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WA Houses - Printable Version

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WA Houses - Mech - 08-28-2006

Some of the more astute members of the community may have noticed WA/AW members refer to "Houses" they belong to, or control...well, here are the actual houses, minus House Dane:

House Dippity

House Cammander (House of Dab and most AW's)

House Thief

House Blitzkrieg

WA Houses - Mech - 08-28-2006

And lastly, the tad more confusing, House Dane:

House Dane

You can see Minor House Kilroy was originaly part of House Dane, before being won by House Cammander in the last "WA House Wars".

These are essentially geneologynage charts, they chart who recruited who, in a way to generate ones kin or ancestors. Most of the members on these you have never seen before, and likely never will. Obviously you should be most familiar with House Cammander, as that is the traditional House of the AW, our freelancer Division.

This way you can trace yourself back to the very begining of WA.