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St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-01-2017

The St.George, a small unassuming pub located in Coventry, New London. It was a small place that had a strong reputation with the locals who were loyal to it and its owner, Tom. On this occassion, it was as Alexander expected to find it, quite, semi-full with most of the younger men away fighting the war, only the older fathers remained behind.

''Evening Tom, a pint please, Golden Lagar'' Alexander said wandering into the small roadside pub. He'd gotten to know the place quite well over the years, including the old barkeep who ran the place. A nice man, ex police, who also managed to run the bar and keep his four sons out of trouble.
''Right away sir'' Tom said getting a glass and filling it up. ''Anything special tonight sir? been a while it has''
''Have a girl coming 'round''
The old man raised an eyebrow ''Fancy that'' he chuckled ''Wouldn't have expected such a thing from you sir, I shall keep an eye out for her''
Alexander smiled back, Tom was a good sort like that. Even in his twilight years he did the traditional evening rounds in the village, doing his best to keep the young people out of trouble, making sure the drunks got home safe and sound. Alexander knew the old man to be a man of his word. ''What does she look like then?'' Tom asked
''Blonde, Yank...''
''Yank? come on sir, I know a number of other girls who'd be...''
''Its Just a drink Tom, I'm not doing anything''
Tom laughed ''Right you are. You're table is free, I'll send her over if I spot her''
''Cheers mate'' Alexander said before leaving and sitting in his usual spot, reading the nearby newspaper untill she arrived.

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-01-2017

After a short time, Nicole entered the pub. Though her appearance was slightly different. Her hair had changed from blonde to a silvery-white, giving more notice to her fiery yellow eyes. Another thing of note was a small, but noticeable scar on her left cheek. As she entered the pub, looking for Alexander, she remained in her larger-than-her hoody, seeming more shy than the last time they had met.

"Excuse me, barkeep, anyone in here by the name Alexander? Got a meet with him." Her voice was confident despite her shy looking posture. She continued to scan the room, but couldn't seem to find him.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-01-2017

He looked at the girl for a moment, examining her closly before coming to the conclusion that this must be the girl ''Yes ma'm'' he said pointing to a slightly darker corner of the pub ''He's asked me to bring a bottle of wine over to you when your ready''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-01-2017

"Alright, thanks." Nicole made her way over to the booth. "There you are, always in the shadows eh?" Nicole sat at the booth. "Now why would you have been surprised that I contacted you again, the last time was quite enjoyable. Plus I don't get much time to relax, so what better way to start one of the few times I do than with a friend?"

Nicole leaned back. "Oh yea, I also have that bottle of sake with me for you too, and if you're paying here, then you get the bottle free, no negotiation." Nicole's tone was much more.. relaxed than she last time. Maybe it was being out of uniform, or just out of Liberty in general, perhaps something else not known yet. Whatever the case, she seemed more carefree.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-01-2017

He smiled as she sat, knowing that he probably could argue with her, but It would be wiser not too. ''Thank you for remembering'' he said quietly. ''How was Kusari?''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-01-2017

"It was wonderful, nice to see home again too. Just.. some guy tried to mug me. Slashed my cheek, but he got worse than a scar. Otherwise, it was a great time. Seeing home for what it was when I remembered as a child was amazing. You should visit sometime, beautiful space and planets." Nicole smiled a little, but also eyeing up the place, trying to become familiar with it.

"This place sure is different from Liberty, it's nice, and nobodies trying to push that ale. People look happy in here too, opposed to the usual bar fight I see." She finally put her hood dowm, letting her necklace lightly reflect the lighting. "Heard some anamoly opened over in Dublin and people coming out with millions worth of rare crystals, wonder if I could manage to get some."

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-02-2017

''Bretonians like their pubs quite and clean. The barkeep over there, he's ex police. Last fight that threatened to break out was swiftly put down by him.'' As if on que, Tom appeared with a bottle of wine and placed it on the table ''thank you tom'' Alexander said as the man nodded and returned to the bar. ''I see you have your necklace, it looks good on you, if you don't mind my saying so''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-02-2017

"Yea, I never take it off, it's something that holds more than just being a cool necklace to me." Nicole leaned forward, pouring herself a glass. "And thank you, it is pretty nice. But so is the whole place, I normally never get leave, so being out like this, even wearing casual clothes for longer than a couple hours is weird to me. But I am a weird person. I'm having a second drink with someone I barely know, if that isn't proof enough, but you're the kindest someone's been to me so far, so why not?"

"Maybe I just work too much and stress myself out. Why am I ranting about myself, how have you been lately? Sorry if I'm talking too much.." Nicole seemed less confident in a social setting than in a professional one. It was almost like she had two personalities, one for work, one for non-work. She seemed more out of her element, and subsequently, a lot more reserved and shy, despite being able to talk someones ear off.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-03-2017

''You being relaxed and talking about yourself is fine.'' he said having a drink of beer. ''Part of the reason I invited you here, you seem confident and relaxed, I like it. So feel free to talk. How have I been? good, Nothing to report and all that, just been enjoying some time off.'' He paused for a moment, finding it strange that she had mentioned him being the kindest person to her thus far. ''You mentioned your family the last time we met, how are they?''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-03-2017

"They're doing fine, Miles prays he works up the courage to transfer for a primary fleet before I get to Commander, then I'll be my brothers boss, heh. Mother is well, living on Manhattan it's peaceful for her, but she does worry about me and Miles. For the most part we're fine, just a little stressed as of late. Oh yea, and Miles found out about this little meet, he says hi." Nicole continued to relax, ceasing her constant eyeing up the place, Sitting up a little as she took a drink from her glass.

"I'd tell you how much I really do, but I don't think I technically can. There's too much to list off."