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To: Jared Nomak - Printable Version

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To: Jared Nomak - Foxglove - 06-07-2017

[Image: 04_by_rhulaner-da2sxcj.gif]


ID: [Image: 7dBj2Gm.gifMaren%20v.%20Westefeld]
Location: [Image: H14TsTq.gifCV-Hoffnungsschimmer,%20Omega-49]
Subject: [Image: UHCCc8M.gif]
ENCRYPTION: [Image: SnkmNXM.gif]

Good evening, Mr. Nomak. It has been far too long since we've spoken. I would need to ask you for a small favour. You wouldn't happen to know a person who is savvy enough with the neural net and other resources to create a completely new person from scratch — or rather, her identity? I need a forgery, and a quite good one at that.

But before I go into more detail, how are you right now? From a few derisive comments in New York lately, it appears the Commune has made a bit of a reputation in Liberty. How is Hussaini? I only saw him, well, briefly last time, but something seemed off about him. Is something the matter?

RE: To: Jared Nomak - PRJKTLRD - 06-07-2017

[Image: ZluSTuG.jpg]

[Image: WtmAnBz.png?1]

Accessing channel
Source ID: Jared Nomak
Location: ------- -----
Encryption: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg


It is good to hear your voice once again.

As I told you last time we were talking, my gratitude is eternal because of what you have done. It is an honor to assist you m'am.

I myself cannot help you anyhow directly, however, that doesn't mean I am not capable of helping at all. It's a good thing you've asked about Bassam. He is quite busy with organizing and leading his own cell, but he is doing well. He is Samarran after all. He is the guy who will be able to provide you with what you asked.

As for our reputation down in the Liberty, it was about the base we brought down in Kansas. The installation was too close to the Gate, and DSE) refused to cooperate and let us have insight into what they are doing there. And thus, the easiest solution was just to remove it from there and have fewer worries.

We are for now having a period of peace and rest until we will be needed elsewhere.

And back to your proposition, shall I relay Bassam to this channel so you two would further discuss the details?

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Foxglove - 06-08-2017

[Image: 04_by_rhulaner-da2sxcj.gif]


ID: [Image: 7dBj2Gm.gifMaren%20v.%20Westefeld]
Location: [Image: H14TsTq.gifCV-Hoffnungsschimmer,%20Omega-49]
Subject: [Image: UHCCc8M.gif]
ENCRYPTION: [Image: SnkmNXM.gif]

If you believe that Mr. Hussaini is able to help me further, I believe that it would be best to add him, yes. This is the reason why I contacted you first, after all, since you know your own people better than I do. Do be aware that you have my deepest thanks for this, as I owe this service to a friend of mine who is in dire need of a new face, as it were. In any case, I am looking forward to hearing from Mr. Hussaini.

RE: To: Jared Nomak - PRJKTLRD - 06-08-2017

Accessing channel
Relaying ID: Bassam Hussiani
Status: Complete- ZeroSec Node connected
Encryption: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Chrysalis - 06-08-2017

[Image: 1d8b5w.jpg]
[Image: 0VwdhaT.png]

Accessing channel
Source ID: Bassam Hussaini
Location: ZeroSec
Encryption: #SSUN-B-x-H-x.alg

Agent Unschuld,

I wasn't aware that there was something off about me. I do appreciate feedback about things like these, the kind not relayed through Nomak, that is. I'm not entirely averse to social calls, you know. But let's drop that for now, and focus on the business at hand.

The fabrication of an efficient forgery won't be too difficult, the time required to get it to a presentable state will be dependent on its complexity. In a mere few days, I can provide you with a simple ID that would fool all basic check ups, however, this forgery would quickly fail when subjected to a deep background check. To make it truly perfect, and create a new identity, the information would have to be appended into the database of the faction in question, over a secure terminal. Needless to say, an insider would be very useful for this task. Additionally, old entries of your friend's identity should be deleted - though this is much easier said than done. Lacking that, a change of outward appearance would be necessary. Hair style, length, and color should be changed, contact lenses for eye color and perhaps some good old fingerprint incineration via laser. Say, would this person be averse to some plastic surgery? Too much? Just a suggestion.

Feed me the details for now. Everything from the current, and soon to be previous, identity to preferred new identity, pictures, weight, height, fingerprint scans and so on. When this is done, I'll forward the data to my personnel and get them to work right away.

Until then, walk in the light.

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Foxglove - 06-08-2017

[Image: 04_by_rhulaner-da2sxcj.gif]


ID: [Image: 7dBj2Gm.gifMaren%20v.%20Westefeld]
Location: [Image: H14TsTq.gifCV-Hoffnungsschimmer,%20Omega-49]
Subject: [Image: UHCCc8M.gif]
ENCRYPTION: [Image: SnkmNXM.gif]

As I am not an expert, I would defer the finer details to you as I am sure they are in the most capable hands. Although I believe some suggestions might be excessive, I do think they might be worth the invested time, money and suffering. After all, it also presents a woman with the opportunity to enlarge their breasts, and who wouldn't want that at times, right?

As for details, I need an identity for a woman. Her name is Nancy Sweetwater, an ex-Reaver and currently a good friend of mine. She deserves the boons we can offer her. This is her current look. She is twenty eight years old, blonde, blue eyed, around 1.7 metres tall, blood type B, prefers to wear cloth rather than denim, eats healthy enough, body mass index of around 21, I would say. Given the height, that'd be around 73kg, give or take.

So much for the person I want to replace the identity of. I believe the problem of identities not showing up in a system might be circumvented by creating the new identity in an environment where it is not common for a house to have every person categorized. We would need a rural area, one that is most untouched by governments. If I were to suggest one, I would have said Planet Stuttgart, but it might be problematic since Nancy can't speak German. In any case, it wasn't more than a thought.

Changes that would need to be mandatory would be a changed eye colour to dark brown, haircolour to brown. Curriculum and education should be that of an average citizen of Bretonia; nothing unnecessary like a fake university degree or doctorate that would only cause suspicion. I doubt anything going beyond that will be necessary, as the ID should only withstand cursory glances and the checkouts at space ports. Ideally, this would be the new appearance of the person — as I said, enough to fool the cursory eye.

Would this be enough for your purposes?

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Chrysalis - 06-08-2017

[Image: 1d8b5w.jpg]
[Image: 0VwdhaT.png]

Accessing channel
Source ID: Bassam Hussaini
Location: ZeroSec
Encryption: #SSUN-B-x-H-x.alg


It's quite sufficient. Regarding the point of origin, I think I have just the place in mind. You can expect the ID to be complete come Sunday. I'll contact you once it's ready.

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Chrysalis - 06-11-2017

[Image: 1d8b5w.jpg]
[Image: 0VwdhaT.png]

Accessing channel
Source ID: Bassam Hussaini
Location: ZeroSec
Encryption: #SSUN-B-x-H-x.alg


I think congratulations are in order, because your friend is now Lily Austin, a proud citizen of Mining Post X-35, Planet Pittsburgh. I hear it's not very nice at any time of the year. I think she should invest some time in developing a distasteful lack of manners and high culture befitting a person from there. Though I guess it shouldn't be too hard, given her...colorful past, pardon the pun.

It's very basic like you asked, but it should do the trick. The code is designed to be implemented inside a ship, and it should be compatible with Civilian IFFs. However, the card can also be printed, with appropriate equipment, should you so desire.

Also, before I forget. I had a very interesting chance encounter with one of your...friends. I didn't catch his name, but he was a relatively tall fellow with a visor obscuring his face, with apparently intimate knowledge of our past encounters and an infatuation with playing the role of white knight for maidens in distress. Now, I don't mean to meddle in your affairs, but I think it's very distasteful when your personal relationships become an issue for me, on account of our respective organizations' friendships and mutual respect. And I don't think you'd like the weight behind your name being thrown around carelessly and out of caprice. Not a huge issue, but just a heads up; It's better to mend small problems before they grow in size exponentially.

Until I hear from you again, walk in the light.

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Foxglove - 06-11-2017

[Image: 04_by_rhulaner-da2sxcj.gif]


ID: [Image: 7dBj2Gm.gifMaren%20v.%20Westefeld]
Location: [Image: H14TsTq.gifCV-Hoffnungsschimmer,%20Omega-49]
Subject: [Image: UHCCc8M.gif]
ENCRYPTION: [Image: SnkmNXM.gif]

I'm afraid you'll need to be more specific. There is no such person as the one you described currently in my service, which is why it troubles me greatly to hear your words. The person you encountered is definitely not someone that should know anything about me, my name or your involvement. *For a moment, the practiced ease of her voice slipped as she contined.* Are you absolutely certain about the extend they know of these things? What exactly did they say? *Inhaling sharply, she kept in the air for a moment, evidently trying to contain anger.*

Alright, that is not good. Whoever that was is likely... *A small pause.* Someone from my past. I believe the identity of the man you encountered is Noah Xonnel, a Freelancer with nebulous ties to the Order that I have not managed to truly get to the bottom of before his sudden disappearance. It would make a degree of sense if it were him, considering he disappeared from sight a little more than half a year ago with no trace left that I could find. If I am correct, and this man is Noah Xonnel in disguise, then he is an existential threat to me. I would need to take steps to make sure whatever he plans can't succeed. If you could tell me what you know so I can start tracing him, I'd be very thankful.

*Almost as an afterthought, she blinked briefly before remembering the original topic.* Oh, and thank you for the ID. A bit sad that it is overshadowed by this incident. I will make sure it is put to good use.

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Chrysalis - 06-11-2017

[Image: 1d8b5w.jpg]
[Image: 0VwdhaT.png]

Accessing channel
Source ID: Bassam Hussaini
Location: ZeroSec
Encryption: #SSUN-B-x-H-x.alg


I had a small meeting with a certain Elena Voigt, whose organization has been a thorn in our side for quite some time. This person accompanied her, and made it his business to sabotage my efforts. Without him there, I probably would have been successful, one way or another. Have a listen:

[He brings up a small remote control device to his shoulder and presses a button, recording plays]

"The Commune and I have common friends and common enemies, Hussaini. I believe you know about a certain situation that began in the Omega-9 system, lead to the Cayman system and later ended in the Omicron Kappa system, where Skywolf One and Two got their hands on something that previously was owned by our common friends. It was delivered by a certain agent and a certain religious fanatic who later got a new perspective on things. You surely know who am I talking about. I just want you to know that those two individuals enjoy my protection and vice versa. And thus, if you decide to harm Miss Voigt and force me to intervention, at least one of those two individuals might be very mad at you."

[Recordings ends, a prolonged period of silence, Hussaini staring at the camera unblinkingly, before finally relaxing into a more friendly composure, smiling]

Hmh. I guess I was just too eager to jump to conclusions. It could just be someone from your past trying to do you harm, and I am sorry for accusing you. It is problematic, however, some loose cannon out there, using your reputation to his advantage. And now that we've established what is truly at play here, I think we should come up with a solution to this little problem, since it affects us both equally. And since you obviously have no allegiances to this individual, and he to you; you probably wouldn't have any objections to me authorizing a termination order; In case we ever run into him again, that is. Am I correct to assume so?

Tell me what you think.