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To: The Junker's Congress | Liberty Navy Primary - Printable Version

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To: The Junker's Congress | Liberty Navy Primary - Inferno - 05-10-2017

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

COMM ID: Vice Admiral Jason Hirlerman Kazuo
TARGET ID: Junker's Congress

initializing image feed...
[Image: 225YHJw.png]


When going over the records of the Liberty Navy Officer reports, I expect high success rates in logistical and humanitarian deliveries, high efficiency of operations, cargo impounded, law abiding civilians, and the occasional pirate seen detonate in a blaze by Liberty's might. Smuggling is expected, with the high demand of lucrative items within the high-end civilian population. For the most part, the Liberty Forces do a highly effective job at making sure these potentially hazardous objects never come into contact with the civilian population. As I was reading a recent report, however, I uncovered something highly frustrating.

The attached manifest was part of a report my Logistical Crews submitted, detailing one of your very own Congress ships engaged in high-value smuggling. When told you stop,
said vessel ignored all orders and engaged forced docking procedures with Manhattan's docking elevators. Aforementioned vessel proceeded to evade planetside patrols, disposing of the cargo clearly listed in the manifest at an unknown location, and depart the docking elevator. After escape, said ship was identified again, and chase ensued. A Liberty Police officer assisted in the apprehension of said individual, who still did not show any form of communication. After standard protocol engagement in an attempt to disable the ship, the Congress ship proceeded to hide within Rochester base, until paroling forces were distracted otherwise.

I do not wish to see Congress ships engaged in such illegal activities from this point onwards. I am assigning a fine of Six Million Sirius Credits, payable to the Ferris.Dufresne Neural Net account. Evidence of this transaction is requested to be transmitted through this communication. Any additional incidents involving the Junker's Congress will not warrant such a formal response such as this one, but will instead be routing the involved parties to a holding cell within the Battleship Missouri.

I hope I make myself understood.

Attachments: [X]

Jason Kazuo
Vice Admiral
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
[Image: 1QVuLeG.png]

RE: To: The Junker's Congress | Liberty Navy Primary - Junker Congress - 05-12-2017

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyOGRYMHFpalhFZnc]

Our apologies. Your message has been received. Our family is expected to adhere to Lawful requests and commands when traveling through Liberty regardless of the legal status of the commodity in their cargo hold. We will hold this pilot accountable and expect a response from them shortly.
.:Transmission Terminated:.

RE: To: The Junker's Congress | Liberty Navy Primary - Junker Congress - 05-30-2017

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyOGRYMHFpalhFZnc]

We have been unable to locate or contact this pilot. Our Arbiter Bill Hickok has put the credits up to pay the fine. If you see this pilot and manage to make contact please let him know that the Junker Congress would like to speak to him. If you cannot make contact, or if there is another incident please let us know. This is unacceptable behavior for a member of our family.
.:Transmission Terminated:.