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To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Printable Version

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To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Retslife - 05-16-2017

[Image: 4bVf8w3.png]

[Image: 7gLT11MGOww.jpg] Konnichiwa, brave gallic soldiers! Today, 16.05.824
Let me introduce myself. My name is Akeno Mori and I am newly elected chokan of Kusari State Police. Unlike my predecessor, I don't see you as an enemy. After the incident in Kyushu, the relationship between our houses was pretty... Strained. I did my best to show, that we are ready to work together to protect our borders sytems. But now... Dark times have come. We lost control under the Kyushu system. That's why I decided to write you. To ask for help. Cooperation.


The question of this border system has been a contentious issue in the relations of our countries for long time.
Kusari State Police is ready to work together with gallic soldiers to protect this system from terrorists of the 343rd or Farmers Alliance with the preservation of sovereignty of Republic.
We are ready to put forward several mutual proposals:
1) Permission to chase unlawfuls into Lyonnaise
Lyonnaise is a border system too, so we need access there to capture an unlawful or a smuggler. After it we will leave this system as soon as possible to don't violate the sovereignty of Gallia.
[Image: HWIFiEH.png?2]

2) Joined training and missions
We really understand the need to work together with soldiers of Gallia to ensure the security of both sides.
At joint trainings we can learn tactical receptions of each other. Become better. Cleverer. Stronger.
The accomplishment of the mission by joint forces will have greater success than alone, hindering each other.
[Image: pXwQox5.png]

3) Prisoners exchange
There is a big difference between our prisoners. They are different in culture, language and worldview. Therefore, we suggest that you arrange an exchange of prisoners. Kusarians have to stay in Kusari, gauls have to stay in Gallia.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, brave gallic soldiers. I hope, that you find our proposals acceptable for implementation

Chokan Akeno Mori
Glory to Kusari.

Additional Files

End of transmission...

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-16-2017


ID: GdD - Francois Drake
Location: R.N.S Conquerant, Agincourt System
Subject: Cooperation

[Image: vZepTsD.png]

Hello Akeno Mori san.

I am Francois Drake Général de Division - Commander of the Legion Etrangere. *He bows*

I believe this is the first time we have been acquainted, we have received your message loud and clear. I am very grateful you have thought to seek the help of le Legion. We see the Kusari Republic as a true ally and loyal subject of his majesty King Charles XI.

I am sure you have heard about us, we have heard great things about the KSP. You do a hard job and protecting your borders must be a strain on resources. Going over your proposed plans I am in agreement that patrolling of border systems such a Lyonnaise and Rishiri are key to the security of both our houses.

I believe we could help you in achieving your goals and le Legion Etrangere is more than willing to dispatch a small GB wing to your area of operations to engage in collaborative policing efforts to help you secure those border systems.

If we have permission to patrol Rishiri I am more than happy for units of the KSP to pursue criminals in Lyonnaise if the situation is called for!

On the problem, of the 343 I believe these traitors pose a great threat to Kusari and Gallia, it is only a matter of time before their imperial ideas will infect the rest of Kusari and the last thing I want to see is another war between our kingdoms. I feel this new collaboration between the Kusari State police and le Legion Etrangere will benefit Gallia very much as we will be able to get first hand intelligence on their military movements in the Tau region.

I am also interested in group training with your units, I believe my Legionnaires will find it most useful to their combat training. There is much we can learn from eachother.

In regards to tech exchange, Can you elaborate further on what kind of tech you would like to exchange?

Général de Division - Francois Drake, signing off. Vive le Roi


[Image: tH0KVeb.png]

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Rusty Wing - 05-17-2017


From: Commandant Amélie Molnár
To: Chokan Akeno Mori, Kusari State Police.
Encryption level: High
Topic: Rishiri

[Image: Rp8ktqK.png]
Konnichiwa, Mori-san.

My name is Amélie, Amélie Molnár and I am current commandant of Légion Etrangère.
First of all, I want to express my personal respect to you. I grew up in Kusari and it's nice to know that the government of my old homeland is trying to work together with us.

I'm ready for a personal meeting, because my ship "Lune" under repair in Rishiri now, so I can visit your HQ on planet New-Tokyo and discuss about some little, but important things. You know, that activity of farmers and exiles was increased horribly. Our current location (La Charite Space Port) is under heavy attack from this unlawful forces. We are trying to protect this station, but single gunboat can't resist to bombers from The Farmers Alliance and 343rd. We request your help, Mori-san.

Now, closer to your proposals. Personally they completely suit me. Joint missions and trainings will be very useful for both sides. I remember, that pilots from KNF or KSP are able to be good teachers and mentors. A few wise advice. This is what our recruits lack.

Current state of "Lune", gallic gunboat:

Damage control:
Hull: 73%
Several holes in the hull. Important systems are intact.

The level of charge: 100%

Weapons systems:
Gallic forward gun - ACTIVE
Solaris turrets - ACTIVE [x5]
Gunboats razors - ACTIVE

We return to the patrol and guard. Looking forward for your reply.
And remember.
We fight for what is right.
Duty. Honor. Courage


RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Lacroix - 05-17-2017

17th of May, 723 A.G.S.
Leeds System
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Sous-Lieutenant Lacroix
Recipient: Akeno Mori
Topic: Concessions


It has surprised the Navy that the KSP contacts us. It also raised several eyebrows, as we can recall no incident within the Kyushu system of any sort, barring the one involving a plethora is negligible alien lifeforms who have been promptly quelled with minimal losses. Our records show a formidable, yet still lacking degree of cooperation. It is no secret that the Gallic Royal Navy is the most venerable standing army in human history, and as such, our coordination and cooperation is unmatched. We therefore find it humorous that a Sirian faction, although a friend to the crown, would consider themselves sublime enough to be able to offer anything that could improve Gallic excellence. Therefore, neither a technology exchange nor joint training is deemed feasible or even practical. However, you may receive prisoners of Kusarian heritage that are not pending to receive justice from Gallic courts yet or have been exiled from the realm.

While there is nothing standing in the way of allowing the KSP temporary access to the Lyonnais system under the auspice that they are in pursuit of forces hostile to the Crown, we cannot allow any craft bigger than a bomber. Furthermore, any vessel that is equipped with or carrying any device that is fit to actively do espionage, ergo Battleship Scanners or Reconnaisance Modules, will be apprehended and judged according to Gallic law alone, regardless of whether it is Kusarian or not. If you can agree to this, you need not fear pursuing into Lyonnais in execution of your duties.

However, we are willing to listen to the proposals of other parties addressed in this communiqué and might be swayed if a sufficiently pertinent reason is found.

Lacroix, Philomene
Marine Royal Gauloise, Sous-Lieutenant

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Wesker - 05-19-2017

Royal Naval Battleship Royal Vauquelin, Leeds
18 Mai, 740 AGS

[Image: NPCXWjN.gif]

Sender: Marechale Alice Marie, Marine Royale Gauloise.
Recipient: Kusari State Police
Topic: Diplomacy


I am Marechale Alice Marie speaking on behalf of the Gallic Royal Navy. I'd first like to make it clear that the "healing" that's been happening since the conflict in Kyushu has been certainly more in your favor than that of the Crown. Do not expect warm welcoming statements when you've failed to take responsibility for your actions. The Roi has show you mercy, do not take it for granted. Secondly, the Crown is very well capable of handling criminal elements that enter Gallia. How criminal elements would so much as pass through the Crown's borders -especially Rishiri- without being immediately being apprehended is beyond me. I suggest you take some time to refresh your memory on the Laws we have set in place. As for your second offer, given the recent events of Kyushu the Crown will not be willing to train nor disclose its combat techniques to the House of Kusari. Even in a more positive state, the Royal Navy will not disclose confidential information and unique training techniques.

Finally you are in position to make demands of the Crown to turn over terrorists that have not only targeted the Republic but the Crown as well. Might I mention in the past the Republic has repeatedly denied Crown's help in eliminating the Imperials. Now, the Imperials are well further than at your doorstep. Until the Crown is confident the Republic of Kusari is once again worth trusting and does not treat the Crown as it's lesser, the Crown, and the Royal Navy will decline these offers.

Marechal Alice Marie
Marine Royale Gauloise


Transmission End

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 05-23-2017


[Image: tH0KVeb.png]

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Black Widow - 05-28-2017


[Image: tH0KVeb.png]

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Retslife - 05-29-2017

[Image: 4bVf8w3.png]

[Image: 7gLT11MGOww.jpg] Konnichiwa, brave gallic soldiers! Today, 29.05.824

To: Francois Drake, Général de Division, commandant Amélie Molnár
Topic: RE: Cooperation

Glad to see, that you decided to work with us! It's a great honor for us. Molnar-san, please, be sure, that we will do our best to support you. We will send a gunboat squadron as soon as possible. Also, we are always glad to see you at our HQ on planet New Tokyo. I think, that we have things to discuss. Looking forward to see you!

To: Sous-Lieutenant Lacroix, Marechale Alice Marie
Topic: RE: Cooperation

We understand your distrust of the Republic. These events have really spoiled the relations between our states. I completely take all the blame on myself for the actions of the Kusari police during the incident in Kyusu. However, I'm afraid of one fact. Our actions were caused by the Imperial fleet. It was one case. And I'm afraid that they will not stop there. Therefore, I ask for help.
In any case, we accept your refusals and your requirements. They are quite logical and reasonable in the face of the real situation. I really hope that we can expand our... Joint actions and forget the old grievances. I hope that the Crown will be merciful enough for this. Arigato for your attention.

Chokan Akeno Mori
Glory to Kusari.

Additional Files

End of transmission...

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Black Widow - 05-30-2017


ID: GdD - Francois Drake
Location: R.N.S Conquerant, Agincourt System
Subject: Cooperation

[Image: vZepTsD.png]

Hello Akeno Mori san.

I wanted to catch up with you on our most recent conversation about collaboration between the Legion Etrangere and the Kusari State Police. Now as we have stated we are more than happy to partake in joint security operations in the Kusari Border systems.

I am also keen for us to help you further with operations against the Imperial Kusari Navy as they pose a great threat to our regional operations and supply lines.

In regards to tech exchange, Can you elaborate further on what kind of tech you would like to exchange?

Général de Division - Francois Drake, signing off. Vive le Roi


[Image: tH0KVeb.png]

RE: To: GRN, Légion Etrangère, La Marine Royale Gauloise,<AG] | From: Kusari State Police - Retslife - 05-31-2017

[Image: 4bVf8w3.png]

[Image: 7gLT11MGOww.jpg] Konnichiwa, Drake-san! Today, 31.05.824

With all our respect, we were forced to withdraw the offer for the exchange of technology. We found this useless for both sides. The Kingdom of Gallia doesn't need the technology of the Republic of Kusari. In addition, the Republic of Kusari is afraid to use the technology of the Kingdom of Galla. The main reason is their specificity.
We are very sorry.
To compensate for this, we suggest thyou meeting with us in our HQ on the planet New Tokyo.

Chokan Akeno Mori
Glory to Kusari.

Additional Files

End of transmission...