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Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Printable Version

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Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 05-16-2017

[Image: D0reIes.png]

Location: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system, Kusari teikokku

Date: May 1st, 796 A.S. - 花見 - Hanami

The warm and calming winds of Kyushu's beautiful landscape and nature were gently blowing across the fields and countless villages on the planet. The people of Kusari celebrated their ancient tradition of the Hanami, also known as the festival of the cherry blossom. Kusari surely was considered to be one of the most happy people these days, as the festival itself was pouring joy and love into the hearts of the people. Kyushu, with its giant amount of beautiful and untouched nature, was a beloved travel goal for a big part of the whole empire's population and thus the streets and hills were filled with people, that were united in peace.

[Image: XpNPxxI.png]

It was at this day, that the house Minako, would consider itself as one of the happiest ones one could see. The family would finally receive another member that they could call their own. Mitsuha Minako, a common kusarian housewife was highly pregnant this day, it was already clear, that it would not take any longer until she would give birth. What a wonderful day it was to get a child, she thought. Fujimoto Minako, Mitsuha's husband received the emergency call from his wife when he was sitting at his desk at work. Like any caring husband would do, he jumped up and made his way to his wife, who was at home with the rest of the family. Fujimoto's obligations as an imperial naval officer did not make it easy to spend a lot of time with his family, although he always gave his very best. Missing the moment of birth would have been horrible, even traumatizing, they always wished for a child, many attempts failed, even to a point, where both of them would give up for quite some time. The way home was not as far, considering Fujimoto was flying with his ship, risking himself and others while rigorously speeding across the landscape to arrive 10 minutes later. Upon his arrival at home, the whole family was standing beside Mitsuha. She had a wide smile on her face that expressed nothing but endless joy, as Fujimoto ran through the door and sat down next to her immediately. "Dārin.." was everything she could get out in a heavy exhale when she saw him. It obviously was hard for her to keep a constant breath, which made Fujimoto panic a little, as he forced himself to think about some kind of help he could provide, not an easy thing for a man. "Don't you worry, ai, I am here for you."He responded as calm as possible, as he gently stroked her cheeks and kept his hand on her belly. "I can feel it kicking already!" he happily stated, as he felt a slight kick against his hand. The best was to help her breathing, Mitsuha was surprisingly calm, if one would ignore her loud breathing and the film of sweat on her face, that shined with the bright daylight that came from the windows.

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The whole situation seemed to be stagnant the way it was for about 30 minutes when Mitsuha suddenly started to tighten all of her muscles, including her hand which Fujimoto was holding carefully. "I-I think she is about to give birth!" he said to the family that stood a bit behind the couch, the fear and nervosity in his voice was clear to her,
even his face got a pure look of fear now. The grandmother stepped out of the line of people, as nobody else seemed to be capable of handling this situation. She pushed Fujimoto aside and kneeled down in front of MItsuha. "Osu, kodomo." She said way more calm than either of them was. Mitsuha's faced squinched up for a moment as she pushed as strong as she could. Shortly after, the head of the child was already visible. Again she put together all of her force and pushed, her mother helped with a few gentle pulls at the baby's head. This procedure went on for another 10 minutes before the baby was finally out and let out a few healthy screams. Fujimoto was visibly overwhelmed, as were the other family members that all came close to see it now, while the grandmother was holding it in her hands. "On'nanoko, it is a girl, my child." She said, laying the baby in her arms. Fujimoto sat down next to her again and they both carefully examined the child, Mitsuha was too happy and tired to say something. "W-what do you want to call her?" Fujimoto asked her while staring deep into her eyes, willingly to accept all of her answers. "Yukiyama..." She said quietly, not looking away from her baby for even one second.

RE: Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 05-19-2017

Location: Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system, Kusari teikokku

Date: August 8th, 802 A.S.

Discipline and order, both important parts of one's life in the empire of Kusari, where those that obeyed the Tenno's word and the orders of their officials would be pleased to hear of their progress. Most people were very devoted to their loyalty at times, others were not, the Nomad war has carved a hole into the once strong empire, Kusari was the second most suffering house under the influence of the infected Tekagi. The economy was heavily going down and a visible amount of disappointment and sadness were somehow carving their ways through the minds of the people. While many worked to fix what was damaged, others have already lost their faith, everything was oppositional to the day Yukiyama was born. The smiles have disappeared and the music has been silenced. The people that were opposed to this very clear and uncomfortable truth the most were the soldier of the imperial Kusari Naval Forces.

[Image: XpNPxxI.png]

Yukiyama was sitting at the table with her parents, the mood was... dull, as there was an uncomfortable silence filling the dining room most of the time. Usually Fujimoto was the one making it interesting with his experiences in the Naval Forces, but not for a while. The war has changed the way the people were serving the Tenno, the overall will to serve out of dedication has shrunk with the new responsibilities that came. Back then many people aspired to join, it was honorable and highly seen as such by the people. A soldier of the Naval Forces would have been very respected, the people were patriots and the soldiers were treated like the true defenders of this patriotism. But all this changed, with the many destructions that have occurred, people lost their jobs.. their lives and their future, many citizens became homeless with their working place demolished. 'But this state would have had to be temporary, no nation would ever be in such a state forever.' was a common mindset to keep up a slight bit of motivation. "Sit straight, Yukiyama, this is not one of your friend's tables." Her father said with an annoyed voice, Yukiyama was resting her head on her right arm while picking around in her bowl, slowly looking over to her father who was keeping his look focused on her. She understood the message and sat herself up correctly the way he wanted her to, letting out a sigh while doing so. He was referring to Yukiyama's school friends who were not as disciplined as her and thus Fujimoto often told her to not to be around them for too long, but today this seemed to be less about trying to raise her the way he thought is right but simply let out his inner anger. "I don't know how often I will have to tell you this, wakai on'nanoko-" He laid his chopsticks down and gestured with his hands while speaking, just as always. "A healthy way of sitting will benefit the condition of your back so you will be able to help your husband at home, men don't like women that cannot take care of themselves or the house, did you understand that?" He finished and still looked at her. "Hai, otōsan." She replied, her voice being less enthusiastic as it used to be. Mitsuha was watching the whole situation from the other side of the table, she shook her head slightly when Yukiyama continued eating and looked at her for a brief moment. Mitsuha's glance looked rather sad, she knew that Fujimoto was bothered, but not like this, Yukiyama disrespecting traditions and rules was not beneficial.

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An hour later, Yukiyama was sitting in her room, leaning on the windowsill that was at her bed on which she sat and was looking outside the rainy weather with a bored face yet again. Nothing to do and nothing she has not yet seen already, neither inside nor outside. Her father was sitting in his bureau and did his paperwork, it was much more than usual. Suddenly, Yukiyama heard some slight footsteps coming closer, it was her mother who entered her room a moment later. "Musume... how are you my little star?" She asked her kindly and sat down behind Yukiyama. "Nothing..." Yukiyama replied, since she was basically having her face rested on the windowsmill, her jaw was not able to open completely so that all of her words came out muffled. Mitsuha slightly tilted her head. "Nothing? You are never that bored." She said and started to brush Yukiyama's hair. She raised her head to speak more clearly. "Today at school we had to be quiet for a minute because one of my classmate's daddy died at work" She suddenly let out. Mitsuha stopped brushing her hair and stroked Yukiyama's cheek instead. "That's horrible, my dear, what happened?" She asked her with a slight tone of sadness in her voice. "We have to do that all the time someone dies." She added, her childish innocence in her voice made it impossible to react too negatively to what she said and her mother continued with brushing her hair. She didn't respond to that though, as she didn't know what to say, was it smart to talk with a 6 year old girl about death? Or did she know enough and it would make her feel like a baby now? Unclear of the answers, she preferred to stay silent."Will daddy die too?" She asked after a short pause, making Mitsuha stop brushing her hair as she gasped a little out of surprise. "Iie, Iie, he won't my dear, don't say things like that." She stroked her cheek again. "Tell your friend I feel sorry for him, hai?" She said and stood up from her bed, walking towards the door and turning around where she saw Yukiyama just nodding slowly before turning back to look outside again.

RE: Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 05-24-2017

Location: Planet New Tokyo, Kusari teikokku

Date: September 29th, 814 A.S.

Sweat was slowly dripping down Yukiyama's nose, she was in her headstand position for about five minutes now and her face was as red as blood, her knees and feet were completely numb, thus, the pain was temporary. Although she couldn't see them, the strict and criticizing glances of the three recruiting officers were piercing through her back, making her feel like she was pushed in that direction. She had already passed the tests about theoretical knowledge and was belonging to the few trainees that managed to be in the next choosing round. She was very sportive, that was for sure, she trained hard before she appeared on the academy's doorstep, otherwise, there wouldn't have been a chance at all. More and more blood streamed into her head, it hurt more and more with each and every second. She bit her teeth together and closed her eyes, just hoping that they would soon call it off and release her, but they probably saw her struggling a little and wanted her to fail. After a few seconds a loud drilling whistle was filling the sports hall with its horribly loud sound. Yukiyama fell to the side and was breathing heavily, holding her head and feeling how the blood was finding its way back into the rest of her body, it hurt so much she had to sit there and wait for at least 30 seconds. Her pale knees and feet slowly regained a more healthy look as she fell on her back and stared at the ceiling, oh when would this test be finally over?

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"Already giving up, kenshūsei?" Said the oldest and toughest of the three officers that all varied in age. The man seemed to have a specialization in making trainees feel extremely bad, especially her. She got herself into a kneeling position with one knee on the ground and the other one up so she could lean her right arm on it, putting herself in an honorable position with a lowered head. "Iie, sensei, just collecting strength!" She responded with a strong voice that should indicate how much power she had. The man had an unpleasant face set for her, it lasted since she entered the hall. "Yoi, then we will come to the last discipline, hand-to-hand combat." Said the youngest of the three men who seemed way more friendly and calm than the others. He marked the sports discipline as done and waved another trainee in. The aspirant was, to her luck, not taller than her, they both seemed like pretty much the same size, just that he had more energy than the still heavy breathing Yukiyama who was still kneeling but now got up to not give her opponent the expression of being superior. The young man stood in front of her, approximately 2 meters. The recruiting officers didn't leave her much time to prepare. "In position!" the oldest of them yelled, her opponent and Yukiyama looked each other deep in their eyes and bowed down before going into a stable position. "Iku!" he yelled then and both of them slowly walked in circles around the mats. Yukiyama was heavily focused on his movements, she was still less powerful than her opponent so countering his moves would be a better idea she thought and waited for him to move. After a few seconds of focus, the young man made a turn followed by a high kick that was aimed at Yukiyama's face. She dodged to the side but didn't counter-attack yet, trying to find a pattern in his style. Again he started to attack, this time with his right hand, Yukiyama saw a chance and blocked the punch just before it hit her, turning his hand and forcing the man to turn as well. She kicked him in his back, more or less out of provocation, expecting that it would make him angry und predictable. The look on the man's face became annoyed, just as she wanted it, her eyes went over to the strict glances of her officers and she smirked, being very sure about her victory now. She moved in the man's direction, making it look like it was her intention to attack but instead she just turned around while passing him, causing a little confusion. She kept her eyes focused on his feet now, he seemed to shiver a little, two failed moves already, while she was always becoming fitter again. She provoked another attack by coming close to him, he tried to do another K.O. kick into her face which would have worked if she wouldn't have dodged it the same way she did before, by swingfully turning while passing him. This time she swiped his remaining foot of the mat with not much effort and had him laying on the ground.

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She turned to the recruiting officers, two of them, the younger ones, looked rather impressed and nodded, noting something down on their clipboards. The oldest took a deep breath and pressed his fists together. "Gōkaku!" he said aggressively and walked away, leaving the hall. The two other recruiting officers seemed a little confused at first but then looked at Yukiyama. "Minako-fujin, you have passed the test, impressive, welcome to the Naval Forces, Kaigun-Shoi." the mid-aged officer said and nodded at her before leaving the hall as well, shortly after followed by the youngest one of them. Although Yukiyama was still standing straight, she was extremely happy on the inside.
Finally her dream came true, now she only had to pass the training at the academy, a challenge she believed to pass just as fine.

RE: Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 06-04-2017

Location: Planet New Tokyo, Kusari teikokku

Date: November 4th, 814 A.S.

Sitting on her bed in a small room for her alone, Yukiyama was tying her shoelaces, waiting for the sound of the drill officer's whistle. It was about 4 am and she was up earlier than the other recruits, fearing to be late and unprepared. She was already clothed in the traditional kusarian Shoi's uniform and closed her eyes, waiting for the moment. It was her first day of training, so far she only learned what the academy looked like and what all the rooms were there for, today's training was stamina, testing how tough the Shoi's really were. Not that the initiation progress wasn't enough hell for her already, she didn't know if it was to harass her or if anyone had to pass a test that was as hard as hers. They probably wouldn't want her anyways she thought but in the end, she managed it nonetheless, now the Sensei's could do the same for her every day, for as long as her training would need. She was very tough with herself as well, passing as fast as possible was a personal requirement for her, no way she could take this all too long she thought. And how she would be treated, when she saw the line of recruits she saw no other woman but herself, sure, this wouldn't be with the less privileged military academies, but in this one, she knew it would cause her to have a hard time. The only solution was to sit through it, or rather, run, shoot and punch through it, ignore those who think they must provoke you and move on, finish your training, become a soldier and chase your dream. If only this mindset was as easy to pursue as it was to have in the first place. No turning back now, not that she planned it. She looked at the clock hanging in her tiny room, it was only a few seconds until it would be time to stand in front of the room. She heard the steps of the coming officer, they were at the end of the corridor, she stood up and stood in front of the door, taking a last deep breath.

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And it happened, the loud sound of the whistle pierced its way through the corridor and inside the rooms, Yukiyama opened the door and stepped out into the corridor, saluting the officer who was yet far away from her. She didn't say a word and just looked straight to the opposite room. The other doors opened as well, many other Shoi's stepped out and took their places. Yukiyama lowered her hand and folded them behind her back, standing straight and looking straight with a cold face. The Shoi in front of her just raised an eyebrow as he saw her totally obeying and being overly disciplined. He had an extremely punchable smirk on his face but Yukiyama knew to ignore it and keeping her glance straight. A few seconds later, everyone was in position, two long lines facing each other marked the corridor. The loud steps of the officer halled through it as he examined every single recruit while passing, just 3 or 4 persons away from Yukiyama he stopped and stood directly in front of another Shoi. "I didn't know we are the meido academy, Shoi!" he yelled at the young recruit, who seemed to not have his shoes tied correctly. He quickly looked down and corrected the mistake before getting up again, the look on the officer's face was intimidating as anything as he slowly passed on. Yukiyama held her breath as he passed her, as he stopped for a second and looked down on her, before letting out a simple "Hmpf." and continuing. When he was more away from her she breathed out and was glad she passed this first "test". Her opposing comrade just let out a single laugh and slightly shook his hand, he obviously couldn't believe Yukiyama was making such a big deal out of it. She just gave him a sharp look back but kept her calm. There was still so much to pass before she could be a real soldier and it already seemed to be a hell of a ride for her.

RE: Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 06-10-2017

Location: Planet New Tokyo, Kusari teikokku

Date: November 4th, 814 A.S.

With every taken breath, Yukiyama's lungs felt like they would rip themselves apart, the sound of heavy military boots stamping in the dirt and the heavy breathing of soldiers combined with the loud instructions from the Chusa at the front made this exercise as demanding as possible. The heavy equipment everyone was wearing clearly didn't ease this situation up, Yukiyama felt like her body wouldn't be able to cope with the performance the other Shoi's had, even though her fitness seemed all fine, it somewhat shattered her expectations but giving up was no option. It was no surprise that she was rather behind, the last two rows, to be exact, next to her, the very same Shoi who stood in front of her when they were in the academy, what a nice convenience... She didn't want to make it obvious how exhausted she already was but her red face and the constant running sweat down her face originating from her forehead made this way too obvious. Adding on to that, the annoying Shoi next to her quickly snapped his eyes to her every once in a while, bringing a smirk on his face when he saw her struggling. They have already run a few miles, not that she was able to count them, she concentrated on the beautiful landscape they passed, it made the whole exercise a bit more excusing. If this didn't help, because they were running through the wood, which happened quite often, she looked up at the sky and see the clouds without losing track of the way she had to run. Keeping up the speed was mandatory, there were two other Shoi's behind her. If she would stop or slow down now, it would likely cause a collision with them, nothing she can let happen, not with her status, not in this moment. "Just keep running.", she thought and closed her eyes for a moment, it was okay, the way was going straight and the speed was moderate for the moment as well.

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"Getting sloppy, Minako?" the Shoi said and looked at her, how could he even be fit enough to keep his idiotic smile at this moment? "Hmpf..." she just made and didn't bother to look at him, instead, however, she opened her eyes again and concentrated on the pain, which was a mistake. Her serious face, she just laid on for a moment, disappeared a keen second later and turned into a face that screamed exhaustion. "Thought so." he said and looked forward again as well. Yukiyama's heart was beating extremely fast and her breath slowly started to get out of her rhythm, her lungs started to hurt even more now and she put on hand against her chest while keeping the speed. It felt just like back in the testing phase, she wished for this to end, it was horrible, the surroundings were no longer a place to distract her from the pain that felt like she would slowly be torn apart from within. The worst was, knowing that the others most likely didn't feel like this, they all seemed to run concentrated, why was she the only one struggling? What made her so bad in this moment and split her from the rest of the group? How long would this exercise go and what would happen if she wouldn't make it? Those questions bounced around her thoughts, not that it would make it all easier. Suddenly, she saw it, the academy, with its fences around, covered by the heads of her front-men, she made it, without even noticing that they would run back already, it felt like a way bigger success than it actually was, as if every challenge in this world would be completed by now, she forgot that things like this were to happen on a daily basis. "Yameru!" The Chusa yelled as loud as he could, to overtone the exhausted breaths of the Shoi's. They all stopped within a second and bent down to lean on their knees, some of them sat down, Yukiyama included. "That's it for this morning, you've earned yourselves a break, Shoi's... more or less." his eyes went over to Yukiyama in this moment, not for long, though. "Get a shower and eat something, in 5 hours each of you is ready for flight training." he turned around and opened the large gate of the academy campus, just as a patrol of Chimaera's flew over the Shoi's, leaving a loud sound of the engines behind that rolled over them like a thunderstorm. With big eyes, most of those, who were not looking at the ground from exhaustion, they looked at the ships passing over them with eager faces, a new spark of courage spawned within Yukiyama.

RE: Yakusoku to eiyo - 約束と栄誉 - Shelco - 06-16-2017

Location: Planet New Tokyo, Kusari teikokku

Date: November 4th, 814 A.S.

The flashing lights of control panels and the explosions that occurred like a lightning in a dark rainy night put any person under stress, death and violence have no exceptions or mercy. There were no more brave contestants who dared something to prove their superiority towards others, everyone was equal in this one moment where they were all unified by one feeling: Fear. Dodging the fire of the hostile contacts that scurred around one's ship and made all the flashing lights go mad, paired with the constant movement of her eyes, Yukiyama felt already like she would pass out. From the distance, this would have truly looked like a scene from a movie, like fantasy, a horrible one nonetheless. The distorted voices of fallen comrades drained her ears, the suffering was even hearable when their voices sounded like the remains of hundred-year-old transmissions. A quick turn to the left to dodge the incoming gunfire, the enemy's tactics were smarter, they flew in packs, maximizing their lethality, hunting down each target one by one. How long until she was the last one? The only thought they all in their mind was"Survive." But how can one do that when all sides flash in the deadly red of the Blood Dragons? Why did they have the upper hand? The tactic of the Naval Forces seemed flawless, but what is a good plan with bad execution? She flew maneuvers, evasive maneuvers, the only ones that made sense right now, when the threat was not to face, especially not alone. Although she didn't want to take her eyes off the events that occurred right in front of her, on which she heavily focused on, she couldn't help but look on her radar and controls for a few seconds, catching a quick glimpse about the status of her comrades and, of course, herself. She realized, that she came off the course and lost the contact to her wing, two other ships of the Izu wing were no longer visible. Her breath got harder and the panic grew bigger, the whole situation seemed to be fruitless, a short look over the shoulder betrayed that she was already removed several clicks from the fight. "Izu one, Izu two, you are still in the breathing?" shouted Yukiyama by her communication device. No answer, nothing, except the distressing loud rushing which she got to hear, so loud as if somebody shouted to her directly in the ear, however, it was worse, because the thought about how hopelessly it seemed, spread out almost unkeepable open in her. However, nothing is helped by sinking into panic now and to die in the cold abysses of the universe, she thought. It was at the time once more to prove that she does not put her wellbeing over that of the others, and thus she turned, massive G-forces pressed her in the seat and pressed her whole body together, as if she was laying under a giant rock, it was painful, yet, also a feeling of duty and courage. Her looks darted from radar to her front, again and again, not long it lasted until she had caught herself again in the midst of the gun battle, now it was time to once more prove her eagerness to fight for her comrades.

[Image: XpNPxxI.png]

She tried to find a loophole in the tactics of the hostile escorts, nobody was without a mistake and neither were them, there had to be a changing method. She turned her head around to catch the sight of an allied ships and there she saw one, a comrade who was followed by three Blood Dragon ships at once. They flew after each other and shot their red shining salvos into the back of the Naval ship. Yukiyama turned her ship once more and tried to catch up with them, they were fast and so was she. She eventually managed to catch up with them. "Inu two, I am covering your six." She yelled to make sure her comrade would understand in the blasting sounds of the shots hitting his hull. "Un-stood, get 'em - my back!" She heard, again, the sound of the distortion, the voice that was barely hearable. She was eager to do it, no matter what he would have said, she opened fire and blasted as many shots into the first hostile ship she could hit. To her own surprise, it seemed to work for now, although she didn't destroy the ship, it turned away from the fight, she looked at it for one second as it slowly disappeared out of her sight and quickly snapped back to the next target, two ships to go, one down. Again she unleashed the chain fire from her ship which damaged the left engine of the enemies Tachi, this caused it to make wild rolls and disband the target as well, it turned down to the left side and lowered its height, suddenly, another ship crashed inside the Blood Dragon, Yukiyama couldn't see if it was one of her own comrades or one of the enemy ships, all she saw was fire and pieces of the ships clashing against her ship, luckily, her shield was still up. She swallowed, had she really just caused this accident? No time to think, now it's time to shoot. The last ship already stopped the fire and turned away from Inu two, who brought himself into the safer distance. A light smile appeared on her face, although she shot a ship down, she saved a life, a life of a fellow pilot. Her short time of happiness was interrupted by the missile alarm in her ship, which flashed up in red lights and blasted the warning in her ear, she couldn't see where it was coming from, though. She had to react fast, otherwise, the missile would rip her ship in pieces. "Imaimashīdesu!" she screamed and closed her eyes, knowing it would end now.

[Image: XpNPxxI.png]

Everything went dark, all lights slowly faded away and so did her vision. For about ten seconds it was absolutely quiet, no sound of alarms, screams of dying people or gunfire, just the sweet moment of silence. Then, the capsule opened and Yukiyama looked up into the lamps of the Flight simulator hall on the ceiling, The lights hurt her eyes and she held her hands in front of them before slowly sitting up. They were all lying down and had to get used to the normal physical conditions. She sat at the edge of her station and stared at the floor, realizing what just happened. It would have been her certain death, if this was real, her young life would be eradicated in this very second of impact, the hard realization made her feel depressed for a moment, this kind of feeling was new to her, it was a true feeling of failing. "Arigato, Minako-san." a young voice said, coming from her front. She looked up at the silhouette that covered the light in front of her, making her able to open her eyes completely, it was one of her comrades. "You have saved me from those ships, arigato." He said kindly and bowed down from his neck a little. Yukiyama wanted to answer, she opened her mouth but no word came out as she was instantly disturbed by the Kaigun-Chusa who carefully watched this whole operation. All eyes were focused on him, as he started speaking from his elevated position next to all the simulation controlling computers. "I must say..." he started quietly and glimpsed over the crows of recruits. "I am very.... disappointed by the way you faired out there." Many of the Shoi's looked down and felt ashamed, Yukiyama's glance stayed focused on the Chusa. "You have not fought as a unit, you fought as a lone wolf and this is exactly why each of you would have died in space, our strength comes not from one person, it comes from us all. Each of you has to look out for one another, I have never seen such an arrogance in a battle of life and death. If this was not a simulation, then a whole unit of the Naval Forces would be dead now, killed by the Blood Dragons." he paused for a good ten seconds and examined the mostly identical reactions across the hall. "But I have also seen regret and... compensation." he looked over to Yukiyama, despite him being far away, she could feel his eyes piercing through hers. "There was a case of braveness, the person knows I mean them." He paused again and nodded slightly to each of them. "Look out for your brethren, tomorrow, same time, I want to see a better result." With those words he turned to the side and walked towards the door, the crowd in the hall slowly followed, it was already late and they were tired, Yukiyama sat there for a moment longer, realizing the possible outcome of such a battle and thinking how to prevent it again. The only way was to overcome fear... fear of what she knew she would face.