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To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Printable Version

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To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-20-2017

[Image: Metal%20FOx_zpsltkzp3zb.png?t=1492527231]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::

Esteemed members of Core and those associated.

As the new head of the Eastern Front of the Confederation of Freeports, I wish to send greetings in full to all those of higher accord.

At the current time, I seek to look into the matters that currently may be hampering fruitful relations from full blossom or to look into continuing possible agreements that have been pushed to the sidelines.

I will await your reply with great anticipation.

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Lythrilux - 04-20-2017


ID: Nova Hawken
Location: Durban
Subject: CoF

Greetings Brettonias V. Wingspan,

We are tired of the Zoners interference and resistance in our affairs, we want a final solution to these hostilities. The Core are a trained military, and we are more than prepared to put more Zoners to the sword if this continues. Comparatively, since you are not a trained military, I doubt you have that luxury. My predecessors have already robbed you of Finn McCool - a pillar in the Zoner community - how much more can you lose?

We are not out to wipe the Zoners clean off the Edge Worlds. We simply want you to not get in our way.

We will not stand for Freeport 11 in the same system as our capital. We cannot create a safe space for our people and the rest of the denizens of the Omicrons if your neutral docking policy towards our enemies continues to stand. We are disgusted with your steady encroaching into our business of Iridium and Azurite mining. We are sick of Zoners attacking Core and Civilian assets, and their resistance in following Core laws. And lastly, we greatly frown up the Delta Zoner's continued supplying of Dabadoru station, which is currently in the hands of The Order.

All of this is deemed a threat to Omicronis.

Therefore, continuing in the vein of what my predecessors asked for previously, I will give you three options:
The Confederation of Freeports will transfer control of Freeport 11 to The Core.
The Confederation of Freeports will transfer control of Freeport 11 to Interspace Commerce, where it will be administrated by them, but under our protection
and our laws.
The Confederation of Freeports will evacuate, abandon, and then dismantle Freeport 11.

There are also additional conditions that will be applied to the above:
The Confederation of Freeports will issue a statement informing the Zoner community to cancel mining operations in Omicron Lost and Omicron Delta, as well as working on
dismantling all Azurite and Iridium capable mining equipment in the Zoner community.
The Confederation of Freeports and the Zoner community will not interfere with or object to Core business. This means the enforcement of Core laws.
As an extension of good will, the Confederation of Freeports will restore Core docking permissions on Zoner installations.

In exchange for agreeing to this, The Core will withhold itself from purging the Zoner community in the Omicrons, and work on support and reinforcing Zoner safety throughout the Edge Worlds. Your representatives will also receive supplies of alien technology and materials at discounted prices. The Core will also open up it's planned Edge Worlds shipline to the Zoner community.

-N. Hawken
Guildmistress, The Core


RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-20-2017

[Image: Metal%20FOx_zpsltkzp3zb.png?t=1492527231]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::

Miss Hawken.

Hold onto your proverbial horses please I ask of thee. For a moment in our speck of existence together let us put the guns and knives and pixie sticks down, and talk. I'm not Finn McCool. And as you stated you're not your predecessors. I'm not the one making threats here but please don't try to push this off to a wrongful start. I'm tired of both of our respected factions loosing the lives of so many for such petty squabbling. You say you are a group of well trained Military individuals, but from what I've seen on the Gallic front in Western Sirius the Core is a child compared to them. So lets get the bull back in the pen so we can clean the stall out. While we of the Confederation of Freeports do work alongside Administrators of other Zoner installations, we are not, and I repeat, are not their ruling body. Also. Why did the Core loose Dabadoru in the first place if you are as highly trained as you say? I find such to be a bit odd.

Now then. I personally request to see the information upon acts in which those of the Zoner community in the Omicrons have attacked Civilians. This is something that even I will not accept.

To you demands on Freeport 11. The first two are steep but I'm afraid such cannot be deemed acceptable, even with our positive stance with Interspace Commerce. I don't believe they would find such a venture deep in the Omicrons to be a profitable venture with such hazards being faced like the Corsair populace and those of Nomadic intentions and we cannot grant full access to your superiors and such full ownership of the station. But... On terms of dismantling the station. Perhaps we can arrange something alongside the Core's colonization of Yaren under a joint venture instead of the station being in the middle of deep space. Yes?

Now to the other requests.

First. I might as well be telling you to end all research and development associated with Nomadic materials or let alone ship building in exchange but lets be frank neither will happen in such. There's no point in such a discussion of such an extreme as there are quite a few of the populace in the Omicrons that work as hard as they do mining in the depths of space. I wont be responsible for telling them they have to look for a new line of work. I simply will not. So the answer is no.

Second. I think we can agree to most of this request with exceptions to those of possible humanitarian crises that may arise in the future. If possible could you send me a copy of your laws in which I may find a few exceptions to, otherwise I think we can agree to this in some extent rather than not.

Third. Work with me in the above issues peacefully and I believe this will no longer be of an issue. Peacefully Miss Hawkens for both Zoners and the Core. Not one over the other.

Miss Hawken, you can be as intimidating as you wish towards me, but don't think for a moment I wont use what you say or how those of the Core act against the Zoner populace in the Omicrons if the need arises. Be mindful though. Unlike Finn McCool. I have quite a lot more people I can rely on to assist me in making either the Core's life a near utopia. Or a living hell. By Eris I mean every word in that.

Now what's it going to be Miss Hawken? Do we want to keep history repeating over and over, expecting something to change, until nothing of us remains but shadows, dust and floating scrap in the bowels of space for eternity... Or are we going to change things into a peaceful accord for all of us?

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Lythrilux - 04-21-2017


ID: Nova Hawken
Location: Durban
Subject: CoF

Brettonias V. Wingspan,

No doubt does Gallia dwarf us. But I would keep in mind that there is a stark difference in comparing us to a House and comparing us to you. Don't get ahead of yourself just because you can read the news. We have our reasons for baiting The Order into capturing Dabadoru. No doubt that is apparent by our clear superiority in the Omicron Delta system.

Interspace Commerce has vested interest in the Omicron region, and with our protection establishing a station there would not be an issue. I would also like to hear what your proposal on the dismantling of the station is. I forgot to mention that The Core would happily induct the population on Freeport 11 as citizens of Omicronis if they wish. Ultimately the ideal solution leaves Freeport 11 either being out of Zoner control to that of a friendly party or dismantled entirely.

If the Zoners will not keep away from our product then we will deal with them as appropriate. It is not a necessity that you take action, although encouragement would be good. There are already laws in place that outline the legality of these resources, and the Zoner populace should follow them. We will happily accept these individuals with open arms if they wish to join and become APM employees - safety and security guaranteed - otherwise we will not tolerate independent miners.

These are our laws, however, do note they are due for an update in the near future.

FInn McCool also said he had a lot of people behind him. They were nowhere to be found when he needed them the most. We do not need the Zoner's help in creating our utopia, and it is through our benevolence we are having this dialogue at all. And furthest the Zoners could go in creating a 'living hell' for us would be equivalent to a spontaneous training exercise for our recruits.

Peaceful accord or otherwise, it matters not. Prior to this, we were discussing a myriad of solutions to this ordeal. This communication was unexpected, but as you've decided to come and present us with this opportunity, we have decided to hear you out. Where it ends is up to you. And believe me, we are more than prepared to pick one of the solutions we have outlined for ending this scuffle.

-N. Hawken
Guildmistress, The Core


RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-21-2017

[Image: Metal%20FOx_zpsltkzp3zb.png?t=1492527231]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::

Miss Hawken. From Baffin we don't need to read the news to see the fireworks going off in the distance, because we get to watch them go right off right across the lawn. But I'm not going to spend hours trying to One-Up against you when our attention can be focused elsewhere.

Now if what you say is true, perhaps an accord can be made to see the details between Interspace Commerce and the Core when it comes down to transactions and such in the Omicrons. You may leave out the higher clearance level agreements because that's not our aim. By doing this you allow me to work with the Admins of Freeport 11 in going onto a process that can further move issues along. Your allowance to hear us out is better than nothing at all, and decisions made on the least amount of details can be disasterous for all parties involved, even you can agree to that statement.

After reviewing your laws I have found a few issues that can be discussed upon at a later time but for now give me some time to discuss with the Administrator of Freeport 11. We will need perhaps a week at most to make discussions, I can arrange for that said week at least a minimal amount of Zoner involvement when it comes to mining operations within Delta from the onboard populace. But that is the furthest of my current abilities at this time. If you can give me that one week, then perhaps we can come to terms in which the Core may never again have to deal with Zoner influence in Delta again without the need for confrontation.

Otherwise I'm still needing the information upon which you said Zoners had targeted civilians Miss Hawken. I do not wish to having to call you a liar in such during these times.

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Lythrilux - 04-21-2017


ID: Nova Hawken
Location: Durban
Subject: CoF

Brettonias V. Wingspan,

You must understand that we cannot disclose corporate secrets between The Core, APM and Interspace Commerce. At the least, IC has no reluctance to far away and exotic markets. Otherwise, I can only inform you IC has a vested interest in the region, and that The Core will have no issue in protecting that.

Perhaps in regards to these 'Higher Clearance Agreements', we can simply agree for neither the CoF or any acting Zoner body to interfere in Core business? Either way, we simply want no objection or interference when conducting our business. That often leads to trouble and upsets the balance and peace of the Omicrons.

Regarding the evidence relating to Zoner's attacking Core civilian assets, we have relayed information and evidence containing such to Zoners many times, even going far as making public announcement comms to display such atrocities. There is no need for me to dive through archived neural net sections in order to find evidence that the majority of the Omicrons have seen by now. Simply, what happened is that AP Manufacturing was conducting a trade convoy to Omicron Delta, FP11. Upon arriving at FP11, they were held up and eventually attacked by Zoners in the vicinity. I assure you I am not lying.

Otherwise, we will wait for the discussion of the laws by your people. I would urge haste if you wish to keep our interest held.

-N. Hawken
Guildmistress, The Core


RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Lythrilux - 04-24-2017


ID: Nova Hawken
Location: Durban
Subject: CoF

Brettonias V. Wingspan,

My men grow trigger-happy and I am running out patience trying to quell their bloodlust. I would ask for some haste in your discussion, as I would like to see an answer very soon.

-N. Hawken
Guildmistress, The Core


RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-24-2017

[Image: Metal%20FOx_zpsltkzp3zb.png?t=1492527231]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::

Trigger happy indeed Miss Hawken!

I've dealt with people on a level of aggression before but if such an incident yesterday happens again, don't think for a moment I wont use such for the public to view upon. These type of tactics, will stop now if you want us to continue peacefully, but I have a feeling that peace is the last thing on several of your commanders minds as of yesterday when they nearly assaulted not only myself but the head of Western Freeports, Jerard VonCloud himself! I've already had to calm the Administrator of Freeport 11 cause of yesterday's near incident for several hours, trying to reassure him that the Core itself was willing to talk instead of shoot for a change. Am I wrong because for both of us I hope that I'm not.

If you want to recreate what happened in Omicron Minor those fated few years ago, keep letting your commanders push. But remember as I said, I'm not FInn McCool, but my cool headedness will not last forever. Please take note that unlike McCool, I have far more friends than you have guns if acts of aggression continue!

Now.. To a more peaceful measure. I've been able to work with the Administrators on a few proposals, some actually being used in the situation of several stations already across Sirius and I'm hoping that your leadership can abide in the same peace they do out in the Omicrons. I was also able to work out a possible agreement for equal mining rights as well so both parties would be on equal ground.

Before I say any more I'm going to ask if you are willing to listen to reason and logic.

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]

RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - Lythrilux - 04-24-2017


ID: Nova Hawken
Location: Durban
Subject: CoF

Brettonias V. Wingspan,

I stated my men were trigger happy because they expressed a desire to engage Zoner targets - yesterday in fact. I gave them orders not to. It looks like they ignored them. They will be punished for their insolence. If you can supply me with names, I will investigate. My previous position before Guildmistress was interrogation head. I will straighten them out.

Otherwise, I am interested in hearing what you have discussed.

-N. Hawken
Guildmistress, The Core


RE: To: Core| and Related Individual Assets \ From: CoF - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-24-2017

[Image: Metal%20FOx_zpsltkzp3zb.png?t=1492527231]
::::--From Eastern Mobile HQ - {CoF}-The.Ashira--::::
::::--ID: Grand Pooba of Apples - Representative Brettonias V. Wingspan--::::

By Eris thank you Miss Hawken for having a clear head and mind in this incident.

The names you are looking for are as followed:

- Core|WV-Numidia
- Core|WV-Victoria
- Core|APM-Virgo-1
- Core|Ruby.Hydra

The Commander of the Numidia had the tenacity to call our gathering of talks as a "Foreign Invasion". Take in note that records show that the Zoners of Omicron Delta have been around far longer than Core Assets. If I was anyone else I would call their acts yesterday to be of an invasion.

Now. Our talks are not full to fruition but I have been shown the Bretonian Treaty of Bethlehem and believe we can come to an accord of similar nature. When it comes to mining rights I believe on a tit for tat nature, and a plausible database for Zoner mining ships to be reviewed by the Core. And if needed be a possible discount for Core transports should any Zoner vessels be engaged in operations.

Very simple and too the point. But sadly the Administrator believes that with all their reconstruction efforts, handing control over to another entity would be a proverbial slap to the face of those who assisted in such. So with all due respect, such will not work, even if the other entity is Interspace Commerce.

Brettonias Valorian WIngspan...

[Image: i_Xq_Arp_E.gif]