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The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Fallen Angels - 06-05-2017

[Image: 3BLX3YK.png]
Welcome to the Fallen Angels Personnel Database.

Below is an entire database of the personnel currently present within the Fallen Angels and any relevant information or links connected to them. If filling out your own entry to this database, please use the template provided below.

[tr][td][align=center][color=#7cff9e][size=15][font=Agency FB]Title[/font][/size][/color][/align][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Name[/color][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Gender[/color][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Hair colour:[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Hair Colour[/color][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Eye colour:[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Eye Colour[/color][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Medical Issues (if any):[/b][/color] [indent][color=#FFFFFF]►

► [/color][/indent][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]DoB:[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF]DoB[/color][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [indent][color=#FFFFFF] [/color][/indent][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][color=#7cff9e][b]Additional Notes[/b][/color] [indent][color=#FFFFFF]  Notes [/color][/indent][/td][/tr][/table][/float]

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[font=Agency FB][align=center][color=#7cff9e]Bio Title + Begin. Feel free to give this a nice title as if it's a story or somthin.[/color][/align][/font][/size]

[b][align=justify][color=#FFFFFF] Text Text Text [/align][/color]


RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Fallen Angels - 06-05-2017


RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Fallen Angels - 06-05-2017

[Image: WblIW8X.png]
Full Name: Alexander Greif
Gender: Male
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Green
Medical Issues (if any):
► Can't use his right arm anymore
DoB: 789 A.S
Additional Notes
Consumes way too much Cardamine

The proud start.

Born on Planet Malta, always was someone who protected the weak Outcasts against any foreigners who wanted to kill them. In 816, I had the first contact with the Reapers of Sirius, it was impressive. I can't remember every detail, but I remember that they were my heroes, defending us against everything. I remember that I tried to become one of them, a shame that they didn't gave me a real chance at the beginning. Whatever, they left Malta, and never came back. Of course I followed them, I still wanted to be one of them, it took me quite a while to achive positive results and finally they gave me a mission, it was just bringing some food and water to their stations, but they gave me a chance.

In the end, I finished my job and did my part, they told me I can stay, and work for them and maybe become one of them in the next years... A shame that I can't remember more, only that they accepted me into their ranks... I hate it that I lost most of my memories when my Lich exploded...

Maybe I will write more into this, if I get some of my memories back.

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Fallen Angels - 06-05-2017

Personal File - Dr. David Owen
[Image: tbY7ZiX.png]
Full Name: Dr. David Owen
Gender: Male
Hair colour: Minimal Amount of Hair, White/Grey
Eye colour: Green
Medical Issues (if any):
► Cardamine Addiction
► Poor Vision
DoB: 14/11/756 A.S
Additional Notes
Born and raised in Bretonia, not of Maltese decent.

"A Differnet Time"

Dr. David Owen is currently one of the oldest members of the Fallen Angels, and he is widely considered the smartest. This, however, was not always the case as it was only in relatively recent times that he joined the Reapers of Sirius. Before this, he was a professor at the Cambridge Research Institute. The good doctor spent the vast majority of his days studying, and then later tutoring, at the Institute. Dr. Owen specialised in Particle Physics, but being the gifted person he is, he knows a large amount on various other sciences.

"The Fallen Angels"

Dr. Owen joined the Reapers of Sirius just prior to their reformation under the name "The Fallen Angels". His skills were highly desired due to the state of the Science Division at the time, as the entire of it was in a constant state of disarray. After a few weeks of work, Dr. Owen had almost singlehandedly reorganised the entire of the organisational structure within the R&D department. It wasn't long before the Supreme Council took notice and awarded him a spot on the Council.

/will add more later

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Zyliath - 06-06-2017

Personnel File #4 - "Ivano Risi"
[Image: EZoV3Hb.png]
Full Name: Ivano Risi
Gender: Male
Hair colour: Dark
Eye colour: Dark
Medical Issues (if any):
► None
DoB: 25/05/795 A.S.
Additional Notes
Cardamine user

"Humble Origins"

Born and grown on Malta, Ivano comes from a humble family that possessed a small Cardamine cultivation, which was the main income for the family. Ever since he was young, he helped the family in growing Cardamine, as well as acting as an administrator for the revenue. At the age of 18, after having concluded his school studies and piloting school sessions, he learned how to fly a freighter from his father, an ace pilot of the Maltese Navy, and started making up money for the family exporting Cardamine in his Dromedary. His target were the drug dealers located in Sirius' capital planets, and so he often employed the trick of looking like a Zoner in order to pass through security checks, land, offload the cargo, and head back. He made the way back and forth from Malta to Manhattan so many times, he earned a quick buck for himself in a very short time, and decided to swap his old Dagger for a shining new Gladius, said to be the top-notch craft for an Outcast.

"The Eta warzone: rise and fall of the 162th "Phantoms" Scout Wing."

At the age of 23, after having joined the Maltese secondary fleets as a scout, he was assigned to the Omicron Eta (now unaccessible as the jumphole collapsed during an ionstorm) frontline, acting as a recon wingman, flying his Gladius, to detect Corsair fleet movements as well as to warn the Outcast fleets of possible ambushes.
He was assigned to the 162th 'Phantoms' Scout Wing during that time. The wing itself was one of the most prolific in enemy detection and area sweeping among the others. The last patrol this wing made brought them within Corsair space, and right inside the Corsairs' cradle system - Omicron Gamma. The wing stumbled inside the system by a series of coincidences. Deciding of a joint accord to explore further and obtain precious intel for the Maltese Navy, they kept pressing on within the system. Corsair patrols were prowling the system, but Ivano and his wing managed to destroy lots of Corsair ships. As they were approaching Planet Crete, right in the middle, the worst nightmare of Ivano's wing appeared before their eyes: a Legate-class dreadnaught, accompanied by 2 Praefect cruisers. The Corsair patrol, without further ado, unleashed a hellish barrage of punishing firepower on Ivano's wing. The fighters kept dodging the shots, until a gunboat showed up along with fighter reinforcements, and engaged the wing as well. Caught in a crossfire, Ivano ordered the wing to retreat back to Outcast space as fast as possible. During the escape, though, the whole wing was struck down, one by one. Ivano's Gladius survived, but was badly damaged. He managed to escape into the Malvada Cloud, and pass through Xi undetected, and finally he entered Beta. He ran for Ruiz as fast as possible, and docked just in time. During the escape, Ivano itself suffered several injuries, but was luckier than his comrades. His ship was scrapped as deemed unservicable again due to the extensive damage, and Ivano was sent back to Malta for hospitalizing. After he was dismissed from the hospital, three weeks later, and lucky to have survived that hell, he took a off-duty period from the Navy, in order to reassest the family's business, which went a bit in disarray and, after he had sorted out all of his personal matters, including his parents' funeral, he put the family business in the hands of his younger brother, Silvio, picked a Scimitar and left Malta.

"Hell's Gorge and Heaven's Gates"

After leaving Malta, Ivano went into the Borderworlds, living as an Outcast raider, using a heavier ship (namely a Raven's Talon) to make some buck for himself. This period of his life prior to joining the Reapers' ranks isn't well recorded, aside from various interdictions and robberies. During one of these, he chased a transport full of goods all the way to the Omega cluster system - namely Omega-49, however he managed to land on Gran Canaria just in time. Not giving up, he landed as well and searched for the transport, only to find it empty already. Being tired after such a run, only to have failed, he went in a shady pub within the underground quarters of Gran Canaria, to take a drink. There, he saw a pilot, all dressed in black with a strange insignia, resembling a flying skull. He approached said pilot and asked him what kind of insignia was his. And the pilot told Ivano (at this time he was 27) of the Reapers of Sirius, and that they were searching for new blood. Without further ado, he enlisted as a Reaper, and was given a quarter onboard Shadowheaven. Cayman became Ivano's second home, so to say. In a very short time, he became one of the commanding figures of the Brailian Raiders, raising up to the rank of High Reaper thanks to his unjudgeable actions, tactical knowledge and unparalleled skill in combat. His ranking increased dramatically from the very first day, when he was assigned to a raiding party within Corsair space. The wing he was a part of came out unscathed. While the other wingmen flew the Reaper's VHF, the Lich, he flew a Skeleton LF as he acted as a scout. Even when solo, he downed lots of Corsair pilots on his own, bringing the captives back home. The first mission of his Reaper career impressed the whole Council, which outright promoted him to Senior Reaper, much to the dislike of some elder Reapers that wanted the promotion. Despite this, no one dared to challenge him in combat as his skills far surpassed theirs. Day in, day out - he racked under his portfolio hundreds of scores, and several bounties were collected by himself on his own. The Reaper Council was so impressed of him that they ranked him up faster than others. One year later, after the latest incursion into Corsair space, he was promoted to High Reaper. After the promotion, he was tasked with a very difficult mission: make an incursion within the Coalition's very home system, and bring back captives for questioning. He made a wing out of the top-notch Senior Reapers, and left for Omega-52. The incursion proved much more difficult than planned as Coalitioners were very aggressive. Yet, he brought his wing to shine in the sun of the Omega-52 system with a solo streak of 30 coalitioner fighters downed. With the captives in the holds, they made their way back home, only to be ambushed by a Coalition patrol. Said patrol also had a destroyer, but right at that time, the Reaper cruiser, MNS Palma, came to aid. The snubcraft were easily downed, and the destroyer followed them shortly after. With this impressive victory, when he got home, he was assured a place as the right hand of the Elder of the Braillian Raiders. Yet, little Ivano knew that a year later, he would be called by the Reaper council because the Elder was sick and near-to death, and despite his young age he was appointed as the new Elder of the Brailian Raiders. Under his command, many Raider wings went back and forth from Cayman, and everytime they came back, they brought trophies and captives. That time of glory, however, wouldn't last much longer... One day, after Ivano recalled the last Raiders back home to close the day, he went to Shadowhaven to report to the Archon and the Council, but soon discovered that the whole Reaper command figures went missing, and Ivano had to take a hard decision.
Ultimately, he decided to secretly leave Cayman and go into hiding for a while. He was never seen or heard of again...until now. Some time after said events, he was contacted by the new Archon of the Fallen Angels, that were none other the remnants of the Reapers of Sirius. He took on his call, and went back to Cayman to retake his role of Elder. Today along with his Archangel right-hand, Silvio da Gama, he took back his seat, ready to instill fear within their enemies' hearts..."The Braillian Raiders shall make their guns be heard throughout space."

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Ryan Smith - 06-11-2017

Ryan Smith
[Image: Qg3Ufx7.png?1]
Full Name: Ryan Smith
Gender: Male
Hair colour: Dark Brown with bits of blonde
Eye colour: Brown
Medical Issues (if any):
► Slight addiction to cardamine
DoB: 26/03/792 A/S
Additional Notes
Just the general day in the office.

Rebirth of the solo assassin.

Ryan was born and bread in a Maltese familia, but from a young age was bought up away from home. Living in the independent and edge worlds throughout his childhood, Ryan had to learn quickly how to look after himself, as well as those he cared about most. His father was the one who was training him the in's and out's of becoming a true Maltese warrior and at the age of sixteen Ryan became skillful and deadly enough to become a assassin. Between the age of sixteen and eighteen Ryan was learning how to become a special forces combat solider on the ground so he was able to infiltrate compounds alone, using the abilities and attributes he was taught from his father.

After all the training he received from his father at the age of twenty one he was ready to work alone, this is where he became a solo assassin for the Maltese Navy. Becoming an expert in assassination in and out of the pilot seat, Ryan was wanted by alot of organisations as a criminal but also to be hired for the dirty work. As time went on and Ryan grew older and wiser, contact with his familia was coming to the end. Ryan became an arrogant and hot head where he was not welcomed as much in the Tau region because he would have to be the hot shot in any situation, he was flashy, skillful, intelligent as well as experienced. Before making a plan to assassin the target, the target would already be assassinated due to how fast Ryan works. Need a job doing, he was the guy.

Moving out of the Tau region, Ryan proceeded towards the edge worlds into the Omicron's and the Omega's where he came across the Reapers of Sirius and started to learn from them, he would watch, gather intelligent and understand the movement. The Reapers of Sirius was exactly where he needed to be, he felt like a good asset for the lost cause and he knew that he was no longer welcome at his home with his familia.

So Ryan started doing work in this area becoming more a highly knowledgeable and skillful in the region of the Omega's. Having fought against the Corsair's hundreds of times before and the Red Hessians, Ryan knew what he had to do to join the cause of the Reapers of Sirius and the Fallen Angels.

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - thisDerius - 06-11-2017

[Image: 1pplkvo.png]
Full Name: Ikejiri Kaya
Gender: Female
Hair colour: Night Blue
Eye colour: Brown
Medical Issues:
► Heavy Scarrings
► Weed addict
► N/A
DoB: 23.3.798.A.S.
Additional Notes

The lost child.

Born under a completely different name, which is unknown to her, Kaya was born on the Freeport 7 where she had an actual, original family. After successfully escaping the Freeport and to Kusari, the transport she was on was attacked by a raid group of pirates. She was taken away from her family as she was taken to the life pods and sent away. When she settled on New Tokyo, she was taken into the Military family and was given her name. As time passed, she was expected to be a perfect child and was tortured into it. Some time passed and she learned of what happened to her real family as her new parents told her about it. Her Mother and Father were confirmed dead, but she had an older sister that has gone missing. It was also a big possibility that she was taken in by the pirates.

The time came when Kaya had enough of her family and decided to leave. She became a blood dragon working on New Tokyo. With her work going well and well, she learned to fly and took off to explore where she found all sorts of jobs and fun things to do as a normal freelancer. Getting into a group of assassins, she learned the true art of killing which she used against the people who raised her. She wanted to get back at them for making her life miserable for their own good looks and so she killed them both in cold blood. She was then free from everything that held her back.

It did not take her long to learn about her sister's whereabouts as she appeared on the news by aiding the Kusari Navy against all sorts of threats. After seeing that, she shot the TV and left Kusari off to Omega systems where she ended up in Cayman and found her home there. Now she is highly positioned in the Fallen Angels company that follows the Reapers of Sirius as they once were, hoping to gain the power to completely eliminate what her family once was.

RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - Personnel Database - Byron - 07-01-2017

"Personal File - Raymond Gaines"
[Image: Sog2Yec.png]
Full Name: Raymond Gordon Gaines
Gender: Male
Hair colour: Dark Blonde
Eye colour: Hazel
Medical Issues:
► Deviation of cardiac rhythm
DoB: 15th of September, 784 A.S. (40)
Additional Notes
Scorn towards Cardamine

"Endeavour for recognition in No Man's Land"

Raymond Gaines, a capitalistic businessman of Libertonian origin, was born on the 15th of September, 784 A.S. on Planet Manhattan to a married couple of lawyers of decently good standing. In his younger years he already begun showing more or less asocial, heavily introverted traits, preferring to merely mind his own business and neglect others over social interaction. This was mostly due to his everlasting, one would even call them complex mind processes, as they alone kept him busy most of the time. The simple fact that he, in his serious nature, found brooding over problems and dilemmas over and over and finding solutions to such far more rerwarding than any sort of interpersonal relationship only added to him acquiring a pensive personality. He hadn't stolen this trait though, as his parents tended into the same direction, yet his introversion proved to be far more accentuated.

Naturally, difficulties he would find in being accepted by others, first and foremost during his years at school. However, with his ability of obstinate fixation to theoretical matters, he could postpone facing the problems of his introversion a little longer, simply because he didn't care much about his acquaintances anyhow. His recepy to survive: Concentrate on learning and forget about everything else. One could say that he missed many important experiences during his youth with this attitude, yet would he never regret any of his decisions back then. As a matter of fact, he soon became a high-flyer with interest in many different subjects. What however caught his attention right from the beginning was economy, as he found it to be an interestingly application-based subject that over the years began slowly kindling enthusiasm in him.

And as a consequence, he soon found himself at university, studying economic theory as a subject, learning far more about it than he could have ever done at school. As a student, he was quickly taken under the wing of the renowned professor Alexander McGaullagh, a strict, yet an infernally effective man who Gaines found a shame to see in a professiorial chair. In his opinion he could have achieved much more in practical economy, which showed Gaines that becoming a teacher himself was obviously out of question.

In the world of work would he finally realize the drawbacks of his introversion, as he found himself unable to sell himself in a proper way. Even though his grades spoke for themselves, this was already it, as he had never put much effort into practising inside a social environment, making him look unattractive now to most employers. Yet with his undeniable effeciency, knowledge and interest in economic plans, he got employed nonetheless, first by Deep Space Engineering whose personnel staff hoped him to become a useful asset. However, Gaines soon found out that sometimes simple, to him meaningless words are just as important as knowledge and actual efficiency. First he tried to fight against this way of business, but learnt his lesson as his inability to socially function made him lose the employment at DSE.

It would take him more than enough time to adapt to the world around him, but as he saw it inevitable in case he wanted to become succesful one day, he began exercising social behavior. By no means was it fun to do for him, as it always felt more like a burden than actual nature, but with his life progressing further, he would reach the point when he managed to put down his eccentric shell. Similar to a caterpillar which would transform into a butterfly.

With Universal Shipping he found a for him perfectly fitting employer with which he stayed for several years. However, ambitions grew inside him, ones that you could even call morbid on closer examination. As a matter of fact, he didn't feel challenged enough by the more or less stable economy of Liberty, not to mention that he could only progress slowly in Universal's ranks. Same held for the other Houses, as he judged their economies as rigid, immovable bricks with not much further to develop in any regards. What however caught his attention all of a sudden was the economic situation down in the Omegas, not necessarilly because of the widespread communism that could be found in most regions, but because he seeked for an opportunity to start something new, and such an opportunity began arising in the form of the Fallen Angels. A group of outsiders, with no resources, seemingly having to start from scrath. Endangered by the communism knocking on their door.

Besides some problems he saw in joining them, most notably the fact that he had no gratitude for any use of drugs such as Cardamine, he decided to dare something for the first time in his life, truly, and sent an application to this most mysterious organization establishing itself in Cayman, desiring to flee from the chains of normal society, and to shape a whole new people's economy after his very own beliefs and concepts.