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To: Ezreal Vertiga - Printable Version

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To: Ezreal Vertiga - Kaze - 05-30-2017

[Image: hDdH96I.png]
Good night, Mr. Vertiga.

You know have an official grant to transverse Bretonia at will. It took some convincing with the rest of the Admiralty Board and certain security steps were taken to ensure our end in this action. However since the Aphanta is a capital class vessel of dubious origins, I ask you to keep the movement of the Aphanta to a bare minimum in Bretonia and to keep a very low profile.

Needless to say, you know very well who travels its lanes also, and a confrontation will only descent into a perilous situation. So let us avoid that, shall we? As it stands, the Service has some questions to your persona regarding some key events that you may have witnessed, and also some requests for your eyes and ears, of course. But I will leave them to it, as I trust the agent assigned to be your liaison will contact you in the near future. I do hope it becomes a fruitful cooperation.

As I forewarned you, the Service will treat you as an asset and with the proper respect and honour it gathers. In opposition, I request the same from you. Cordiality and professionalism. So, do not step the line and cause hurt to Bretonia, Mr. Vertiga.

Because I will snuff out everything you hold dear from existence if you do endanger my House and my people.
Fair warning for the days ahead.

Without anything to add,
Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon.

RE: To: Ezreal Vertiga - Sombs - 05-30-2017

[Image: 04_by_rhulaner-da2sxcj.gif]


ID: Ezrael Vertiga
Location: [Image: H14TsTq.gif]
Subject: SIS
ENCRYPTION: [Image: encryp_by_rhulaner-da2t4d9.gif]


the Apahanta and I will soon be ready to service you under the conditions you and me agreed on. The latest upgrade and maintenance of the ship have reached a final stage now. Estimated time left is two weeks (//or I mop the floor with Darius), after that your new asset should be fully operational. The crew has been informed with the necessary mimimum of knowledge about future cooperation. They will keep the secret. Twenty crew quarters have been assigned to be provided for possible SIS agents or other mission-related personnel. You have my assurance of me trying not to cause harm to Bretonia. Not on my to-do list.

That being said, I would like to request something formal regarding the permission to enter Bretonian space to reach the Cortez system, simply to be able to show it to the officials of Crayter and Liberty if needed. The treaty of Curacao, you might remember. The Crayterians have a registry for foreign capital ships, but even with my recent cooperations with the 5th| fleet of Liberty, convincing the Liberty Government might be a bit more difficult, so if Admiral McIntire could give me something official, that might be helpful to avoid unnecessary artificial difficulty.

As for your questions, do not hesitate to ask them. I survived the meeting with you, so I guess it can't be any worse.

Ezrael Vertiga