The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 01-05-2009
![[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVkt0QXlmdmdwSkE]]( Power
Mission Statement
To provide security for all Junkers throughout Sirius, by creating an intelligence-gathering network, planting the seeds of political influence in all houses and independents, and empowering every Junker who flies a craft in space with the ability to persevere under the harshest conditions and opposition one could hope to face. To give meaning to the phrase, "They are a family...and they are fiercely protective of each other." To establish bulwarks against possible hostile actions from other factions by bringing Junkers together and providing communication, public action, intelligence and maintaining assets for mutual support and defense. Particular emphasis should be placed on concern over future actions of the Kusari/Hogosha, the Wild, the Xenos and the Nomads. The Nomads -- and their proxies, the Wild --are considered the greatest threats to a secure Junker future. To end reliance on other parties as the only means of self-preservation, and to begin building a new future where all Junkers are free to do as they chose without threat from others. |
- Build necessary skills and instill core values of independence and self-sufficiency in each individual Junker. Each pilot will have the tools to deal with any party who might attack them, and to enforce Junker base rules with non-Junkers. Such means of dealing may be political, financial or martial.
- Develop the individual piloting capabilities of Junkers to make them more appealing as allies or supporters, and to deter aggression from enemies and their allies.
- To establish a political party system that all Junkers can participate in and benefit from while still retaining their independence.
- Develop covert and overt intelligence and prepare countermeasures to possible future hostilities by the Nomads (with the Keepers as an example), the Wild (das Wilde as an example).
- To aggressively operate within all Sirius economies as a show of presence.
- To strengthen ties to and support for parties whose goals benefit Congress interests, such as the Golden Chrysanthemums, Blood Dragons and ALG.
- To deter Hogosha and Farmers Alliance operations outside of Kusari space and to hinder their operations within Kusari space through slander, sabotage, subterfuge and pinpoint pre-emptive strikes.
- To deter Xeno operations and objectives in and around Liberty through similar means.
- To demonstrate the ability of the Junker Congress to encourage reliable and responsible behavior by Junkers within house space.
- To provide a forum for Junkers and non-Junkers alike to express grievances with one another in.
- To provide for overall security of Junker life throughout Sirius by providing for its defense and interests.
- To provide security to Puerto Rico as it is the Junker's capitol system and is controlled by the Congress.
- To encourage the development of new Junker-centric ship types and lines.
- To assist other responsible Junker groups in trade, building, security, diplomacy and self-defense.
- To generate funds through trade, combat missions, bounties, escorts and other practices throughout Sirius.
- Facilitate Puerto Rico’s evolution into the smuggling den of Sirius.
- Research the phenomenon known as the Puerto Rican Rift.
- Pursue of the knowledge of our origins. |
ooRP Objectives
- Form the political arm of the Junker Congress and oversee, develop and support it to facilitate increased role play amongst Junkers and other factions.
- Create difficult missions for players that develop teamwork, exploration, trade and fighting skills while also teaching the faction's role play.
- Help new players (not just Junkers) find a way to begin easing into role play with an open faction.
- Provide a mature group that values having fun playing well with others over ego and personal game agendas.
- Fill in the role play of Junkers with all factions in Sirius who may come across them.
- Develop the "next level" evolutionary direction of advancing Junkers as might occur in light of current events.
- Have a solid group (not necessarily "large") that can help other factions with their role play.
- Make a faction composed largely of individual role play shared against a common background created by the faction.
- Develop and expand on the Junkers concern about the threat of Nomad and Wild invasion and infiltration amongst Junkers. |
Faction Rules
- In Character chat must be used publicly at ALL times with the exception of asking for persons to assist with immediate technical or administrative help.
- Our Characters are assumed to be known to one other and to have firmly established a "sold out" life to the ideals of Junker independence and the Junker Congress. A brief bio describing personal origin and goals is desired.
- the chain of command must be respected within the faction and on the server.
- Ships above bomber size must have role play with a member of the appropriate faction who is not a member of the Junker Congress to obtain it. Any "house specific" ship not sold on a Junker base must be negotiated in the same way.
- Hardware (Ships, Guns, Etc.) must fall in line with the concept of Junker usage. Use of Junker weaponry and craft is preferred over that of other factions. Some role play exception may be made if a majority vote of the Congress finds it acceptable.
- A player's reputation must be in line with that of a Junker and they must equip a Junker ID. Characters may be hostile to any faction they wish for role play reasons but may not be friendly to a faction normally hostile to Junkers.
- Unique personal role play of a .:j:. character using non-standard devices or methods must be approved by .:j:. faction leaders and/or a Congressional majority vote.
- Faction diplomacy and agreements undertaken by member characters must be pre-approved by .:j:. leadership and/or Congress, as applicable.
- .:j:. tagged units must conform to ship/weapons selections and rank/role play requirements.
- .:j:. members will not cooperate in trade or combat with Junker ID vessels exceeding the ship/weapons limitations of the Junker Congress. |
Congressman |
A Junker who has been invited to the Congress and participates in the unified discourse that is the heart and modus operandi of the Congress. Some are individual pilots with little more than a single ship and a cunning mind, others run large operations and command hundreds of millions in credit resources; however all members of the Congress are equal at the great round table that is the Junker Congress when outside their areas of delegated authority and responsibility. All members of the Congress are equal outside their delegated areas of authority. |
Adjudicator |
While the Directors cover large areas of space, Adjudicators focus on specific areas. This position is delegated by a Director to a Congressman that has expressed an interest in handling diplomatic relations with a specific faction or area of space. Adjudicators are special appointees to oversee Congress operations and interests, and to aid local population with whatever they may require. They are figures of authority due to specialized knowledge and responsibility. |
Chief Engineer |
The Chief Engineer is a rank given to our main shipbuilder. They reside on Vieques Shipyard and are in charge of maintaining our fleet. This covers ship repairs, ship production, and new ship design. |
Commandant |
During times of war this rank is appointed to those in charge on the front lines. They are responsible for coordinating combat strategies. Also charged with organizing members for combat squads. They send out reconnaissance ships, combat units and relief vessels. During these operations the Commandant has full authority over all those in the squad. |
Director |
These members of the Congress are appointed to oversee and spearhead Congress operations and interests, and propose initiatives to further streamline and enhance said projects. Each Director has authority over his or her own assigned territory, as they are the custodians of Congress operations. While Directors are free to operate within the projects of other Directors, they are subordinate to the one who heads up that particular operation. Objectives that fall under multiple jurisdictions will be joint efforts, handled equally by all Directors involved. A Director can finalize the recruitment of members. |
Ambassador |
The Ambassador is a dignitary for the Junker Congress. This position is given the same authority as the Arbiters and Directors when appointed to a specific task. It is only on those appointed assignments does the position carry those powers. These missions are given by the Arbiter, Deputy Arbiter and Directors for the Congress. While the rank is equal to that of a Director. If both the Arbiter and Deputy Arbiter resign or are missing. The Ambassador will take on emergency powers and fill the role of Arbiter. Within thirty days of taking office the Ambassador will initiate a vote for a new Arbiter and Deputy Arbiter. Following the vote they will step down and resume their rank. If the Ambassador is voted to become Arbiter or Deputy Arbiter then the Arbiter will appoint a new Ambassador. |
Arbiter |
The Arbiter and Deputy Arbiters oversee the operation and direction of the Junker Congress. The limits of their authority run similar to those of the Directors, but their charge extends to the whole of the Congress as opposed to territorial limitation. They have limited clearance to amend the constitution of the Congress, provided the four tenets of Power, Profit, Security and Freedom remain the primary focus. |
Founder |
Non-playing figurehead or leader. This is a specialized rank given to the founder and first leader of the Junker Congress. Vladimir Tinkerbell founded and wrote the Junker Congress Constitution. This rank is only given to Vladimir Tinkerbell in hopes that some day he returns to tell us his tale. |
Achieving Rank
- Promotion will be awarded to those who demonstrate reliability and helpfulness towards contributing to good role play for the faction and its members, and who wish to undertake further roleplay authority in the faction.
- Disobeying the listed rules of the server or faction can result in demotion or ban from the faction.
- Inactivity or lack of performance can result in demotion from a role. This will have no impact on a player's standing in the faction.
- Junker Congress Leaders and/or Congressional action may reduce or raise ranks at its sole discretion at any time. |
Founder |
Vladimir Tinkerbell (Tinkerbell) |
Arbiter |
Deputy Arbiter |
Ambassadors |
Rheinland Director |
Ian "Wolf" Howler @"Ian Howler [Galaxian]" |
Liberty Director |
(Vacant) |
Kusari Director |
(Vacant) |
Bretonia Director |
Director of Gallic Operations |
(Vacant) |
Commandant |
Chief Engineer |
Juan "El Burrito" Ortega (Unlucky_Soul) |
Adjudicators |
(Vacant) |
Directorship Zones of Responsibility
Arbiter Responsibilities |
The Arbiter deals with all the houses, while most messages can be handled by the Directors. Some situations require extra special care, which is where the Arbiter comes in, addition to handling first contacts he also deals with mending relations ships with other entities throughout Sirius. |
Bretonian Director |
Deals with all organizations within additionally it shares responsibility with the Rheinland and Kusari Directors in handling relations in the Omegas, Taus, and Gallia. |
Rheinland Director |
Deals with all organizations within Rheinland additionally it shares responsibility with the Bretonia in handling relations in the Omegas. |
Kusari Director |
Deals with all organizations within additionally it shares responsibility with the Kusari Directors in handling relations in the Taus, and Gallia. |
Gallic Operations |
Operations here are split between the Bretonian and Kusarian Directors. Though primarily handled by the Arbiter. |
Political Affiliations
Hostile |
Das Wilde
The Xenos
Farmers Alliance
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police |
Unfriendly |
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Hellfire Legion
Corsairs |
Neutral |
Bounty Hunters
Independent Pirates
The Commune
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
House Corporations: Liberty / Rhineland
House Authorities: Liberty / Rhineland
Friendly |
Blood Dragons
Lane Hackers
Red Hessians
Liberty Rogues
Golden Chrysanthemums
ALG Waste Disposal
Bretonian House Corporations
Bretonian House Authorities |
Allies |
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 10-04-2016
With so many incursions into Puerto Rico recently, namely the Nomads, it has been determined that we must name a Commandant for the Junker Congress. James Greyhorn has agreed to accept this position. He is one of the best combat pilots we have in our family. He will be organizing combat training and taking lead in combat missions from this point forward. James, this isn't a position that is given too often, and it carries a heavy weight with it. From all of us, thank you for agreeing to defend and lead your brothers in combat.
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 10-05-2016
For too long we have had vacant seats in some of our Director positions. Today we have the honor of promoting Tex Mex. Your work in the Omegas and Omicrons has not gone unnoticed. We hope you will put the same amount of effort into our other diplomatic endeavors within your area. The specific position is Director of Outer Rim Operations. Wear your new title proudly Director Tex.
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 10-05-2016
Another vacant seat has been filled. Gilbert Kapp, call sign Gunblader, will be stepping up today. Your willingness to deal with our Inter-House relations is much appreciated. We have the utmost faith in you. Of course you can always rely on your brothers for assistance in this. It is a huge responsibility, do not let it overwhelm you.
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 01-02-2017
We are pleased to announce a new Deputy Arbiter. Rick Tiltman, serve your brothers well.
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 10-28-2017
We are pleased to announce a new Arbiter. Gilbert Kapp, call sign Gunblader, serve your family well.
RE: The Junker's Congress - Junker Congress - 03-30-2019
Made some much needed updates to this.