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To: Liberty Government | From: Cryer Pharmaceuticals - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Government | From: Cryer Pharmaceuticals - Cryer Pharmaceuticals - 05-31-2017

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To whom it may concern,

My name is Ellis Calderon, newly appointed CEO of Cryer Pharmaceuticals. The purpose of this message is to discuss the legality of the Cryer-manufactured pharmaceutical "Stabiline". Currently Liberty has Stabiline listed as contraband, even going so far as to include it in the same list as Cardamine. Our hope is we can begin the process to have Stabiline removed from such a list, given it's benefit for current and ex-cardamine users.

The fact is that Cardamine is a plague that has corrupted many people across Sirius for too long. It's DNA-altering effects, it's dependency after a short time period of usage, and the inevitable result of death should one cease using is a fact that no one can ignore. That is not to presume that it is being ignored, but merely placing the drug on a contraband list is frankly not enough. Despite such a law, Cardamine still infiltrates Liberty space, and is spread amongst both the lower classes as well as the Liberty elite wanting the next best thing.

This is where Cryer comes in. Stabiline is of course not foreign to Liberty, as evident of it's placement on a contraband list. Our pharmaceutical is meant to replace Cardamine intake, and cease any DNA-alterations that may occur after continued use. Most importantly, side effects do not include death should one cease to use Stabiline, as is the unfortunate case with Cardamine users. Now, our scientists are continuously working to improve it's molecular structure in order to provide a reversal in dependency for those who make the switch from Cardamine to Stabiline. At this present time, our pharmaceutical does not reduce the pre-existing chemical dependency for Cardamine users, nor does it reverse previous DNA alteration. But it is a safe alternative for Cardamine users, as well as new users who, once approved to receive a prescription from Cryer, can enjoy the benefits without the life-threatening side effects.

What I would like to propose is moving Stabiline off of Article 1, Section 1 contraband, and have it classified as a legal pharmaceutical that requires a Cryer prescription. Proof of prescription will be required and provided to Liberty officials for filing and record keeping, and those without such a prescription subject to a fine and instruction to apply for a prescription. The details of such applications may be discussed with Liberty officials, in order to ensure there is adequate need for such a prescription.

This proposal is of course just an outline, and I suspect will be subject to multiple iterations and changes, but a first step must be taken to help ensure a highly dangerous and addictive drug is kept out of Liberty, and replaced with a pharmaceutical that can and is a safe alternative.

Your response is appreciated and we look forward to discussing this proposal with a member of the Liberty Government soon.

Ellis Calderon
Cryer CEO

RE: To: Liberty Government | From: Cryer Pharmaceuticals - Cryer Pharmaceuticals - 06-02-2017

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