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Player Warned: Marburg - Printable Version

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Player Warned: Marburg - St.Denis - 05-13-2017

Marburg has been Warned for:

Quote:Re-starting a Thread that has been Locked and Invis'ed.


You should know better, than to do this. Therefore this shouldn't come as a surprise. Next time it will be a restriction of your Forum privileges.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Warned: Marburg - sindroms - 05-13-2017

I'd like to also personally apologize to the bloke for a certain line I said in the now locked thread - before writing the reply I had checked your IP, which seemed to be static, not changing through around a handful of your replies that I picked out, to find no characters tied to it. It was a mistake on my part that @St.Denis was quick to notice and tell me. Recently I've been on a very tight mood and the reply I gave to your statement was much more emotional than it needed to be.

RE: Player Warned: Marburg - Marburg - 05-14-2017

Let me begin by saying, in regards to the locked thread that led up to this warning, I specifically chose my combative tone, & that ultimately muddied the entire point of making the thread, which was, at the root, to invite more transparency.

I admit that when I decided to make the thread, I was angry. I've been frustrated with disco for quite a while, and instead of stepping back to go make myself a sandwich, I chose to stomp on in with an attitude.

I did make my sandwich with the thread itself though. It was a s*** sandwich & I took a big 'ol bite.

To be clear, I don't regret making the thread or apologize for how I handled it in the least.

On the contrary, it reminded me how bad a s*** sandwich tastes, & that's a good thing. I will continue to lobby for more transparency and I will not pull any punches...but, I'll do it without riding waves of anger that self-sabotage intent.

As to my invisied re-open post that warrants my warning here, I completely disagree with it...& let me explain why:

As thick a skin as I have, I was literally infuriated at Spazzy's comments regarding my server & community activity in the locking post.

I'm gratified that a retraction was offered & I accept it for what it is...but past that, while I'm the kind of guy that would much more often than not prefer to follow the spirit of the rules in lieu of the letter of them, what I did was 200% intentional. Yes. I most certainly did know better & I yet, I did it anyway.

IIRC, there was only one other time that i've been called out for breaking the forum rules...I don't remember what it was, but I do remember that it was 200% intentional then as well.
For that one, I literally had to beg Jax to gimme a tempban.

Then as now, I'm not attempting to try to come off as some sort of low-rent martyr or anything. I simply feel it completely unfair to let me slide for something I would not let slide myself.

I'm feeling that feeling again, and I'll say here publicly what I basically told Jax privately the last time: The term that describes this in my mind is 'selective enforcement' of a very clear cut, obviously intentional rule break.

It's not that a forum tempban is really any big deal, but the community optics of letting me off with a simple warning sends a very bad message to the community from my P.O.V.

RE: Player Warned: Marburg - St.Denis - 05-14-2017

Hindsight and omniscience are a wonderful things and the latter is what a lot of people would crave for.

Everybody has 'off days' and for all I know, it could have been your turn.

I prefer to give everybody the benefit of doubt, on such things, and therefore a warning was issued.

If I had either of the two things, mentioned on the first line, I might have done things differently.

As I am human, and prone to all the handicaps that that provides, I had to go with my feelings at the time.

I am sorry that I, appear, to have disappointed you but:

"to err is human, to forgive divine"