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Memoires : Past Tense - Dave Synk - 05-07-2017

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ID: ---
Location: ---
Subject: Beginning

It's interesting when you put your thoughts into written words for the firs time. I don't know exactly what to say... I was never good with expressing myself, in an emotional-POV manner but it's worth a try. I've put a thought regarding my life, where I am now, what I ever did, what I ever had. It's a method to keep me back on track and not lose my mind in the current state that I am.

I guess the most defining period and the one that it was most intense for me, was when I joined the Navy to sustain them in their government-owned research projects. But I knew from the start what would happen. My work began near the start of the Nomad War. Until then I was sent in the name of Liberty's Science Board on various expeditions towards distant worlds that had signs of alien life. I've heard about what the Rheinlanders found on a distant Omicron World, and to an extent it was very valuable because we had the real contact with ... signs at least with an alien species. What happened further one, made me think that they encountered there more than.. relics. But it's the cosmic imperative of the improbable and unknown, so to speak.

Liberty didn't shined that much on the scientific aspect, well of course we developed the Jump Gates, Trade Lane systems, but they were not invented. That's the thing. Liberty was known for the prospect image of capitalism and freedom. Bretonians had some interesting figures. On my various expeditions throughout several noticeable archeological sites, I've met Professor Roland Quintaine. He was an interesting individual, yet odd in the same place because of his connection to quasi-unlawful people. Not your daily professor type I guess. He was revered over at Cambridge and I was an aspirant. Luckily the Nomad War caught me in their territory and I got to work with him until he had to vanish because he was wanted for some illogical crimes, he stated. There was a chaotic period during those events, the influence of the Nomad race was spreading fast into the colonies.

It was interesting to work with him though. We studied some ancient relics and presumed "devices" of millennia old, and I've discovered that some were triggers to open all sort of maps to some known and unknown systems, unusual places even (perhaps other dimensions ?). Several key connections towards unknown worlds. Different lines, different patterns, different races presumably. We studied what we later named them the Dominator Race of the Milky Way or as we managed to barely translate it "Daam'K'Vosh". We considered them to be entities that could manipulate matter and time with their thoughts. Creating worlds, life and so on. The mystery came to... what happened. Me with the rest of the team, theorized they were caught in either a war or affected by some plague or they simply evolved into another chapter of existence. Leaving behind the Nomad race was an interesting gesture. For protection to safeguard until their return or as a legacy. Thing is... there were no signs of their appearances in the modern ages.

During the Nomad War I resided on a station in the Omega systems, near planet Sprague. It was a good view and a safe heaven until the heat came down. When I returned to Liberty after the War was over I passed to Manhattan and saw the honor escorts that made a path clear for the heroes that put an end to the threat. My son was with my wife on Cambridge all this time. They were safe enough.

The Science Board though, told me some terrible things in the aftermath of the conflict. They said they were all hidden, some of them were taken by the Government by force and vanished. They also said that the Nomads had the possibility to take control of individuals and get inside human beings. The Board decided to put this off-record but to be careful in the future, for the Nomad War was just the beginning. I never saw them, but only the bio-luminescent entities that were in space. The government expected us, scientists, to work like nothing ever happened. The subject of the Nomads was very sensitive, and some even today live in denial of their existence.

Eight years later I was invited by the Navy to help them with some research projects, with top-tier equipment, personnel, basically it was the best job a researcher could do. I took it. I was assigned in the New Hampshire system and on I went. It coincided with the day when my son, turned19 and I couldn't get to his birthday celebration. I only had contact with him via a secure channel. After I got the job, I even had lower contact. I.. know I couldn't do it. I tried the best I could, I only wanted to suffice a future for my family, even if I sacrificed myself. My wife to have a good and easy life on Cambridge and my son the best of education. My notoriety brought several advantages but also grudges.. especially in my son's life.

On Hampshire, things were alright in the first 6 months. Then... I realized what I got into. I will speak more about it later. Apparently I do like this journal-style of speech.

:::[log ended]:::

RE: Memoires : Past Tense - Dave Synk - 05-08-2017

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ID: ---
Location: ---
Subject: Narrowing down the line.

It's very interesting how people can fall even from the shoulders of titans. Or have at least their daily reality twisted 180 degrees. As I was saying before, this is what happened after the six months of work inside the New Hampshire system. At first, everything was directed towards project management. I was presented with a tremendous amount of various sketches, ideas, undergoing tasks and so on. I had to shift the funds towards those that I considered, given my scientific expertise, more important. Well, the presence of a Navy officer was always there when I had to make such decisions so basically, I couldn't choose whatever I wanted. They needed to improve the Navy's technology and progression. Since the tensions with the Rheinland were rising, due to political and economical prejudices.

I met my staff. Something was very, out of place about them. Not very obvious but I felt like something was going on with them. Their look towards me felt like their lives were depending on my words. Silent bunch, I had a team of 10. Biologists, xenobiologists, nuclear and quantum physicists, psychologists and some chemists. They were good at what they were doing and very effective but... acted like they were semi-robots. For a while the feeling was lost and I got accommodated with them when I saw some of them making jokes in the coffee breaks. They were bad but.. all with scientific puns. At least hey, they were humans right ? So that was easier for me to work with.

Things changed in the 7th month of work when the Navy began to be more present and more active on the station, especially in the research wing. They "suggested" us that it would be in Liberty's beneficial that we'd focus our study on a series of data and archives that came from Manhattan. Especially Valhalla One. I was shocked, but in a positive way to hear that I was about to study the archives of the V1. But the Navy officer who came to announce it, didn't took my enthusiasm too lightly. He reminded me to keep my calm and proceed as told, respecting the protocol and watch only into the things that I was told to. Giving the fact the the secrets of the Vault gave the humanity the knowledge of trade lanes and Jump Gates... i can understand the resentment.

We were not allowed to leave the station during our contract. We had our bulks and all the necessary conditions to have a normal life out of work on the station too. It was very strange but I tried to keep myself in control. I was assigned to work on a prototype neural enhancer and gene manipulation project that had the goal to increase the lifespan and resilience of the human body. They had this plan to create a series of super soldiers immune to toxins, neural attacks, diseases and all. The requirements were ... overwhelming even for the 10 of us. I requested more personnel and time but we were denied. They said that "Everything was processed. Keep doing what your instructions tell you." I guess the figure of freedom and "Liberty" stopped when I entered this system. But I had no choice. I recall that after we've got like 70% of the project, we were asked that the project will be taken to another research facility in the Alaska system and that we are asked to proceed to further processing our tasks.

In the middle of the night, I was woken up and ordered to pack the necessities in 5 minutes because I had a shuttle towards my new operation post. For a reason we were 5 now. I passed through the chambers of the others and they were sealed, closed, like they were never there. The remaining scientist were very frightened, one fell down into her knees and collapsed in a panic attack. One escort came to her picked her up and hit her behind her head with the pad of the gun. The hit was bad, but she continued to go like nothing happened. I told the soldier, that was not necessary but he didn't said a word to me. When I looked over her neck closely, I saw she had some device installed and went down behind the skin. I remembered a number and designation "AX-03". Thing is, that all of them had these "AX-number" tags on their door and I presumed it came from auxiliary staff. Now it explained many things. I saw, but pretended to never observe. Why did they kept me untouched though ?

I went to the shuttle and reached for Alberta. This was one year later after I started to work with them. I worked for the next 4 years over. On Alberta... things turned way stranger.

:::[log ended]:::

RE: Memoires : Past Tense - Dave Synk - 05-12-2017

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ID: ---
Location: ---
Subject: When the man lost his way..

Another day, another log. I was thinking to stop all this, because the memories are not enjoyable and they sometimes trigger small panic attacks when I think of what I saw and how far the aftershock of the Nomad War, went. I was took to Alberta. Me and the remaining scientists. There were no words spoken to us, the guards felt like they were ready to kill us if we started to sneeze even, imagine if we began to get noisy. We kept a grim silence on the way to Alberta. I only exchanged quick eye glancing with the other scientists but they were not eager even with that.

One researcher, had this picture of his family and kept rubbing it very aggressively. He was sweating and began to balance his boy, back and forth slowly. He was a xenobiologist and a good one. I met him before on a press conference on Denver, regarding the study of xenofauna and it's diversity pattern on various worlds. It was a shame to see him in such a bad condition. I was very nervous myself, I knew something was not good at all. I expected the worse to happen to us but I had some backup plans. If we were forced to do something that would possibly get us killed, I had in my inner pocket from the coat some rudimentary explosive made with nitric acid and glycol. With an electric contact that would shake the unstable compound with 3 seconds delay, enough to be able to take control of the situation if possible.

The guards that came from Alberta were different in the way they were looking. Maybe I was paranoid but I had the impression that they had small twitches on their eyes. They even had moments when they'd stare at us for some weird uncomfortable moments. When we arrived, the designated station where we were supposed to work was located into the far distant nebula, at the edge of the system, at around 50 K on the upper level of the planar scale. The position was very reclusive and that hinted me that the Navy did something here that was not supposed to be found by many. We arrived and we noticed the equipment was fresh, even the entire station was freshly assembled. And given the way it was assembled it was meant as a temporary base of operation. After us a reinforced military cargo vessel with heavy escort arrived. It contained a series of active K'Vosh Artifacts and Xeno Relics. They were even "charged" with a series of power enhancers to give them a "boost" they said.

I knew what these were capable of doing. What I found later on the main deck, was that the Navy discovered a gravimetric anomaly, apparently it was contained and basically the station was constructed around it. It was not the size of a jumphole, but rather the size of a hangar door. It was an anomalous kind of space-time rift. I've studied them before during the Nomad War. I won't mention the treatment because it was almost like I was a prisoner. I had no choice but to work. They used the artifacts, some of them to align them with the epicenter of the anomaly around it like a sphere. The artifacts arranged themselves alone and they began to glow. There was when I saw it... the guards.. the original staff and all of the people there, aside from us, had the eyes glowing purple faintly and looked in awe at the rift. I felt my knees crippling and couldn't move when I saw that,

I realized that the Navy was... not entirely itself. It was influenced a lot or at least they tried some twisted experiments. I received the PDA with the desired result of my work on the rift. They basically wanted to use my knowledge in order to develop a way to unlock some genetic traits regarding mind telepathy and cellular regeneration typical to the specifics of the Nomad race. I began to work on that and in parallel i developed a cortical implant that would allow me to be more resistant to exterior mind influence. It would seem like I'm just having a strong will and nothing suspicious. As I started to work in the following years, I began to have less and less contact with my wife and my son. He almost finished his studies. I tried to offer him the support and open the path for his careers with Ageira and DSE and with the LSF since I had all kind of connections because of my job with the Navy. I began to have a more bigger worth and gained access to more resources for the study. I started the experiment slowly on myself. The result after 2 years of study was well... I should basically be 55 now.. but I look like I'm 45. Or even less. So it worked.

I used Nomad materials provided by them and slowly I felt how... my mind was slipping away and had all sort of hallucinations. I took an accidental look so to speak to some other crew of researchers, about the rift they studied. They had knowledge from V1 and they wanted to create as they named it "4th Dimensional Quantum Link". The goal was to create a stable link and receive further knowledge with the presumed creators of the V1. The last line was cryptic : "We will achieve this for we desire to ascend for the Light. It's our destiny."

The last year was the final one where they wanted us to be included in the "Integration". They stated they managed to completely create the link. I was skeptical but surely I wanted to see what was this all about. I went to the main deck only to observe in the Rift Room all scientist and several guards standing around the sphere created of artifacts around the Rift, that glowed and ejected some sort of energy waves. They were just sitting there doing nothing gazing at the light coming from the artifacts. Then was the first time I've ... felt something strange that It will haunt me forever. I've heard like... a voice.. but very dark and sinister with chaotic sounds that made my spine shiver, tremble, being extremely paranoid and horrified. A part of me started to desire to see the glowing energy of the Rift. Some from the surrounding circle went through the artifacts that... just opened themselves.. right into the Rift, vanishing. I... was shocked.

The last moments of my stay on Alberta were when I passed through the chambers of my colleagues. All were standing in their knees, having each a dismantled artifact glowing and floating in front of them. And them being most likely controlled by the Nomads or... whatever entity came through the Rift... The entire station was mind controlled and began to do grotesque things, strange symbols made with blood, people being erratically doing damage to themselves and to others.. and many other things. Soon after I thought of the plan to leave with a remained shuttle, I've heard screams on the superior decks, gunshots. Everything was going to be torn apart. The people suddenly just went insane and I had fainted moments when I could hear the sinister voice in my head again. Whatever they found on the other side of the Rift, it didn't want to be disturbed.

I took one of the shuttles. A man was banging his head on the cockpit window. His head was almost cracked open but he... just didn't felt anything. He was mindless. I boosted the engines and jumped out through the blast shields. On my way back I encountered a heavy guard at the Ontario Jumphole. I told that there have been a problem with the Research Outpost "Horizon" and that I was sent to bring support. He went without saying anything to me and ... I passed through. Then I cruised desperately to Coronado and had a period of refuge there.

I told some people about the Horizon station, they never heard of it or saw anyone moving parts to build a station there. A week later, some pilots even reported there was nothing of what I spoke of. I kept low, I didn't contact anyone ever since.

:::[log ended]:::

RE: Memoires : Past Tense - Dave Synk - 05-14-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: -disabled-]:::

ID: ---
Location: ---
Subject: Present continuous

I've been gone for almost 10 years off the screen. Spent my life at the Barrier Gate. Helped the people as much as I could with various things. Improving the power grid, sometimes even some... smuggling. Nothing major, just some premium food. I had some contacts on Curacao that had access to the VIP market of all kind of goods. The surplus was supposed to be recycled but he brought it to the Barrier for the refugees the base had. Poor families from various worlds, victims of slavery and all kind of real tragedies.

I didn't do any research in these years, but i kept my documentations, my data that I got from my years of work inside Horizon. I have relay that makes me connected to all news and breakthroughs in science and all. I've checked carefully the rise in power of different organizations, shifting of powers. It's quite an interesting dynamic in this cluster of stars when you take the bigger picture. Standing on the side and watching all the events, is like a pure Brownian motion. I made habit to sleep with a plasma pistol under my pillow. I worked on that little darling all the time. Even now.. improve it, adapt it to newer standards, tweak it for extra affinity.

And all that because I still have nights when I have nightmares because of Horizon Station. I think my life will forever be haunted by the atrocities I was first-hand witness, worked even to and to what it turned into. And that horrifying voice wakes me up at times. I made a reflex to pick up my gun and aim to the door. I almost shot once a pal who brought me some parts for a personal project. My aim was always to improve the society I live in. And the start was on the lowest of levels. Helping the people in need, towards great progression and evolution of the human society. We are evolving. Differences are clear from what the human was several hundred years ago, to what it is now.

In these years at the Gate, I started to create my own little laboratory for genetic study... experimental technology, bio-mechanical augmentations, all that kind of nerd stuff as my wife would say. I really miss her, I never heard from her for ten years. She had the redbox if she had to go onward without me. More over, I miss my son. I will never forget myself that I've abandoned him to.. whatever he managed to become now. If he lives. I hope he does and is doing what I always wanted... to contribute to the progress of mankind. One way or another.

Even termination of it, can be a resolve if the path is totally deranged. Like it was on Horizon. Humanity evolved in it's own destruction at that Station. I learned at least, I adapted and I know I will teach and well, already did with a good bunch on the Gate. Heh, I started to have a small educational group for those that called the Barrier, their home. Simple courses of physics, chemistry, biology, psychology and well what I know best. I remember this kid that came to me and asked me if I have a family and if he could be mine. I was moved... but I considered them all my second family. They are good people, hard working ones. The station administrators allows them to live there for free, eat, sleep, if they work to maintain the facility. It's a good bargain. And it works. A hand washes the other, so to speak.

Everyone calls me Gee, Mr. G, Professor Gee. Not that I really like it but at least it makes my name less knowable. That's what I wanted in the first place. To hide. Some years ago, Bounty Hunters came to look for me. I was not given out, despite they could and receive a substantial award. But even for them, the risks were greater. I've been looking on the activity around the systems and the Navy is very present these days. Anomalous groups arrived even. Some told me to stay away from them. Being dressed like the common folk, really doesn't put me in the light. It serves the purpose well. As I was studying the rise and power of some groups, I noticed one that apparently has some interesting goals.

As far as the information was provided by various Freelancer pilots, they are known as the "Auxesia Battelgroup". Apparently they claim to that their desire is to advance human kind and try to find a way to co-exist as remotely as possibly with the Nomad entities. Because after all, they are inhabitants of the Sirius cluster, despite the denial of the Sirian population. But for that I needed a vessel. Thankfully, I made some good friends around the Gate and... well... I can say there is a huge variety of people on that. With all kinds of legal or illegal contacts. I had to call for all types to help me out. Some friend of mine managed to retrieve from Austin an old Pelican armored transport. With some touches here and there it was as new. Basically he stole it, changed the IDs and it was all good. I accessed the blackmarket favors and I got some interesting piece of Royalist engine tech, a strong piece of armor from some LABC wreck and it was done.

I named it "The Atlas". Like in the ancient mythology, where the titan held the hardest burden. The fate of entire Earth. For me... it represents the people I cared for these ten years, the ones I've lost in time and those I will help and continue my work. My lab is still there, I took the important equipment on my vessel. Even got some volunteers with me. A biologist.. a medic, an experienced ex-soldier and physicist. One I recruited since he was my.. student so to speak. Ophelia Rogers, she was passionate about biology, a refugee coming from Coloroado. She was a biologist before but she had an unfortunate encounter with a slave liner. Her escape was accidental and she came here. All of them found refuge to the Gate like me so .. we had a common ground. And all of them wanted redemption, a better life even adventure.

I am thinking about my son. Maybe I will meet him in this vastness of space ? Who knows... I ran into an old preserved song I had access during my work in the Navy. As I said before, I had access to all kind of secret things, despite that I was not allowed. I ran into an ancient archive of Earth. There it was a specific song that touched my heart that reminded me of my son.

"Sweet child in time
You'll see the line
The line that's drawn between
Good and bad"

I wonder... if he drawn that line.

:::[log ended]:::