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Rory Revkie - Personal Digital Assistant - Printable Version

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Rory Revkie - Personal Digital Assistant - Rusty Wing - 06-04-2017

[Image: b4n1ibC.png]
[Image: hgFp5lE.png]
[Image: UzcGEKK.png]
[Image: kzETJfN.png]
[Image: otHzSoL.png]
[Image: iFFk1U2.png]

(//Unfinished version. I will probably re-design it later. All information will be added later.
Original idea - Corile. Don't be shy and use PM to drop any hints. Thanks.
Edit 1 - First pic linked. Story in progress
Edit 2 - Secon pic is linked. Added empty mailbox. There will be comms
Edit 3 - The first record added)

RE: Rory Revkie - Personal Digital Assistant - Rusty Wing - 06-06-2017

[Image: OoaPdyo.png]

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Welcome to personal Gateway digital assistant, captain Rory Revkie.

[Image: BryNRU2.png?1]
GSV "Nostromo" control panel.

Main menu:
1. Current status and technical equipment
2. Historical logs
3. Log out

>1. Current status and technical equipment

Ship type: Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport
Purpose: Research vessel/Cargo vessel
Captain: Rory Revkie
Date of construction: 816 A.S.
Contruction place: Unknown (Probably Border systems)
Previous purpose: Unknown
Crew members: 35
Status: In action

Technical information:

x9 Charon transport turrets
Current status: ACTIVE
Powercore: BWT PC Model A
Power Core output: 45,000 u
Power Recharge: 5,000 u/s

Main menu:
1. Current status and technical equipment
2. Historical logs
3. Log out

816 A.S, Somewhere in border systems, Unlawful shipyard "Shi No Numa"
March 14th, 9:35

[Image: l8xNLu7.jpg?2]
A huge dry dock in which there is a cargo ship. In the air, a strong smell of engine oil, hydrogen fuel and alcohol. A man in the pilot's uniform walks from one end of the platform to the other. He seems to be whistling a tune. An experienced person recognizes in him David Shepard a well-known smuggler. His ship "Untoten" was destroyed during the last attack, but... He deceived death. And now he decided to buy a new one. To him comes another man, apparently an engineer. He says:
"Ahoy there, mister Shepard. Your ship is near to be finished."
David smirks and answer:
"Good job, mister Tokeo, really good job. Keep it up and you will deserve your credits."
The engineer nodded and disappeared. David continued to look at the ship, speaking silently to himself:
"I always managed to outwit death. But I know that fortune is a cheap slut, and I ran out of cash. But this ship... This ship will protect me from everything. Verruct... Damn, I have to back to my work. There's still a lot of these nomad things...
[The record #1 is ended]

Main menu:
1. Current status and technical equipment
2. Historical logs
3. Log out


RE: Rory Revkie - Personal Digital Assistant - Rusty Wing - 06-19-2017

[Image: Ahxmw6n.png]

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Welcome to personal Gateway digital assistant, captain Rory Revkie.

To: Alan Shepard // From: Me