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Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Printable Version

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Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-08-2017

[Image: qMuR2GL.png]

[Image: tH0KVeb.png]
Légion Etrangère Information

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Background:

The Foreign Legion is a detachment of the Gallic Royal Navy seen as expendables by the higher ups and gallic nobility it has served as a supporting role to the House of Gallia for years. Usually in any confrontation the Foreign Legion are the first to be sent in to a battlefield so although they are looked down upon they are still seen as a welcomed addition to any fleet.

The Foreign Legion is made up of personnel from a variety of ethnic backgrounds who have sworn loyalty to the King and the deFrance family, half of which are not of pure gallic blood.

La Legion differentiates itself from other units of the Gallic Royal Navy, in both how it operates and its recruitment etiquette. Rather than following the path of a traditional Navy. Legionnaires operate more like Marines or Heavy Soldiers. La Legion is seen as a brotherhood but there are some lines that cannot be crossed due to Marine Law. La Legion itself is split into two spheres that of the Commissioned Officers and that of the NCOS.

Commissioned Officers (COs) form the commanding unit of the legion, strict protocols around promotion into this unit require that all officers must be of Gallic birth and have already served at least 3 tours of duty in the Secondary Fleet holding 1 commanding position beforehand. COs make up 30% of the Legion.

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) form the bulk of the Foreign Legion, consisting of the grunts that do all the fighting on the ground and serve as deckhands aboard Legion Capital ships. Recruitment in the NCO sphere is much more relaxed and open to both gallic and non-gallic citizens. A lot of recruits are former criminals or wanted pilots who join the Legion to escape the long end of the Law. However their previous combat experience proves invaluable in most snub fights, where enemy pilots cannot seem to match them on skill and are quickly shot down.

Brief History:

Major action saw them take part in fighting against the Council, and since the legions formation when the Gallic Borders were opened to Sirius the Foreign Legion has been primarily tasked with border patrols and local fighting against Gallic enemies in the Taus and the Gallic Borderworlds.

However with the Battle lines overstretched in Bretonia and Magellan; the Taus were left poorly defended. Recently the Foreign Legion was redeployed to Tau 44 to defend it from Council and Colonial Incursions but this effort failed due to poor reinforcements and planning by the GRN High Command.

Now stationed in Leeds, the Foreign Legion has been tasked with maintaining an offensive front in Bretonia pushing into Magellan and Manchester, into the systems further North. Cutting Bretonias supply lines is seen as a main objective for the Legion.

At present the Legion serves as a fleet detachment in support of the Royal Navy with emphasis on surgical strikes and sabotage.

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Faction Goals:

Short Term

Assist the Royal Navy in conquering Bretonia via the continued push through Magellan and Manchester into the capital New London removing all resistance in between and cutting off Bretonia from Liberty by driving a wedge through the Cortez system, inspire more Sirians to join the Gallic cause and swear loyalty to the King and the Royal Navy. Serving Gallia through le legion etrangere.

Long Term

Since a lot of Legionnaires are Sirians they are seen as second class citizens in Gallia by the "pure bloods" and Gallic nobility, oblivious to this they are taught to blindly follow the King and are thus his ultimate servants. They believe that fighting for King Charles will mean they will earn the right to become Gallic Citizens rather than be seen as Sirian slaves and thus achieve redemption for the ledger of their previous sins.

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Attributes:

Faction: Royal Navy
ID/IFF: Royal Navy
Tag: [RN]

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Command Structure:

Général de Division - Commander of the Foreign Legion (All Classes)
[Image: general-division.gif]

Général de Brigade - Second in Command (All Classes)
[Image: general-brigade.gif]

Colonel - Acting Commander of the Fleet (upto 2ic of Valor)
[Image: colonel.jpg]

Commandant - (upto Battlecruiser Class)
[Image: commandant.jpg]

Capitaine - Captain (upto 2ic Battlecruiser Class)
[Image: capitaine.jpg]

Lieutenant - (upto Gunboat Class)
[Image: lieutenant.jpg]

Sous-Lieutenant - (upto 2ic Gunboat Class)
[Image: sous-lieutenant.jpg]

Major - (all Snub classes, Bomber)
[Image: major.jpg]

Sergent - (all Snub classes)
[Image: sergent.jpg]

Legionnaire 1st Class - Ensign (upto HF Class)
[Image: 1class.jpg]

Legionnaire 2nd Class - Cadet (LF Class)

[Image: 2class.jpg]

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Fleet Roster and Status:

[RN]-RNS-Conquerant (Flagship) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Illustre (Valor) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Faileas (Valor) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Devestation (Valor) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Vengeance (Valor) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Artillerie (Obstinate) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Honneur (Obstinate) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Faileas- (Obstinate) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Cannoniere (Perilous) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Azure (Perilous) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Montreuil (Perilous) - Operational

[RN]-RNS-Partyboat (Taureau) - Operational

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Personnel:

Général de Division - Francois Drake

Général de Brigade - Xion Sisco

Colonel - Marc Laurens

Commandant -

Capitaine - Faileas

Capitaine - Mary-Ann Reyes

Capitaine - Louis de la Shoe

Capitaine - Libby-Jane Roberts

Sous-Lieutenant - Joseph Berne

Legionnaire 1st Class - CODENAME: Serval

Legionnaire 1st Class - Liam O'Malley

Legionnaire 1st Class - Tristan Duval

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Diplomacy:

[Image: MOawtJH.png]

[Image: 24C3ynn.png] Arsenal: - Ships in use with the Foreign Legion (Click ship for more info)

[Image: 254px-Gallicgb.png][Image: 254px-Gallicc.png][Image: 254px-Gallicbs.png]
[Image: 254px-Ga_hf.png][Image: 254px-Ga_vhf.png][Image: 254px-Ga_bomber.png]
[Image: 254px-Ga_civ_lf.png][Image: 254px-Ga_civ_hf.png][Image: 254px-Gal_trooper.png]

500mill can be found on [RN]-RNS-Conquerant

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-09-2017

Bump, have the admins seen this yet?

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-12-2017

Personnel and other bits updated

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Shelco - 05-12-2017

I haven't really seen any forum rp from you people yet so an official faction request seems rather odd. The Admins can't really look into your RP like that, also your info page is too short in my opinion, I would definitely wait longer and establish useful forum RP with other people or factions.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - St.Denis - 05-12-2017

Money taken

Good luck.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-12-2017

(05-12-2017, 05:25 AM)Shelco Wrote: I haven't really seen any forum rp from you people yet so an official faction request seems rather odd. The Admins can't really look into your RP like that, also your info page is too short in my opinion, I would definitely wait longer and establish useful forum RP with other people or factions.

Hi Shelco, you right branching out and immersing ourselves in the RP environment is key. We have already begun so with an Olive Branch we tried to extend to the GRN|, with RP on potential op we wanted to perform:

But no one has even bothered reply. So I guess I was kinda waiting for them to answer that before RPing with others I mean hey. The GRN| are our higher ups right. Who better to get the ball rolling with them than them....

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Thunderer - 05-12-2017

Open access to that comm to the MRG and Avant-Garde. You'll get a reply.

I'd like to mention that it's good you're accepting newer players, by the way. Official factions should be there to help the newbies out, not exterminate them, and that is why I support you.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-31-2017

So what do you guys think of us so far?

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Shinju - 06-06-2017

I cannot find any "foreign" names in your faction, thus I am interested why did you choose this name.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 06-06-2017

(06-06-2017, 06:19 AM)Shinju Wrote: I cannot find any "foreign" names in your faction, thus I am interested why did you choose this name.

Hey Shinju, you are right some of the names do not look foreign but we have bretonians, rheinlanders and others amongst our flock.

If you look over the recruitment thread you will find some examples like Amelie Molnar, is a Rhein doctor.