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Roleplay - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-28-2006

Couldn't sully that thread with a post to say how good, and very well thought out it is.
So I'll start this one instead.
This is good RP, and I hope everyone else will think about it, and have all their characters
interact with this faction accordingly. Mech, thanks for the opportunity, certainly for me
personally, to have an ongoing house situation that will bring some much needed variety
to a good RP server. I will try to have my chars interact as much as possible.
This is a good opportunity for the rest of you to follow suit.
Comments and discussion in this thread please.


Roleplay - Badger - 08-28-2006

Whoah, so that's WA's official introduction here and a very good one at that. It's been a long time coming as Kusari has been absent long enough, while WA have wandered the galaxy without any specific purpose. I don't think I could pick a more astute leader to sieze control of the Kusari empire, this will indeed make things... interesting :0)

One thing I will note though, which I have been unhappy about before, is the continuation of the Warriors of Aesir tag into Freelancer, which so far has attracted many enemies from outside Discovery who don't adhere to the roleplay elements quite as well as WA themselves. Though I would again suggest a modification to seperate WA from their outside ties, I don't believe this will happen and we'll all be subject to the same anti-WA sentiments as we have been all along. It's a shame really, since Discovery has so much more to offer than war on WA's ex-members...

Roleplay - Nightfall - 08-28-2006

Ah well, they're here to stay it seems!

Good RP, well thought my ex-Emperor!
Please note though that I am an Outcast, and as such, on the Blood Dragons' and Golden Chrysantemums side of the things in Kusari... unless you all become very important customers :P

Anyway, welcome Warriors of Aesir!

Roleplay - marauder - 08-28-2006

Your right badger, theres been what? 3 or 4 groups/players turn up just to fight the WA or AW.

I too look forward tointeracting with the WA in kusari, it'll be nice to have to fight through several players to massacre the NPCs in NT, instead of just fighting the odd freelancer or faction member.

Hopefully we can get the player side of this britoniaberty - kusari war started now.

Then we'll find out what, if anything, the RM will do...

Looks like the TDE is gonna be stuck in the middle of a war :D sounds to me like a good oppurtunity to cause havoc.

Roleplay - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-28-2006

One thing I did forget to mention ... For all of my previous vocal discontent with the way
that the AW was run here, the one thing they now do, is not use loopholes in the server
rules, to use of out class weapons on ships, even though the rules actually say nothing
about this.
I would like to see the rather convoluted way ships are allowed, now to be sorted in a
good RP way aswell. Looking forward to reading about those explainations.
I also note, and correct me if I'm wrong here, that the AW seem to have a new commander.
Wise choice ... In the light of the previous ones, lack of communication skills.


Roleplay - Mech - 08-28-2006

Quote:Along with the Houses, the Asgard Warriors also didn't feel Lord Skaldi had any say over them, and so remained apart from the Warriors of Aesir, rather then uniting with them as the Emperor had hoped. Although close allies to the WA, the AW would require payment to help them, just as with everyone.

With the Emperor frozen, and out of the picture, the AW's feel no special loyalty towards Skaldi Kin-Slayer, and therefore are going to remain a Seperate faction from WA. They will likely supply Mercs for all sides of the WA Civil war, but would lean the most towards House Cammander (Their kin).

In short, Dab still runs the AW, and without the Emperor, they are a seperate faction.

Roleplay - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-28-2006

Sorry Mech, I read it as ... House Cammander, under the command of Darkwulf.
Have to re-read the thing again. Doesn't change my view though.


Roleplay - Mech - 08-28-2006

Yes well, as far as you are concerned I'm just a "smarter version of dab", in your own words. So forgive me if I don't take much stock in your view.

Anyways, I am dead..or Frozen. My part is done here, good luck AW's and WA's.

Roleplay - Firebird - 08-28-2006

Nice RP story...guess I've got some editting for the tag listing and claim map. I am presuming the Warriors of Aesir are to be associated with the Kusari Naval Forces in terms of tag ID :unsure:

Roleplay - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-28-2006

Well Mech, dead or not ... I sort of hoped that one would get back to you. Thats just a
reference to the fact that Dabs only concern is to take territory and make the AW look
good. Both of which he has failed to do miserably. I thought maybe you would be able to
do a better job of it.
I see now that your only concern is to make the WA and yourself look good, and take
You are right ... Its all about the glory, not about the game and anyone else involved in
it. We just happen to be on this server too.
And it would appear now we know who are friends are ...
