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The Fallen Angels "A" - Information Page - Fallen Angels - 06-03-2017

[Image: VxiGTDK.png]

Name: Fallen Angels
Tag: “A”-
ID: Freelancer ID
Affiliation: Reaper of Sirius

[Image: XtAJ7JG.png]

820 A.S.

In the end of 819 A.S., an organisation going by the name of “Reapers of Sirius” had established its forces within an isolated system of the Omega Region. Only a handful of people knew about the system. For the most part, it was pilots who were confused and had accidentally found the jump hole in addition to some smugglers who used the system as a secret passage through the Omegas. That system was known as Cayman. Rumours say that the Cayman system even contains an inhabitable planet, named Braillia. The Reapers of Sirius were protecting the planet from any combat vessels which attempted to get close. However, when the battlefront with their primary foe, the Communist-driven Coalition, cooled down, it was found that the Archon and other Commanding Officers of the Reapers of Sirius had gone missing. Some blamed the Coalition while others claimed that they had deserted.

The organisation started collapsing without its commanding officers, some of the Reapers left and kept searching for their true purpose somewhere else, others stayed and tried to continue with their lives.
The ex-Reapers who have stayed around the Cayman system had formed a new organization called the Braillia Security Force. To avoid further loss of manpower, as the BSF was low on numbers, they only traveled within the Cayman System. However, their main goal was the security of Planet Braillia. All vessels, except those belonging to traders and smugglers were destroyed immediately upon entering the system. Since some of the smugglers knew about Cayman and were using it as a shortcut, they were left alive because without them and their shipments the BSF wouldn’t have survived for much longer. Since they weren’t leaving their own system, their supplies had began to run low.

821 A.S.

One year after being exiled from their world, some ex-Reapers became more unruly and created a traditional wing called Braillian Raiders. Their goal to destroy the Coalition and communism had made them especially bloodthirsty and highly aggressive when they were going out for their ‘hunting’. Even independent traders and civilians were being targeted all around the Omegas. If a Braillian wanted to become a Raider, he or she had to pass a test: crossing the so-called ‘Red’ space and stay alive. Raiders called Omega-52 “Red space” because it is the main and well-protected territory of the Revolutionary Army.

The Reapers had previously established an enormous research station on Braillia. The station’s purpose was the creation of modified or artificial cardamine. Numerous experiments heavily interfered with the magnetosphere of Braillia, making it unstable and causing a chain of geothermal events that eventually led to cataclysmic effects. The aftermath was a complete obliteration of the cardamine fields, along with deaths of the majority of those who were living on the planet. In a sense, the planet had cleansed itself. The laboratory, which was lead by the Reaper Research & Development group had exploded. The chemical reaction created an enormous beam that hit the moon. Everything within a thousand kilometre radius around the Laboratory was turned into a desert. The moon Bactun suffered a powerful blast which completely destabilised its core. It slowly started falling apart. Due to a gravitational pull between Braillia and Bactun, a small asteroid field was created, separating the planet from its moon. It was chaotic, as Braillia was constantly under a meteor bombardment.

[Image: sK87Zh0.gif]
(08.19.821 A.S. Planet Brallia, last view on Kaldera Research Station)

822 A.S.

The Cayman system almost became forgotten. However, the Coalition agents finally got their hands on coordinates of the system’s jumpholes and thus, the Coalition High Command decided to conquer Cayman and use its resources, as most of it was left untouched.
Rumors about this Coalition plan for conquest spread all around the Omegas. Earlier, an unknown destroyer appeared on the Battleship Fuen Labrada’s scanners. All BSF communication channels went hot and what force left the Reapers had was quickly mobilised to deal with the threat. When the first bomber wing got close to the vessel, one of the pilots noticed something familiar to him - the markings on the destroyer’s hull and its name: Palma. An old “Reapers Of Sirius” ship which had been in active service for more than thirty years. The destroyer’s commander used to be in the High Command of the “Reapers of Sirius”. The BSF allowed the commander to park the Palma near Shadowhaven and as soon as the commander along with some of his people entered one of Shadowhaven’s corridors, they were arrested by BSF.

The elders of the Braillian Raiders arrived at Shadowhaven as soon as they received the information about the old Reaper vessel’s arrival in the Cayman system. Commander of Palma and his crew were arrested by the BSF, while the Braillian Raiders began the bombardment of Palma, which was parked outside the Shadowhaven. BSF commanders quickly ordered the bomber pilots to cease their fire but it was already too late. Minutes later, the Palma’s engine reactor exploded. Meanwhile, one of the Braillian Research and Development Science vessels was scanning Braillia’s moon and the crew saw the explosion. They quickly reported the events that had happened near Shadowhaven, the administrators of Kara Laboratory announced the alert and prepared for combat. They quickly gathered all of their escort vessels and along with the Director of the Laboratory, they then moved to the Shadowhaven. When the Research & Development members approached Shadowhaven the trial for the exiled RoS group had already begun with reformed groups of Reapers already arguing about their execution. The Director of Reaper Research & Development entered the argument with a proposition: find out for what reason did the crew and the commander return. BSF command agreed with no hesitation, and the only opposing group were the elders of Raiders. However, it wasn’t enough and the interrogation of Palma’s commander followed shortly after.

The commander of the MNS-Palma introduced himself as one of the ex-commanders of the Fallen Angels wing within the Braillia Security Force, also known as the Reapers of Sirius. Explaining his disappearing as captivity by the Coalition’s forces and beginning his political speech. He encouraged the Reapers to unite once again and support Braillia, for without it Cayman would slowly turn into an empty void. After his speech, the director of Braillian Research & Development along with two elders from the Raiders eventually agreed with the plan. However, the only person who was in charge of the BSF wing couldn’t believe that the session had gotten so complicated as the three leading groups in the Cayman which were supposed to get rid of the ex-commander had already started listening to him. To get the BSF leader’s cooperation, the ex-commander proposed him as the leader of his plan and put forth his next argument: for the BSF to keep the Reapers’ original goal, becoming a shield of the planet Braillia. That provoked the elders of the Raiders, as they were not recognised by the BSF and were run under different idealisms. After a long debate, all the members were finally in full agreement with the ex-commander’s plan. The next topic was picking a man that would unite the three divisions - a supreme leader. The director of the Research & Development made a proposition that avoided a potential incident. He proposed that the ex-commander receives full command over their forces due to the fact that he wasn’t directly involved with any of the three distinct divisions of the Reapers. It was regarded as an odd but still wise decision, and thus, all the leaders agreed.

A few days later, the council arranged another session on the Shadowhaven. The purpose of this session was to announce that one of the original wings of Reapers of Sirius was back - The Fallen Angels. They broadcasted the new Archon’s speech throughout Cayman and began with the reformation of the Reapers. The first reform was the High Command structure of the Supreme Council, which included the Archon himself, the doctor of BR&D, three elders of the Raiders and the commander of the BSF.

823 A.S. - Perspective and Plans.

The reformed organisation based upon the original Reapers of Sirius, the Fallen Angels, began conducting the plan of the Archon. The primary task is the collection of resources. They have begun to form agreements with the lawful corporations throughout Sirius and are sending out regular patrols to counteract the forces preying upon said corporations, namely: pirates and Corsairs within southern Sirius, Red Hessians within the Omega region and Rheinland, and the Mollys within Bretonia. Also, the Fallen Angels are prepared to escort trade vessels while Research & Development is also receiving yet another task for themselves - they are making short trade runs.
The result of these changes is that the Fallen Angels are becoming the primary competition for the Bounty Hunters Guild within the Omega region.

The Fallen Angels have also preserved their original objective: The destruction of their nemesis - The Coalition. The Archon, along with the rest of the leadership understand that completion of this goal is out of their reach due to a lack of resources and manpower, but it’s still possible to oppose and interfere with the Coalition’s movements within the Omegas and Omicrons.

The head of the Research & Development, David Owen, put in place plans for a specialised expansion project. It was not something to be worked on immediately and was more a stepping stone into the future, for when the time was right. The project entailed many in-depth plans and schematics for a new station design. One with increased armour and with it's entire design being centered around ease of maintenance and low supply costs. This feature is a key requirement if the Reapers are to expand in the foreseeable future due to their Cardamine and economy state.

Approximately, every two to three days, the Cayman system is losing at least one inhabitant as most of the Fallen Angels originate from the Maltese nation, making them dependent on Cardamine. The research team at the Kara laboratory has worked out several new pharmaceuticals which can delay the fatal effects of Cardamine deprivation. Unfortunately, that is only a short-term solution, so the Archon along with the Supreme Council decided to move for a more resolute action: get the diplomats to resolve their differences with the Maltese Nation and establish a trade route with Omicron Alpha.

Cardamine dependency has been revealed to be a curse among the Angels due to their ever dwindling numbers and many options have been considered to solve this issue. A simplistic solution was drafted up, but the Outcasts could simple say no. If there was to be a failure on this front, options would become severely limited. Either the Angels would have to swallow their pride, in exchange for their survival, and speak to Cryer - or they’d have to talk to some other research group in attempts to find a long standing cure until the planet is restored.

Building Better Worlds

Terraforming is, by no means, a process the Angels are well versed in or know a great deal about. Time, however, has proven to be a great teacher in regards to the natural cycles of planets and how they transform through their lives. Braillia, itself, has been an insightful, albeit sad, project and has brought waves of new understanding to the scientists of Research & Development. In hindsight, it's clear why the previous plan wouldn’t have worked, but at the time current research pointed towards its success.

The Angels, ironically, have adapted because of this. They have moved on beyond planetary requirements and live in orbit of their scared homeworld, reminded of their past mistakes. Time will heal Braillia, but it's the aim of Angels to repair the damage they did and breathe clean air once again.
-“Braiila, our one true home.”

[Image: F6p6eVH.png]


Organizations considered allied to the Fallen Angels have full access to the Cayman system. They are allowed to dock at any base except Kara Laboratory. The Angels may assist them against anyone except other allies or ships considered friendly to the Fallen Angels.



These are the organisations and houses who are considered friendly to the Reapers of Sirius and the Fallen Angels. They have cooperative relations and the Angels tend to be hired mostly by these organisations. Allowed to dock only on Shadowhaven in the Cayman system.

- Zoners


Neutral lawfuls and quasi-lawfuls are permitted to hire Angels as escorts or in order to help them deal with unlawful organizations. They are prohibited from the Cayman system.

- Any lawful and quasi-lawful group which is not listed elsewhere


The Angels try to avoid any contact with those individuals or organizations. In the case of these individuals or groups intruding the Angel business, they may be engaged. To be shot on sight within the Cayman system.

- Any unlawful who are not listed both below and above.
- Gallic Royal Navy
- Any unlawful group which is not listed elsewhere


Organizations which are considered hostile by the Reapers of Sirius and the Fallen Angels. Unless given a reason not to, the Angels will engage these groups. To be shot on sight within the Cayman system.

- The Order
- Artificial Intelligence
- The Core
- Any target listed on bounty contracts which the Fallen Angels are registered on


Organizations considered enemies of the Fallen Angels are the most hated. To be hunted within their Zone Of Influence. To be shot on sight within the Cayman system.

- Bounty Hunters Guild
- Mollys
- Red Hessians


Those whom the Fallen Angels have special form of relationship with.

- The Coalition
(The Archenemy of the Fallen Angels, hunted everywhere)
- Nomads and Infested Forces
(Fallen Angels are of Maltese origin, they still about to build relationship with the 'spirits')

[Image: Okmqo6M.png]

I. Resources

The Reapers of Sirius are facing an internal crisis due to their severe lack of resources. They are in a state of total economic shutdown which is causing numerous issues including, but not limited to, shut down of ship construction, low-quality maintenance performed on existing hardware and an inability to fund basic living conditions and requirements for its citizens. It's been placed under a top priority of the R&D division to solve this problem. The project is being led by R&D with the help of the BSF Commander: Carmen Guerra.

II. Utopia

The goal of the Reapers when they first set out leaving the Outcasts behind was a noble one, one that would set them apart from their criminal brethren. The Reapers saw a chance to renew their image and restore their ideals. While their plans may not have transpired as they had hoped, the Reapers maintained their vision. Once their situation is resolved, the Supreme Council can shift their focus onto turning this dream of ‘Utopia’ into a reality.

III. The Security of Planet Braillia

Planet Braillia was once the most important stronghold under Reaper control. It served as a major population and recruitment centre. Through short-sighted acts of desperation to increase the planet's ability to grow Cardamine naturally, the Reapers reduced their planet’s ecology to one akin to a planet affected by a nuclear holocaust. The Reapers have vowed to fix their mistake and return the planet to the way it once was, and let the Cardamine grow again.

IV. Cardamine issue.

In combination with the previous goal, the Reapers need to sort out a long-term solution to their Cardamine crisis. This solution can arrive in many forms ranging from an emergency trade deal with the Outcasts, to raiding Cardamine supply lines to get the much-needed substance for the Reaper populace. Until Braillia is returned to usable, R&D will continue to develop methods to slow down the rate of Cardamine withdrawal.

V. Expansion.

Another project started by Braillia R&D group. Their top engineers are working on a base design which may be supplied far less often in addition to having a much stronger structure. The target of the Fallen Angels are the nearby systems: While a strategically viable system has not yet been chosen to test this new structure in, the Raiders and BSF continue to work closely together to find a suitable candidate.

[Image: nFTrg69.png]

[Image: vvZOUjQ.png]

- Home system

Cayman is the last surviving stronghold of the Reapers of Sirius. It holds both the civilian and military forces within it's borders and is kept under close watch by the BSF to prevent any and all attempts at foreign espionage or hostilities.

- Primary Zone of Influence

The sector in Sirius where Cayman system resides - The Omega region - also called the wild south, where Red Hessians, the Coalition, Corsairs, and many others are the problems which the Angels are called upon to solve. The original Reapers of Sirius were in the process of cleaning up conflicts in the Omegas. The Fallen Angels are just the remnant of the RoS and they don’t possess enough forces and resources to win, but they, at last, can interfere and run diversionary tactics. The Angels, however, must be very careful not to draw too much attention to themselves as it could turn out to be their undoing.

- Raiders Zone Of Influence

The main focus of the Raiders falls upon the key points of interests - the Omicrons, Omegas, and the border of house space. They frequent these locations due to the natural resources that are found here among the hostiles that they are honour bound to fight.

- Serpents Zone Of Influence

The Serpents are the eyes and ears of the Angels. They peer into every corner where information might be heard. The Omicrons are where the Nomads, Order and Core fight for supremacy of the region, with the Zoners being caught in the crossfire. While the House intelligence agencies frequent the area, they are nothing more than a passing disturbance. In addition to the Omicrons, the Serpents focus their attention on the mysterious Sigmas and the mysterious they might hold. The Sigmas are well known at this point for their abundance of natural resources which automatically peaked the interests.

[Image: v5xCjmY.png]

Fighter/Bomber class
"A"-Name.Surname or "A"-Callsign
Gunboat class
"A"-RSV-Hispanic Town or Codename
Transport class
"A"-RLS-Hispanic Town or Codename
Capital Class
“A”-Capital Ship

[Image: ICZE3Sh.png]


- Borderworlds shipline (fighters, bombers and gunboats)
- Civilian Shipline (fighters, bombers)
- Outcasts Shipline (Fighters, bombers and Gunboats)
- RoS Ships


- RoS Weapons
- Civilian Weapons
- Outcast equipment
- Sirius-wide civilian equipment

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Information Page - Fallen Angels - 06-03-2017


roster + ranks later in the week.