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Easy Victory? - Wesker - 05-19-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

[Image: kmlocca.jpg?1]

Anna was getting more and more used to Omega-49 with every visit, this being her third. The Baroarbunga stayed in the northern Ice cloud as Anna's prototype Sabre burned through the atmosphere, ripping through the sound barrier on the approach to the settlement in Gran Canaria where the parties would meet. A little far behind her were her guards, all trying to keep up in their flanking positions. Anna's mind wasn't anywhere on the topic at hand, but more so on seeing her son, who had arrived just a few days ago with Freja, both of which were living in secret on some other region of the planet. Arrival in 5 minutes. Upon hearing the computer warn her of the closing distance to their destination Anna snapped out of her daydream. She looked down, the city -like all others on Gran Canaria- looked spotless. The ship's engines were so quiet upon landing Anna could hear the engines roaring from her Guard escorts. After hearing them all go silent, she watched her Guards arm themselves, leave their Odins, and move to the edge of the landing pad where their Zoner escort stood. Anna exited the cockpit, adjusting her tight uniform as she walked over next to her guards and followed the Zoner escort to the meeting room.

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 05-22-2017

Omega 49. The chilly dystopian world of proclaimed peace. It was a long while since Raven would set foot on the world, knowing that their last prominent memory of the world was having a deadly fight with some Corsairs in a girls toilet, barely emerging victorious. No one won that day, while the Corsairs lost their heads, she lost her psyche, her trust, the ever-lingering empathy for Human life that still dwells within. Such apathy would cause inevitable harm to themselves and would damage their public appearance with the Sirians.

Patiently awaiting, thinking about the meeting, the shuttle slowly descended from the Wraith with various Marlin escorts, obviously modified to remind people that their ties are simply the past, a point of evolution, just like the apes. Glancing across the shuttle, she noted the four Zeta-guards that would accompny her, dawning their emotionless dark husks of armor, their faceless masks, it was obvious these were not people anymore. She glanced back and forth between the view of the Marlins and the guards, pondering if they have truly changed their path.

[:: Converging at drop point - two minutes. ::]

The chatter would blare in on their masks radio, breaking them from their thoughts, instantly forgetting what they were wondering about. Knowing that the ship is approaching the site rapidly, she would begin to double-check for her equipment, mentally checklisting every defensive item on herself.

"Personal device? Check. Energy Sword? Check. Emergancy adrenaline? Check. Side arm? Check. Shield? Check. "

Despite knowing that there should be no problem, they assumed that it would be better to be safer than sorry - still ever cautious about leaving their safe area of home, the overcompensation guards would clearly show their paranoia. The shuttle would quietly settle down on a landing pad, safely securing itself on the spot, along with the escorts. Bouncing up to her feet, despite the slight tug of the armored robe's weight and the newly fitted implants, they immediately began to coordinate through the mini-uplink that they share, a secure tactical channel that is accessed through their implants.

[:: [Z-01-005, 6, 7, 8] initiate escort. [Z-01-001, 2, 11, 12] engage stealth parameters. Provide overwatch upon edifice. Shoot to kill, weapons hold, report activity upon detection. [Z-01-004, 9, 10] lockdown escape point, shuttle. ::]

They would slowly approach the designated meet up point with their four advanced defenders at their front and back, constantly scanning the area, emotionlessly moving in a robot manner in unison of the five, they were silent, absolutely silent to the outside world and to everyone else that would glance at them, there was no social interaction, there was nothing, Revenant would move like a phantom as their robe hid their foot movement, giving the illusion that they glide along. The others at the shuttle, depending on their designated team, began to linger around, or already had ran off into the shadows.

[:: [004] Overwatch team in position. Tracing location, no entities detected. Continuing scan. ::]

[:: [001] Evac-site grid secure. Parameter is A-0. ::]

Feeling more confident and secure, they approach the Zoner guide with ease - giving a simple nod as a greeting, then allowing him to escort her to the meeting.

[:: Escorts, [they] will disallow your entry, upon arrival, keep a vigilant eye and your personal shields on standby. ::]

RE: Easy Victory? - Aristaan - 05-23-2017

Another Sabre approached the landing pads in a low hover; engines as subtle as the spring breeze. The buffeting of air was silenced by the small wail of the engines shutting down, external lights extinguishing. Exiting from the pilot seat, was a heavily armored figure, ignoring the ladder on the way out, making a loud thud as he made contact with the pad. Briefly surveying the other ships in the area, James proceeded with caution. As the Doctor departed the landing area, his Sabre closed up, softly resting on the pad with all power off. As the Zoner escorts approached, he gave them a brief wave, and proceeded to the meeting without them. Regardless of his lack of security, he was confident in his judgement, striding forward with confidence.

RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 05-25-2017

A Storm-Class Gunboat cuts through the atmopshere, barreling down towards it's landing site. Clouds rushed past the Storm's front screens as the crew guided the vessel towards the city's landing zones where their passenger is expecting to meet with persons of interest. The Cargo Hold of the Storm was quiet, the quiet shutters of the ship as it pierced the atmosphere of Gran Canaria was the only sound to be heard by it's lone occupant. A rather short man stood waiting, his arms crossed behind his back as he waited for their ship to touch-down, his black Ministry of Truth uniform standing out against the gray hull of the surrounding ship.

With a final jerk of motion the ship touched down on a platform the ramp at the rear of the ship extended downwards, opening the inside of the ship up to the sounds of the Zoner Colony and the traffic it constantly deals with. Stepping out he took a deep breath, taking in the spring air of the Zoner world before fully descending down the ramp and started to make his way to the building where he was expected to meet with the other representatives. His peaked cap swiftly adorned his head as the Commissar carefully navigated through the crowds who seemed uncaring at his presence...Not a shock considering the Zoners tend to tolerate men and women from all walks of life amongst them...

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 05-25-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

Two in front and two behind, Anna's guards walked in formation with her towards the skyscraper where the groups would meet. Anna was still tugging at her arms constantly, trying to adjust the skin tight body armor sewed into the outfit under her uniform. After finally adjusting it comfortably Anna looked off towards the sides of the street as the group continued on the street, several people made way, the guards towered over the crowds of people standing well over 6 and a half feet. A few people on the street walked over and yelled at the guards upon seeing the symbol on Anna's uniform, others cheered. A few protesters tried to make way towards the group, but they were veered off upon seeing the guards aim their guns at them. As the group neared the building civilian traffic quieted down, as the group entered the waiting room Anna spotted a small man wearing a uniform. It was Tabakov. Commissar. Anna spoke up, the group halted at the sound of her voice. Commissar Tabakov turned to see Anna who was focused on him as he turned around. Walk with me would you? She spoke up again breaking the few seconds of silence, hoping to make a strategy for convincing the IRG officials, and possibly any OSI ones they ran into in the future.

RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 06-01-2017

Letting out a deep breath into the fresh air of the Canaria Climate, Voncloud stood on the balcony adjoining the conference room that had been designated for the meeting wearing his usual mercenary attire, combat trousers sturdy boots a uniform shirt tactical bandoleer gloves and most importantly his aviator goggles. The tinting of the lens masked his eyes completely and partially covered the Scar on the right side.
He was here to represent the Omicron Supply Industries, the defaqto stewards of Gran Canaria. Over the years he had taken the protection of the planet personally diverting alot of OSI's security assets towards it rather then to the company.

As he took another deep breath, one of the attendants slide the glass door to one side, stepping out holding a data pad. Peering over to Voncloud who remained gazing outwards with his back to her.

"Mr Voncloud. Sir the other attendees have begun to arrive"

Von gives a solemn nod "Very good. Are the refreshments organised?"

The attendent peers down at her pad "yes of course, we have water, still and sparkling, home grown Canarian Tea and Coffee along with an assortment of finger foods"

"And what of my men?"

This question seemed to unsettle the Attendant forcing her to clear her throat "Yes...they have arrived, they are waiting just outside the conference doors for you.."

Voncloud lets out a longer sigh "Excellent ill be through in a moment" As the attendent leaves he runs his hand over the top of his mostly shaved head though stops as he notices his Mandalorian mark on his wrist, gazing on it for the moment, reminding him of a simpler time.

One the outside of the Conference doors stand 4 well armoured and armed private security enforcers waiting for Voncloud as he wonders out addressing them.
"Alright you know the drill, no-one enters with a weapon, no body guards no drinks or food to be brought in from outside this room." One of the Enforcers mic clicks on "Understood Sir"

Happy they were briefed and ready the Director turns to enter before feeling the heavy thumb of a gauntlet-ed hand grab his shoulder. he turns looking at him noticing the other hand was pointing to his thigh. "Sorry weapons you said" With An audible grumble Von looks to his leg. Holstered firmly was his revolver, an old fashioned cosmetic design with modern tech.
Removing the holster from its spot and handing it to the enforcer he nods "Good job.." before walking back in to await the rest

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 06-06-2017

Almost in automation, Revenant would approach the guards, offering over her offensive weaponary knowing that they would ask for it as it was a high security meeting, yet keeping her personal blade concealed under the armor, which would blend in when glanced from a sensor, seemingly part of the suit's life support.

"Do not defile my personal items whilst under your custody, Zoner. I will not surrender my personal shield, or my medication, these are only means of defense and health. If you must know, the medicine is required due to my cybernetics, incase of an emergancy. "

Would be monotonously noted out from the masked individual in a deeper and more distorted tone, before proceeding in to the building.

"I'm not even sure if I should trust these snivelling Mercs to protect us. They're nothing. Mere cannon fodder - Hots shots thinking they're good, drooling for money. That's what these mercs are. Why do they feel so safe here? These walls are thin, the guards underwhelming, barebone security measures, surrounded by whores for money, these 'hired arms'. They carry Ageira based weapons, energy, and encase themselves within ballistic armor. How moderate. I suppose it'll do - Cannon fodder, afterall. I should destroy them for being so disgraceful in our mighty presence. Cheap. Dirty. Disgusting. "

She would glance around with her eyes, concealed by her mask as she face forwards - glaring at the interior of the building's structure whilst following one of the guards that was escorting her to the meeting room.

[:: I am proceeding to the meeting now. ::]

[:: [004] Confirmed. Sector secure. Other guests arriving at checkpoint. ::]

The escort would lead them to the room, entering it slowly, introducing the new guest.

"Keeper Revenant of Auxesia. "

Walking in, they glare lifelessly towards the representative, giving a brief nod as a subtle greeting,

"Zoner. "

"The others have been seen landing, they'll be here in about five minutes. "

The guard would note before leaving, Revenant proceeded to one of the chairs to patiently await, silently meditating upon the seat to pass the time, keeping still whilst their mask seemingly glared at the surface of the conference table, slowly shutting their eyes. They kept almost completely still, becoming lost in their thoughts.

"Four guards. More mercenaries. Air, nominal, moderately warm. Conditioning within the suit is nominal, thankfully. Sweat is the last thing I'd ask for, nevermind being openly engaged in combat. Perhaps I'll take a small snooze in the meanwhile. Maybe not, they'll notice. Hm. "

RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 06-07-2017

When Anna greeted him he simply gave a small nod before walking alongside her, his hands clasped behind his back.

"This shall be quite the annoyance, honestly If I was the Premier I wouldn't bother with these Corsair-loving Canarians and wiped out the Corsairs from orbit..." he mutters to her softly if not tensely. He stood shorter than Anne's height which would have looked comical to the eyes of others. The OSI as far as he was aware were the unofficial 'administrators' of the Omega-49 Protectorate, however he suspected they did not like the Coalition which would make any headway with them a resounding success.

However one way or another those Colonies had to go, the Corsairs could not be permitted to continue to hold territory in the system. Not after all the lengths they went through to evict the Fes Battlegroup...It will happen, come Hell or high waters.

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 06-07-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

Anna resisted the urge to chuckle at the tone of the commissar, she expected him to be the last person looking to resort to violence besides the Zoners. However, she did find it a bit more "welcoming" that he was as willing to resort to violence as Anna was. The IRG representatives gave me no reason to be impatient so far, I've yet to deal with the OSI. This is your protectorate, I'm going to let you do most of the talking. She paused for a second inside the elevator, as much as she hated the Corsairs residing on the planet, she wanted a safe haven for Isaak. She stood and thought for a moment before speaking up again. I'd prefer if we didn't have to commit more military resources here. If need be, I will, as much as it pains me to say it though, lets try to leave the dirty work for the Zoners. Anna folded her arms, her shiny black gloves gripping her biceps as the group waited for the elevator doors to open. Bump the comms frequency every two minutes, should anything happen, you enter, through any guards. She muttered on the radio so only the guards could hear over the channel.

As the elevator doors opened Anna directed two of the guards back down to the entrance to the building. The Zoner guards fixed their eyes on Anna as the door opened, starring every other second as if they were trying to focus on something else. As the group approached the entrance to the meeting room they were stopped by the Zoner guards. Weapons, food, and drinks are to be left outside. Immediately upon hearing "weapons" Anna and the Tabakov both reached inside their uniforms at their wastes, grabbing their sidearms and spare clips. Anna handed hers to one of her guards before ordering both of them to either side of the room. As they split up they had the attention of everyone else in the room, appearing like giants in comparison to everyone else, standing 6'7" or taller with body armor.

After disarming herself almost entirely she waited for Tabakov to enter the room, the guards didn't appear bold enough to do a pat down search, better for them anyways. Anna entered the room to see what looked like Raven, Doctor Erzie and another man sitting down next to him. The room's eyes swapped from Tabakov to Anna as she went to sit next to Tabakov, waiting for someone to break the silence.

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 06-07-2017

[:: [007] Guests are entering the building. ::]

[:: Confirmed. Guests are within the meeting room. ::]

Noting the two new guests arriving, she peaks her head up, breaking off from their minor meditation session, giving a brief nod to the two as a small greeting, then returned her view towards the manager of the meeting. She wanted to keep her words to herself, crossing her arms, patiently awaiting for the Zoner to initiate the meeting.

"She's shorter than I imagined, that Hessian girl. Perhaps they compensate within their propaganda. "