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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Independent Miners Guild - 01-05-2009

Independent Miners Guild Comm System


[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png]

// All posts must be written IN CHARACTER

You have reached the IMG GuildComm, the central communications system of the Independent Miners Guild. Here we also answer to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the Guild, which you might have. You should also note that all the messages in this channel and in the other IMG restricted channels, cannot be copied, photographed, etc. That is a measure against corporate spies and defectors.

This system is for the following users only:
  • IMG| Members
  • Independent IMG Affiliates
  • Allies of IMG

IMG| members are obliged to use Independent Miners Guild ID and IFF or the respective Guard ID and IFF. The following call-sign policy is applied and restricted to all the ships owned by IMG| pilots.
  • IMG|Char.Name - for small vessels
  • IMG|Ship.Name - for bigger vessels

FAQ: Technology

These explanations can help you understand better the exact meaning of some terms:

Technology = Both ships and weapons
Shipline = Only ships
Weaponry = Only weapons

The IMG| Membership has access to the following technology:
  • IMG Technology
  • Codename Weaponry
  • Sirius-wide Civilian Technology
  • Rheinland and Bretonian House Civilian Shipline
  • limited access to BHG ships and equipment
  • limited access to Colonial ships and equipment

IMG| Guild Members who wish to use the available technology are welcomed with the exception of the Sagarmatha Battlecruiser and the limited technology that we have been granted from other factions. In order to be granted permission to use technology which is part of these exceptions, they should submit a request in this channel. It it vital to include past accomplishments and contributions to the Guild.

The Independent Miners Guild has also a small number of ships in its fleet which are for public usage (shared). These can be given to full fledged members which have already contributed to the IMG. There are many of them and with various ship types therefore anyone who is interested should discuss it in the IMG Skype Communications with an Administration member.

If an IMG| member feels that AP Series (BHG technology) or Zoner technology suits him better, he should reply in this channel and request his wish to use the BHG or Zoner technology. After he receives a positive answer, he can negotiate with the respective faction for the purchase of their technology and he should expect that the Independent Miners Guild will support and vouch his decision.

The IMG| Armories have also an adequate number of Codename weaponry. If a Guild Member wants to use them instead of purchasing it from private contractors, he will be asked to submit a small amount of money for the codenames which will be returned to him when he returns the codenames back to the armory.

FAQ: Ranks

The Independent Miners Guild has a long tradition on treating it's members with outmost respect and fairness. Therefore it is devided to only 3 ranks which still ensure high effiency. These are:

- Guild Masters
- Guild Members
- Recruits

The Guild Masters have the authority to administer the Independent Miners Guild. Each one of them has different sections which they supervise while the important decisions regarding the Guild, are joint. The joint decisions are being taken by the Board of Guild Masters, the highest body in IMG. Meetings of the Board are not very often and usually happen on major issues regarding IMG. Some of the sections that Guild Masters supervise is the Bounty Board, the Tech Licensing Office, Paramilitary, diplomacy, politics and Legal Office or Recruitment and Human Resources. Of course there is a first among them, however his/her powers are much more limited than that of a corporate president.

The Guild Members are the absolute majority of the IMG personnel. They have the same rights each one of them regardless of their exact position. IMG has also the responsibility to support them from outsiders (ie. in a House court of law or if they are captured by pirates). Some examples of these positions can be the technicians, the escorts, the crew in spaceships, the bartenders, the doctors, etc. Note that IMG has also a big populace of whole families which even though some of their family members may not work for IMG (ie. the kids), they are still considered part of this rank.

It should be specified that skilled employees who have showed zeal in their work, can become Coordinators. These are the directors of all IMG personnel in a specific sector. However, Coordinators despite their special rank, are still Guild Members.

The Recruit Members are the newest additions in IMG which they need to prove their abilities and their determination to the IMG values. After they accomplish their department accomplishments, the Guild decides if they are ready to become fully fledged members. However, it should be noted that recruits are still treated with outmost respect.


These guidelines can help you make the right decision in most occasions, however in special circumstances you should use your person judgement.

Despite the IMG's rapid expansion and increase, the Outcasts in the Taus and the Corsairs in southern Bretonia and the Omegas remain always a considerable threat and several patrols are commisioned to actively search for them and push them away from the sectors. All Guild Members are allowed to engage Outcasts or Corsairs in these regions if the odds are favorable to our side.

IMG is aware that there is a significant precense of aliens in the upper Taus and Rheinland Military vessels in the deep Omegas which are infested by these aliens. The aliens, in both their original form and within a human body remain not only a serious threat for IMG, but for the whole humanity. All IMG vessels should be very cautious when they encounter such vessels. Engagement and annihiliation of the hostiles is recommended if the odds are favorable.

This document which is visible only to Guild Members shows the current relations that IMG has with organisations and factions throughout Sirius. You are allowed to actively hunt and engage only the factions listed as "On War". The factions listed as "Unfriendly" means that you should be cautious with their intentions and engage only after the opponent has showed his intentions.

Last but not least, no IMG members are allowed to enter Guard systems except our own Tau-39, without the prior allowance of the faction which owns that system. Zone-21 in NY system, 30K around the Battleship Grimsby in Newcastle system, the Westerwald nebula in the Frankfurt system and Bremen system are also off-limits.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Independent Miners Guild - 01-05-2009

[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png]

IMG Treaty Database

Please enter Password #1: ***********
Please enter Password #2: ***********


Active Treaties

* Treaty of Curacao
Short Summary: This treaty defines the status of the Independent Worlds, Cortez and Magellan system. Note that the No Fire Zone around Freeport 4 has been revoked.

Active since: 31st January 817 A.S.

* Omega Treaty
Short Summary: Creates a legal status in the Omega region which leads to stability and development.
Signed: 19th January 820 A.S.

* Agreement with Gallic Authorities
Short Summary: GMS acquires exclusive mining rights on Beryllium in southern Tau-23 and in return IMG is granted full access to Gallic space and market. Furthermore, it retains its mining rights on the Niobium deposits.

Signed: 28th August 819 A.S.

* Hood Wartime Protocol
Short Summary: Docking rights to the Hood and the Zone of Neutrality.

Active since: 15th April 819 A.S. (revised)

* Agreement between IMG and the [M] faction
Short Summary: This contract defines the status between IMG| and the [M]ollys.

Active since: 2nd August 819 A.S.

* Agreement between IMG and the Blood Dragon Shogunate
Short Summary: This agreement significantly improves the IMG - BD relations. IMG| tagged ships are allowed to pass through Chugoku space and Blood Dragons can use South Shields Refinery. IMG also delivers specific commodities to the Blood Dragons. Maintained channel: here and here

Active since: 31st August 819 A.S.

* Agreement between IMG and the Queen Carina's Privateers
Short Summary: This agreement stabilizes the diplomacy between IMG and Queen Carina's Privateers.

Active since: 7th June 820 A.S.

* Agreement between IMG and Kamida Assembly
Short Summary: This agreement stabilizes the relations between IMG and the Kamida Assembly.

Active since: 18 March 820 A.S.

* Supply Contract between Gateway and IMG
Short Summary: A main supply contract signed between IMG and Gateway regarding Falster Station.

Active since: 28th May 820 A.S. (revised)

* Supply Contract between ALG and IMG
Short Summary: A main supply contract signed between IMG and ALG. Maintained channel: here

Active since: 23rd March 820 A.S.

* Supply Contract between Cryer and IMG
Short Summary: A medical supply contract signed between ALG and Gateway mostly for remote IMG bases. Maintained channel: here

Active since: 8th April 820 A.S.

* Contract between IDF and IMG
Short Summary: A supply contract of the Seychelles Outpost with IMG-mined Niobium Ore.

Active since: 22nd April 820 A.S. (revised)

* Contract between Ageira and IMG
Short Summary: This contract specifies the ore prices which Ageira transports can purchase from IMG miners.

Active since: 24th March 820 A.S. (revised)

* Trade Contract between GMS and IMG
Short Summary: Setting prices for purchasing IMG mined ore and leasing storage room in Java station.

Active since: 9th June 819 A.S.

Expired Treaties

* Omega 7 Treaty
Short Summary: Determines the ownership of mining fields and the legislation surrounding them.
Signed: 2nd February 820 A.S.

* Defense Contract between EDGE and IMG
Short Summary: This defence contract hires EDGE to protect IMG personnel, assets and interests in the region. More Information: here Reporting channel: here

Signed: 24th June 819 A.S.

* Dublin Arranmore Mining Treaty
Short Summary: Mining Rights on the Molly Gold Field, arranged price for purchasing MMC gold ore, Docking Rights in Arranmore.

Signed: 28th May 819 A.S. (revised)

* Contract between CR and IMG
Short Summary: This contract supplies Colonial convoys with IMG ore on fixed prices.

Signed: 14th January 820 A.S.

* Agreement between IMG and Kiretsu
Short Summary: This agreement stabilizes the relations between IMG and the Kiretsu group and protects their interests.

Signed: 15th August 819 A.S.

* Supply Contract between OSI and IMG
Short Summary: This contract ensures the continuous supply of IMG bases in the Tau Sectors. Maintained channel: here

Signed: 21st June 819 A.S. (revised)

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Independent Miners Guild - 01-05-2009

How to advance from the Recruit Rank

All Recruit Members are required to show their determination in the Guild's ideals and qualities through their activities in its ranks. Also, they are obliged to use the [R] tag in the end of their call-signs.

Within one month of time, they should accomplish 3 assignments and report them in the Guild Comms
. Good presentation of the evidence in that report is also extremely important. If they fail to do so - and there are no good reasons for the delay - they will have to quit the IMG| ranks.

This guide might also be helpful to you.


Recruits can choose from all the assignments mentioned below and can come up with other creative assignments that show that they are capable of being a full member of the Independent Miners Guild. The Guild does not feel like restricting the creativity of its young future members unnecessarily.


i) The IMG Trade Division is significantly smaller than the other departments of IMG. That is primarily because Gateway, ALG and OSI transport the absolute majority of the needed commodities to our in-House bases or in bases located in the Border Worlds. Therefore, the IMG Trade Division is primarily occupied in supplying our bases in the Edge Worlds, a task which is extremely difficult and dangerous. All recruits of this department should accomplish the following assignments in order to prove that they deserve to be part of this small division.

  1. Participate in a large IMG| trade convoy.
  2. Make a delivery of H-Fuel to Arranmore Base. Report it here, as well. Don't be followed by anyone who should not know about our relatioship with the Mollys. Notice that there are several House embargoes and restrictions on H-Fuel, therefore we'd also like to see the route which you will use in order to obtain the fuel.

ii) The IMG Paramilitary ensures the independence of IMG by protecting it from it's enemies. The last decade, the Research & Development department of IMG created numerous superior military vessels which significantly enhanced the efficiency and capabilities of the IMG Paramilitary. Both Outcasts and Corsairs have very skilled pilots in their ranks, therefore all recruits of the IMG Paramilitary should fulfill the following assignments and prove that they are skilled enough to be part of it.

  1. Participate in a major engagement against Outcasts in the Taus or against Corsairs in Southern Bretonia or in the Omegas.
  2. Offer protection service to an IMG| mining operation.
  3. Offer escort service to an IMG| transport convoy.

iii) The IMG Mining Department is the backbone of the Guild. It is the reason of our existence. The majority of the Guild Members are either directly or indirectly involved with the mining activities. Fulfill the following assignments in order to advance to Guild Member.

  1. Participate in an IMG| mining operation.
  2. Mine ore, find a private contractor and sell your ore. Keep evidence of all of the phases of this assignment.

iv) The IMG Exploration & Research Division is an extremely important asset for IMG. There, new technologies ranging from terraforming to ship designing are being researched, while at the same time, operations in uncharted systems are being made which can be future candidates for further expansion.

  1. Send a message in this channel for your assignment. Don't forget to specify the field of your work, as well.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Independent Miners Guild - 01-07-2009

The Independent Miners Guild Prizes

It is said that sometimes the actions of the few have a significant impact on the lives of the many.

I full-heartedly believe and support the above statement. The Independent Miners Guild shall reward the individuals whose actions support in any way other people. They at least deserve our respect and their names to be kept alive in the collective consciousness ~ Edmond Higgins, IMG Guild Master 733 - 743 A.S.

[Image: rszmedal4.png]
Name: Hero of the Guild

Description: As the star is the symbol of IMG, the Golden Star is undoubtedly the highest decoration within the Independent Miners Guild. It's recipients are distinguished by their influence and contribution to mankind in the most positive and meaningful way. It is the only prize which requires the positive vote of every Guild Master.

[Image: rszmedal2r.png]
Name: Distinguished Worker's Medal

Description: Mining, Transportation and Logistics has always been essential in the Guild that tries to organise independent miners. Often these routine tasks are dangerous or require courage or endurance. Guildmembers get the Distinguished Worker's Medal to show that they are hard working men and woman and also to show that the Guild recognizes their loyal effort.

Distinguished Worker's Medal: Participation in 10 convoys (8)

1. The IMG Crown
  • Blue Crown: awarded every 2 kills of fighters and bombers (9)
  • Red Crown: awarded for every 2 confirmed and reported Gunboat and Transport kills (9)

2. The IMG Stars
  • Blue Star: awarded for 5 successful smuggling/semi legal activities (10)
  • Silver Star: awarded for every every additional 10 convoys (11)
  • Golden Star: awarded for calmness and courage while under fire that led to the success of a mission (12)

3. The IMG Ribbons
  • Blue Ribbon: awarded to pilots who fly in convoys often (13)
  • Gold Ribbon: awarded for an extraordinary heroic deed (14)

[Image: rsz1guider.png]
Name: Mark of the Paragon

Description: There are several Guild Members who have shown unprecedented zeal for their work or for preserving the IMG ideals. They are a shining example to the rest of the Guild Members and the Paragon prize embodies that.

[Image: rsz2philanthropist.png]
Name: Mark of the Philanthropist

Description: The Independent Miners Guild does not only provide work for its members but sometimes also offers a home for their families. Over the years, we have provided work and shelter for many refugee families fleeing the House wars. Therefore, those who donate to IMG in order to support our efforts in helping them, deserve to be recognized.

[Image: rszvanguard1.png]
Name: Mark of the Vanguard

Description: Defending ourselves from criminal organisations or rivaling House corporations was never easy; over the years thousands of our Guild Members have sacrificed their lives to protect and defend our independence. The Vanguard badge is the mark of honor to those pilots who act above and beyong the call of duty in service of the Independent Miners Guild.

Mark of the Vanguard: 10 reported confirmed kills (0)

1. The IMG Crown
  • Blue Crown: awarded for every 10 confirmed and reported snub kills (1)
  • Red Crown: awarded for every 10 confirmed and reported capital ship kills (2)

2. The IMG Stars
  • Blue Star: awarded for every 5 successful contraband interceptions (3)
  • Silver Star: awarded for every 5 kills scored on high profile targets (4)
  • Golden Star: awarded for every 10 escort/scouting runs (5)

3. The IMG Ribbons
  • Blue Ribbon: awarded to pilots who launch and report often (6)
  • Gold Ribbon: awarded for extraordinary service to the Guild in the Defense Forces (7)

When someone is granted an IMG Prize, a special ceremony takes place in Jakarta Orbital Colony, Deck B, Room 10. Any Guild Member is invited and can attend the ceremony.


Screening for Awards: How to do it?

Mark of the Vanguard:

(0): Snub or Cap kills. See (1) and (2) about how to screen it.
(1): Snub Kill Award (Blue Crown): Post blue messages of snub kills. You have to show in the blue message. If the blue message is not clear, everybody present in the fight can claim it.
(2): Cap Kill Award (Red Crown): Post the blue message of the cap kill. Every pilot in a ship capable of destroying warships (bombers, gunboat, cruisers) can claim it once, even if his name does not show in the blue message.
(3): Contraband Interception: Screen of cargo scan and blue message (if more ships cooperate, every one can claim it). Works with Cardamine and Slaves in Taus.
(4): High Profile Targets: Blue message showing their name and yours. High profile is defined as the official factions of our enemies, all bountied targets and our "special friends".
(5): File a convoy report that shows you and the convoy (minimum 2 transports)
(6): Players who often log, are good team players but not often get kills get this. Making at least 3 MD entries is necessary.
(7): Report 2 extraordinary activities and try to have it backed up by another IMG player who also reports about it. If you are alone, make sure that the action is well-documented. This award should be something really special.

Dinstinguished Worker's Medal:

(8): Be able to prove that you participated in 10 convoys [= minimum 3 ships + high risk cargo, e.g. ore] via screenshots. The reports do not have to be filed by you, it counts as long as you show on the pictures as a participant. One report is necessary (in which you say when you flew and link the pictures)
(9): Screenshot the blue message with your transport name. All other transports that can prove they shot the target can claim it also because transport fighting is teamwork.
(10): Report (with screens) about the smuggling run. It has to be teamwork (at least 3 IMG|) or if you do it alone, it has to contain interaction with the faction that receives the goods (e.g. [M] when supplying Arranmore).
(11): Prove (at least in one summary report) that you flew 10 more convoys. You do not have to have reported the convoys on your own. It is enough if you show up in the screenies of the convoy report that someone else made.
(12): Report about 3 tense situations in which you were shot at and made it because of wit, bravery, teamwork, etc. You also need 1 witness who reports the same incident. Be convincing and you get it.
(13): You filed reports about 10 convoys runs yourself? You get it.
(14): Report 2 extraordinary activities and try to have it backed up by another IMG player who also reports about it. If you are alone, make sure that the action is well-documented. This award should be something really special.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - cabinn - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Econ Division
From: Baxter Quigley
Piloting: Borderworlds Transport
re: trade reports

The cargo runs have been mostly uneventful lately. Made mny Deuterium runs to S Shields and numerous Niobium runs from Falkland to Holman without incident. Today while at Falkland, I chose to accept a contract to deliver a load of Niobium to Durtmund Station in New Berlin. Passage thru the Taus was uneventful. While in New Tokyo system, a Zoner tipped me off to Blood Dragon activity in the Honshu system. I carefully avoided the Dragons on this pass. The niobium was delivered without a hitch. While at Dortmund, the ALG had a shipment of basic alloy that needed delivery to Planet Honshu. I figured this would be a good oppurtunity to pick up much needed engine parts for the Guild and deliver them to Freeport 4. At this time, I received a comm message from IMG|Ian.Davies of our Defense wing. He agreed to escort me and began making his way towards Kusari space.

Unfortunenately, before we could rendevous in space, I was cornered by a pair of Blood Dragons. One of them, Defias, told me I could leave the area unmolested, but the other, [BD]Dragon's_Fire, ordered me to drop the engine components. He was convinced the Kusari military would get there hands on them. I assured him that the parts were for the IMG. I was forced to drop the cargo. I left the area, undamaged. Within a few minutes, I rendevoused with Ian Davies and we continued on. I docked at Planet Kyushu and picked up more Engine Components. In Kyushu, the trade lane was disrupted by an Outcast - [CCS]W.Borracho.J[B]. Davies, chatted with the Outcast as I slipped on by with my transport and the goods, untouched.

For whatever reason, the Outcast did not engage Davies and he soon rejoined me. We went on towards Magellan without any further trouble. The usualy assortment of Hacker pirates were not around in Magellan and the engine components made it safely to Freeport 4.

Lesson learned - wait for the escort and watch the long range scanners more

Quigley out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Guild Membership
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Guild Roster

Greetings All!

May I begin by congratulating you on a fine job since our reorganization. There is much left to do, but we are off to a great start.

As of this moment, the following is a current listing of the Guild membership. As you can see, we are in need of a new Defense Director, so be mindful of that. If you see any errors, please let me know.

Membership Roster (by division)

Economic Division

Director: IMG|Claude.Foster[M] (Ktayn)
IMG|Claude.Foster[T] (Ktayn)

IMG|Katrina.Lillian[M] (Hawkwings)
IMG|Starless.Black[M] (Emerlist Davjack)

IMG|Aaron.Frye[T] (Ximen Benitez)
IMG|Gerhard.Mueller[T] (Trevelyan)
IMG|Set.Koli[T] (Seth Karlo)
IMG|Baxter.Quigley[T] (Emerlist Davjack)

Defense Division

Director: OPEN

IMG|R.Desjardins[D] (Capt. G. Thacker)
IMG|Destor.Raven[D] (Bobafett)
IMG|Deacon.Hughes[D] (Ximen Benitez)
IMG|David.Masterson[D] (Incognito)
IMG|David.Masterson[D]. (Incognito)
IMG|Ian.Davies[D] (IanD)

R&D/Provisions Division

Director: IMG|Syana.Kyan[R&D] (Seth Karlo)

IMG|V.Alexandros[E] (Ktayn)
IMG|Selikar.Khan[E] (Seth Karlo)
IMG|Encheta.Shimoa[E] (Encheta Shimoa)

Guild Master: IMG|Peter.Barrington (Trevelyan)
IMG|Peter.Barrington[E] (Trevelyan)



Barrington out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Econ Division
FROM: Gerhard Mueller, Master Trader
RE: Trade Report

Ran another deuterium/h-fuel route this evening. While passing through Dublin enroute to O-49, some fellow called Wing121b attempted to halt me, though he was never on scanner. I ignored him at first, thinking he was talking to someone else. "Wut r u doing here," he said several times. I finally asked if he was talking to me, which he confirmed. Unfamiliar with his code, I told him I'd have to translate, but I asked him why he was pestering me, to which he gave no reply.

On my way back through Dublin, he appeared around Arranmore as I was passing through the asteroid field there, and he gave chase. He again told me to halt - I did not comply, since I had a sizable lead - and I demanded his identity. He continued to ignore my request, so I ignored his. When he was still 3.8K from me, I was nearing Hood and then Mr. Shimoa appeared in his Spatial. At this point ol' Wingnut ran, no doubt apprised of Mr. Shimoa's recent exploits against the Outcasts in Tau 23.

In any event, I gave him a clear warning about bothering any of our vessels in the future. I suggest we keep a lookout for this one, and take no unnecessary chances. Idiocy can still be dangerous, after all.

Safe flying to all of you.

Mueller out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - farmerman - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Exploration Division Members
FROM: Claude Foster
SUBJECT: Reassesment and Expansion

Greetings fellow guildmembers!

I have been looking over some of our recent numbers and, in the process, I noticed some of our last mining reports do not seem to match up to our most recent estimates. It would be appreciated if your division might be able to check the mining potential of our fields in the following systems: Dublin, Cambridge, Omega-7.

In addition, the thought of possible expansion of our mining facilities has been brought to my attention. Attached is a list of systems near those we are operating in that our mining supervisors at Falkland and Freistadt have thought up. It would be good if we could see whether mining in them would be feasible and/or effective.

Claude Foster

See attachment.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****





Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Encheta - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****
TO: R&D Division, Exploration Section
FROM: Encheta Shimoa
RE: Exploration and Defense Report

Things have been quite slow until recently. I have been able to go and update our charts of the whole Cambridge system after Claude's request. I'll attach the the data after I report on more recent situations for the Defense Division..

There appears to have been a significant increase in Outcast activity the past few days. As they were giving us wide berth, I assumed that it was just a reaction to a bad Corsair raid on one of their stations and didn't bring it to the attention of the defense division. However yesterdays events make me beleive they are in fact ramping up hostilities with us and the Colonial Remnant, especially within Tau 23 and Tau 37..

I was just doing regular patrols and asteroid mineral tests when I got a distress signal from the Trailblazer and an Independent Miners craft at Java Station. I immediately rushed back to base to assist, and was confronted by approx. four Outcast ships predominantly from the CSS. The Trailblazer was not fully equipped at the time and attempted to retreat from the field during the standoff, but they advanced as soon as she started moving...

The Independent Miner and I were able to hold them off from the station and the Trailblazer, but it was not until Colonial Remnant ships came to assist that we were able to drive them away from Java proper. Unfortunately, I didn't take any shots of the engagement with my shipboard cams, but I can confirm that I myself shot down at least one CSS craft while the Independant Miner shot down at least two. The remaining Outcast ships were downed by the =CR=.

We then supported a counter-attack by the =CR= on Cali Base, an Outcast installation nearby. The battle was hard fought, and we were eventually thwarted when enemy reinforcements from the RoS arrived. Like many of our other IMG and Independent pilots, I myself was shot down, having to eject after losing inertial dampeners and the magnetic feild in my ship's open bay fuel reactor (Having hydrogen plasma flowing around the engine bays isn't very good for ship integrity..).

After these events, I strongly suggest that extra fighter pilots be stationed at Java to meet the oncoming Outcast threat. With our current lack of a Defense Director, the logistical difficulties in supplying a satisfatory defence of Java is only exacerbated. Hence, a new and capable director has to be appointed immediately to overcome this. We lost a lot of good men. Let's not have it happen again.

Sending the exploration data now, Encheta Shimoa Out.

*****Receiving Data*****


IMG|Encheta.Shimoa[E] / Spatial

Area Explored:

Cambridge System

Bases Docked:

Cardiff Mining Facility

Hostiles Encountered:

Nil. Possible Corsair activity in/near Grasmere Ice Cloud.


Armored Transport Henry Jones. Bowex insignia. Coords 5/6F. Gold found in hold. Other equipment may be salvagable.
Pirate ship Caraz. Corsair in origin. Coords 6E/F. Abnormal readings found when scanning cargo hold - advise not to salvage.

Other Encounters:

Numerous traders travelling in and out of system, Independant and factionalised alike. Also, BAF and BPA found to regularly patrol system tradelanes.

Minable Commodities Found:

Beryllium - Cardiff Asteroid Field.
Water (Ice) - Keswick and Grasmere Ice Clouds

-Personal note- While the beryllium pocket is small, concentrations as shown by the camera shot attached is suprisingly high. Furthermore, prices for beryllium at Cardiff provide a reasonable return for the work involved mining. While It may not be too feasable for our smaller vessels, posting a larger mining ship or converted transport there may be lucrative.

Misc. System Features:

Reduced scanner efficiency in Keswick and Grasmere Ice Clouds. Suggest escorts for transports in case of pirate ambush.

*****Uploading Camera Data*****

[Image: 300e9mp.jpg]

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - ian - 01-07-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****
TO: Encheta Shimoa, Exploration Section
FROM: Ian Davies
RE: In-relation to your Exploration and Defense Report

In your report regarding answering a distress signal from the Trailblazer i would just like to inform you that the Independant Miner was indeed me myself before i was able to book my ship for a new paint job heh

also i do believe we have underestimated the CCS, they seem to have increased their numbers two-fold within the last few days. This is troubling for us since we do not have as many numbers to fend off the entire Outcast fleet thanks to false claims and the war between Bretonia and Kusari doesnt help much either

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****