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Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Printable Version

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Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Toris (Old Account) - 04-23-2017

Cofu Mrrisho
Liberté toute entière
--motto written on the ship's starboard

Name: Cofu Mrrisho
Sex: Male
Age: 20?
Origin: Taus?
Affiliation: Independent

In command of:
Fleur-de-lys, a stolen Montante-class gunboat; initially BMM medium convoy vessel Teapotter.

Cofu isn't really empathetic - he is cold, immoral, greedy. A self-made man from great unknown, never seen face-to-face by the most. The only ones who have seen him are his crewmates, who do not speak about him in a direct manner. There are, however, some rumours, and there is definitelly something inhuman going on. Additionally, this alienated individual clearly avoids any form of physical contact with anyone whom he doesn't trust enough.

It is most likely that Cofu Mrrisho took control over what later became Fleur-de-lys through act of hijacking in the Tau Systems by skilled mercenaries who were ought to capture the vessel in a covert way. Needless to say, it all ended with a complete bloodshed. Very few men who survived the encounter gossip that Cofu laughed for long hours, all alone in his new cabin... After he had painted his face with blood of the fallen BMM captain.

Alongside with a relatively cold attitude comes a very violent change of mood. These two would be already enough to make him an unlikely captain to serve under, if not the shares making risks worth it. The Old French phrase written onto the gunboat's hull, Liberté toute entière, was seemingly painted to mock both Bretonians and Gauls alike - but also to make clear that Cofu holds no allegiance to anyone. Unless he has some gain from short-term cooperation but even then such an ally may be backstabbed.



RE: Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Toris (Old Account) - 04-27-2017

...log 10142504824
...jack beaumont

Our captain became isolated and silent - again. Beside of several commands he has been writing to us lately, no one saw him for a whole week, at least. I can't say why, but the latter encounter within Omega Systems made him nervous.

Recently, we captured an IMG pilot back in Tau Space. His ship had been drifting for some time after failed GRN ambush. Captain demanded us to stay away and he personally proceded with long interrogation.

When he did that, majority already knew the fate of that guy and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't be left alive. Captain Cofu lets only a few away, either pushing them into madness or knowing no one will believe what they had seen.


As expected, the IMG pilot did not survive the interrogation. Captain ordered us to get rid of the body, locking himself away in his own cabin. I could have swear that Michelle puked. No wonder. What was left of that prisoner could barely be recognizeable.

We turned on the S.O.S. device and dropped the body nearby Planet Yuma. I have no idea why captain would order that in the first place. Amusement? Using that body as warning?

If so, I really do not want to piss him off.

RE: Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Toris (Old Account) - 04-27-2017

...log 08002704824
...michelle brugelmann

I do not really like what our captain does. First that IMG pilot, now one of ours? That guy is crazy and if not the shares, I would never consider drafting myself onto this damned ship. It's not like my daughter back on Planet Stuttgart feeds herself without my help.

Thankfully, aside of two people tortured, we delivered our shipments into Rheinland without any problems. Nothing special, but Junkers seemed to be happy about it. No wonder, the RFP became more picky onto their ships for obvious reasons, as both Unioner and Hessian strikes made the Kanzler a laughstock again. To think my husband had been fighting Unioners for years and now I am helping a guy who ships weaponry to support pirates and terrorists...

I'm doing that for my little Kat. If not her, I'd leave that cursed weirdo alongside with this ship full of sleazy foreigners right away - even if Percheron stays the comfy ship to fly on. But the widow's pension is not enough and I'm stuck to the guy who pays ten times more. Damn you, government. Damn you.

Maybe Junkers will sell that weaponry to the Bundschuh. And I do hope so.

RE: Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Toris (Old Account) - 04-30-2017

...log 23402904824
...cofu mrrisho

One of my men - a woman in particular - dared to sneakly send messages with some odd Farmer behind my back when we were shipping stuff to Crete . I didn't like it. Looks like Michelle won't be part of my crew anymore.

Not after I finish torturing her.

Dead people do not make great crew anyway.

RE: Cofu Mrrisho - A Psychotic Captain - Toris (Old Account) - 07-23-2017

...log 17042306824
...cofu mrrisho

So it begins again. I can smell the faint blood of the innocent. It calls me to the battles I am to fight. It calls me to prey on the ones who cannot defend themselves. I can't way to prey... It stinks. It stinks like a good wine, ready to be poured. I want to taste it, at all cost. Once I will get someone - I rip his or her throat and take a taste of the blood, like back in the older times. Once again, I will butcher someone. Once again, I will paint my face in its blood. Once again, the feral instincs will be... my lead.

My destiny.

My delight.