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To: Kruger Mineralen. Subject: A pressing need. - Printable Version

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To: Kruger Mineralen. Subject: A pressing need. - The Syndicate Leagues - 05-01-2017

Incoming Transmission

[Image: Mt89F0q.png]

To: Kruger Mineralen.
From: Armin Jansen.
Subject: A pressing need.

[Image: QogLrOv.jpg]

Brothers. We are in need of you.

As will be of little surprise to you, the Union maintains a number of foundries dotted around our outposts. By comparison to the great forges of centuries past, they are ramshackle. However, they are more than fit-for-purpose for our conservation.

It has been more than three months since we last broke contact. We are long overdue.

We would be willing to offer Kruger protracted escort services, in return for the delivery of thirty-five ionic compress machines - used for the production of plasteel laminate in the electronics of complex warships. This would correlate to about nine thousand (9000) siren standard units of Industrial Materials.

These assets will be used in the production of additional vessel components to help combat the Hesse. In return, we are willing to consider further arbitrage of labour protections withing Kruger mineralen. You would become beneficiaries of the very force you help to bolster.

To friends in adversity.

Contract request: Wrote:- Deliver 9000 SCU of Industrial Materials to Freeport 2, Westphalia (Bering).


Unioner operatives will be transmitted no-fire-codes across the Rhein.

Difficulty: Low. Possible Hesse piracy risk.

- Unioners.

Armin Jansen,
Location undisclosed.
Transmission Ended

RE: To: Kruger Mineralen. Subject: A pressing need. - Kruger - 06-04-2017

[Image: HaTOL4Z.png]

To: Armin Jansen
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: Pressing need
Encryption key: K-A-4-9-Y9-8

Guten tag , Armin Jansen
Sorry for the delay, even more in a pressing matter, but as you may know, we are undergoing quite some changes in Kruger, preparing for bright better future for all true Rheinlanders.
Attending to that intention, help each and every fellow Rheinlander who works himself to make his own life and that of fellow rheinlanders better, we will attend your request.
Different of some other corporations, we care about not only our personell, but, as ive said, those working for the better of our beloved Fatherland
Deliveries will be made soon

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Heinrich Stuhl

[Image: kruger-tb-btm.png]

RE: To: Kruger Mineralen. Subject: A pressing need. - Kruger - 06-21-2017

[Image: HaTOL4Z.png]

To: Armin Jansen
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: Pressing need
Encryption key: K-A-4-9-Y9-8

Guten tag , Armin Jansen
Deliveries have been completed, and, as pilot of last load had empty space, i decided complete the load with some more material, so you have it stored as replacement.
If we can help in any other way our fellow rheinlanders working for a better Rheinland, please contact me and say what i can do to help.
In any way i can help, i will.

[Image: IRrttzU.jpg][Image: qmhPLaw.jpg][Image: oijuJhJ.jpg]

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Heinrich Stuhl

[Image: kruger-tb-btm.png]