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Link for First time install instructions? - Printable Version

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Link for First time install instructions? - OhDooley - 05-31-2017

Been looking around for hours. Searching different lines to find what I'm looking for.

The 4.88.1 guide doesn't have all the information necessary for me to install this properly.

Used to play circa 2008-2009ish. About the time the trident gunboat came out and that patch #. But It's been so long that I've forgotten how to properly install freelancer, the account manager, the mod manager and to activate appropriately.

If anyone has a link to more in depth description of how to accomplish this I would appreciate it. or a PM would work as well. I have the modmanager and vanilla FL iso. And something else labeled 4.88.1 but it's not a zipped file.

RE: Link for First time install instructions? - Syf - 05-31-2017

FLMM and the account manager are no longer used. The guide is simplistic because there is not much "in depth" stuff to explain. Though I suppose it wouldn't hurt for that page to mention it for older people coming back or having to work with outdated info.

Vanilla FL installation
Mod download + installation
Using the DSLauncher that comes with it to update

Sorry if this came out as a rather counter-intuitive response, but it would help for people to know which part gives trouble or not.
That and I have a mild headache among a fine allergy, but I digress.

RE: Link for First time install instructions? - sindroms - 05-31-2017

Hello there and welcome back. Refer to this thread here:
for the full install requirements.

If you are still having issues after this, we can help you troubleshoot.

RE: Link for First time install instructions? - OhDooley - 05-31-2017

A combination of all collected information and common sense. Mission success.

All that is left is to make some money and decide what I want to roll first. Thanks for the help. See you in space.