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CCC - Caribe - 08-28-2006

OOC: Imagine the CCC as a tv program like the GNN one except I tend to jeer at stuff in freelancer like the ships and stuff maybe even Ill make some commentarys on things that happen in GNN. mean while back to the RP

Today on the CCC OUTCASTS

Why call themselves "outcasts" when they can be called "cardmine breathers", or "junkies", or "drug dealers that need a battleship to sell cardmine cause they use it all before getting to their destination".

I mean if we define "outcasts" as cardmine breathers then the GC, LR, and hackers should be called the "neo outcasts". Not like they ar'nt already cause they live on some little rock out in space.

Why did they call the drug cardmine? If you read it correctly you'll find out that cardmine really means cards with the word mine on them.

As for the cosair situation:

CCC: Do you consider the outcasts your brothers? You did come from the same ship after all.

Corsair: O really? And I suppose you'll love to tell everyone that you have brothers who are on drugs 24/7?

CCC: No. I would just deny they are family and try to get rid of them.

Corsair: My point exacly.

Mean while in the news today an armored transport was pulled over by the liberty navy and found 100 units of pharmasuticals and 300 units of cardmine. The captain of the transport said that it was for some sick outcasts but the navy didn't belive them and destroyed the cargo on site after tractoring 50 units of cardmine in the liberty battleship.

In other news 30 people died in Manhattan for breathing problems. Sources say that they were probably outcasts that consumed their air supply too quickly.

Meanwhile the outcast are sueing the cambridge university for $600,000,000 for trying to harvest cardmine in their gardens. The Bretonia police agreed with the outcasts that they should be the only ones to grow cardmine as it would reduce the need to investigate people for cardmine growing. The Bretonia Police said "It is alot easier to blame outcasts for the cardmine problem. It was nice of them to inform us of this problem so they can continue their monopoly and let us only worry about the smugglers."

Thats all for today folks.

You can see our attack on the battlestar II here:

You can see our attack on the slipstream here:

This is your sponsor Caribe.

See you next time on the CCC.

CCC - Caribe - 09-06-2006

Welcome back to another episode of Caribe's Comedy Corner.

Today we bring you the truth from Buffalo base. Our reporter went there and interviewed the Liberty Rouge leader.

CCC: So what are you fighting for?

LR: Umm we forgot why we fight because all our original leaders are dead.

CCC: Ok so what happened to them?

LR: They hijacked a Liberty Dreadnought and came here to what we know as buffalo base. They Liberty Navy however came in and tried to destroy them and our former leaders died after blowing up the battleship in the navys face.

CCC: So what happened to the navy?

LR: Well about 80% got destroyed and our pilots fought against them and killed them. We suffered heavy losses that day.

CCC: Did the pilots fight well?

LR: Of coarse they did, we have the best pilots in Sirius.

CCC: Really? So why new pilots in starfliers are saying that killing your fighters is as easy as shooting a planet.

LR: That is a lie. Just because one person did it doesnt mean they all do.

CCC: Actually it says here that 57 starflier pilots having recently gotten their spaceship license have all made nearly aces.

LR: Thats preposterous they lie.

CCC: Ok so what is the life expectancy of your pilots?

LR: Rookies tend to last a mission and veterans more.

CCC: Only one mission?

LR: Yea, well they are hard missions that need to be accomplished.

CCC: So why dont you send the experienced pilots against them?

LR: They are used for much harder missions.

CCC: So if your pilots are the best in Sirius, why have the outcasts train them?

LR: So that the rookies last at least two missions.

CCC: What can you say about this commentary?

marauder,Aug 28 2006, 04:30 PM Wrote:You seriuosly want to be linked to a faction that needs a small fleet to disrupt one trade lane ring?

That also can't fight to save their lives, even in HFs and gunboats the rogues are the easiest NPCs to kill.

LR: :shok: That guy should be tied to a torpedo and shot at the star. He is lying no wait he is delirious. That pathetic pilot really thinks he can prevent us from getting new recruits and get away with it? We are the best in Sirius. Plus all factions use more than one stupid fighter to ambush the enemies in a trade lane.

CCC: Does that involve a fleet?


CCC: ok so thats all for now I might come back later (Thinks to himself: Hell No)

OOC** This is Part I of III and sorry marauder I just had to use that :D . You can pm me about this episode or post here AFTER THE 3RD PART.

CCC - Caribe - 09-06-2006

The reporter walked out to the bar to get a drink before leaving Buffalo Base. He encountered an outcast sitting in the corner having a drink and inhaling some cardmine. The reporter approached and introduced himself. The outcast smiled and said he liked the report on the outcasts but not many did. After some chatter the reporter thought this was an excellent opportunity and interviewed the outcast.

CCC: So how long have you been coming here?

Outcast: For about five years.

CCC: For what?

Outcast: To make money. I mean you can bring cardmine from Malta to here and let these suckers try to get the goods to Manhattan. However they rather go the long way to Rochester and let the Junkers do the work since they cant get too close to Manhattan.

CCC: I see. What do you think about the Rouges?

Outcast: They just plain suck at fighting. They are the easiest thing to kill in space. Trust me it is a lot harder to shoot at rocks than to kill these bozos.

CCC: How bad is it?

Outcast: Well they called us to train them and when we started we just shook our heads. I mean they need a fleet with cruiser and all to bring down a tradelane and then they all die to a couple of small transports with two starfliers escorting them.

CCC: I find it hard to believe a couple of small transports could kill a Huguenot cruiser.

Outcast: Actually the small transports killed the eight rouge pilots and the two starfliers took out the Huguenot cruiser.

CCC: Wow that is pathetic are these the rookies?

Outcast: No. These are the so called veterans. They become aces with two kills because of their life expectancy when the normal is five.

CCC: So what do the rookies do?

Outcast: They send a squadron (12 fighters) after a small Liberty Police Patrol. Eventually the police in their patriots annihilate the rouges and every now and then one of the patriots is destroyed and that would be the rare kills.

CCC: So how can they solve this problem?

Outcast: I think that it would be better if all these idiots go to work on the cardmine fields in Malta but then again I doubt they are even good enough to do that.

CCC: Do you think that with their new training they can fight better?

Outcast: Yes they can. Now instead of needing two kills for an ace they can try three kills and still be the worst pilots in Sirius. It is funny to think that a guy in space with a sidearm has more probability to shoot down a battleship than a rouge to shoot down a starflier.

CCC: Ok that will be fine for now, thank you for your time.

Outcast: One more thing.

CCC: Yes?

Outcast: Try a lawful faction next time so we pirates dont consider you as targeting us alone.

CCC: Ok, I will tell Caribe your message.

The reporter finished his drink, paid and said goodbye to the outcast. In the hangar he borded an Armored Transport with CCC-3 painted on the sides. The ship took off and exited the badlands.

OOC** Part II of III

CCC - Caribe - 09-06-2006

The CCC-3 moved quickly and smoothly; it got to West Point and headed to Battleship Missouri. Upon arriving the reporter went looking for the captain. An officer led him to an office. The reporter entered the room and sat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

Captain: So I Assume its our turn to be ridiculed.

CCC: No not yet but I bet your time will come; this is actually about the rouges.

Captain: Oh ok ask away.

CCC: So what do you think about the rouges?

Captain: They are just targets.

CCC: Targets?

Captain: Yea they are flying targets for our rookie pilots.

CCC: So the rouges fight rookies?

Captain: Yea they are our target practice for fun, but we have to count every five kills of rouges one in real terms because they dont make much of a challenge to us. Just one of our aces could fly to buffalo base and wipe them all out base and all.

CCC: So you know where they are?

Captain: We have always known since the stolen dreadnought situation. What happened was we sent a cruiser fleet to find the battleship and destroy it. We eventually found it and engaged. Their battleship blew up because of our fire but unfortunately the blast took out our cruiser and a gunboat. The rest of our force engaged their fighters and all but one of our fighters died but we took out 48 of their 50 fighters, but our last fighter had to leave because of an engine failure, otherwise we would have killed them all and no rouges would exist to make us actually do something on our free time.

CCC: So what are you really threatened by?

Captain: Xenos really. They can be in starfliers but an ace can destroy a defender. The rouges are just our expendable toys. Also the bounty hunters train here in their piranhas because the rouges are too easy.

CCC: I assume you get a lot of aces then.

Captain: Not really. We have made it 10 rouges killed for one normal kill. In other words youd have to kill 50 rouges to become an ace.

CCC: What if the rouge is in a cruiser?

Captain: Rouge fighter, Rouge cruiser, whats the difference? An asteroid traveling at 1k per hour, the size of a mouse can bring a rouge cruiser down.

CCC: Well that will be all. I have proven my point the rouges are the worst pirates in Sirius. Thank you for your time.

The reporter walked a bit around the battleship and then got on the CCC-3. The CCC-3 then headed toward Malta to dock with the CCC-1 aka Quisqueya and published the report.

OOC** Part III of III / Hope you liked it you can post now if you want or pm me if you want. In the mean time I'll just hang around some bars here in the roleplay fourms. Also it's scary to think that after I made the CCC about 20 different News Networks came out :blink: ... the competion to GNN ... :P

CCC - marauder - 09-06-2006


Thank you for quoting me caribe, I don't mind at all, it was a real laugh to see it.

Please don't stop, it's been alot of fun reading these posts.

CCC - Behemoth - 09-06-2006

LMAO!! Best Comedy in Sirius!!

Rock on!

CCC - Alex06 - 09-06-2006

Hahaha very funny....oh wait im a liberty rogue.... never mind.....

CCC - Virus - 09-06-2006


That's why I'm an Outcast/Lane Hacker/Rheinlander! XD

CCC - Thunderhawk - 11-23-2007

The UKMG can vouch that its harded to hit a rock than a rouge we are miners after all lol. anyway loving this briliant ridicule lol.