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Questions to devs: bomber scatterguns - Printable Version

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Questions to devs: bomber scatterguns - HanCloudstone - 05-08-2017

I have a weird feeling that infocard description doesn't match the gun's behaviour. Since I'm not sure if it's a bug or anything, I decided to post here. Let's take a look at the description:

"The Nock is a Plasma-based cannon that, thanks to its unique design, fires a salvo of multiple projectiles simultaneously, at the cost of each individual shot's accuracy. The spread makes the scattergun somewhat underwhelming to use against enemy fighters, but when used against larger targets, the Nock turns into a very effective weapon capable of dealing high amounts of damage with each burst."

Points of interest are:
>fires a salvo of multiple projectiles simultaneously, at the cost of each individual shot's accuracy

I'd like to hear a definite answer from devs. Was the idea of this gun firing multiple projectiles simultaneously scrapped? Is this description a placeholder for now?

RE: Questions to devs: bomber scatterguns - diamond1 - 05-08-2017

Assuming the graphical look for the scattergun is "these particles" then it probbably is as it is.

RE: Questions to devs: bomber scatterguns - Haste - 05-08-2017

It was originally intended to be an actual "multi-projectile" weapon like the Escopeta Dispersion Cannon and Gunboat Cerberus Turrets. Clearly it ended up different, however, and now the infocard simply refers to the graphical look of the weapon.

RE: Questions to devs: bomber scatterguns - HanCloudstone - 05-08-2017

Well. What can I say?

Topic closed, then. Thanks for answering, in any case.