You were sitting at Manhattan, in a totally hostile pirate capital ship, helping
newbs ? That sets a bloody good example if I may say so, where is the roleplay in that. If you want to do
your bit for charity, do it in a ship that should be there, not a conveniently 'infected quasi terrorist' one
that shouldn't be anywhere near the place. Hey, pull the other one ...
