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The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Printable Version

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The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Fallen Angels - 06-08-2017

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The Conference hall

Shadowhaven Base, Cayman system.

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The conference hall is where all the big decisions concerning the future of the Fallen Angels are made and as a result is one of the most secure parts of Shadowhaven Station. There are only certain people allowed within this part of the station and they require special permission, that or they have earned their place here.

- Free places for Independent Listeners.
Supreme Council Sessions aren't closed from everyone, some people might have access to the Sessions, but has no vote and are not allowed to intrude the Session. Only Angels of ranks: Archangel and Guardian Angel are allowed to evidence the session.

- Free places for invited Diplomants.
The Supreme Council might invite the High Command or any other high persons of the Sirius to the Session if they are required.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Fallen Angels - 06-11-2017

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Council Session #001 - Count reset after reformation
Date: 11 06 824 A.S. 17:00

Welcome, fellow members of the Council. It has been some time since we last conducted one of these sessions, and since the last, most of the Council has been replaced. The only one among you that appears to have remained is the good Dr. Owen. That all aside, we have a long and daunting task ahead of us as we try to once again find our feet on this galactic stage. I've no doubt that the Reapers can become great once more, but we are in great need of assistance to get there. With this being said, if you all turn your attention to your command panels, you'll see the agenda of this meeting.

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✘- Emergancy Production Requirement - The Montante Gunship
✘- Restablishment of Communcations with Auxesia
✘- Restablishment of Communcations with the IRG
✘- Possible Contact with OSI

[Image: bjQpfRE.png]

These issues have been raised by each of you, to be discussed by the Council. I, as Archon, am here to guide and lead, but I alone cannot make such heavy and important decisions. It's up to each of you, as members of the Supreme Council of the Fallen Angels, to help lead this nation into the future.

We have a lot ahead of us, so let us begin.

Archon Calatrava takes a small sip from his water, before preparing to tackle today's agenda.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Fallen Angels - 06-11-2017

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After taking his drink, the Archon speaks up in a loud and commanding voice - addressing the entire Supreme Council.

We can now consider this council in session. There are four main things on today's agenda, most of which have been raised by Dr. Owen of the Science Divison. The first thing to tackle is a matter raised by Alexander Greif, our current status of ship production and the possibility of beginning emergency construction of three Montante class gunships to help support the Fallen Angels in combat and support.

Calatrava pauses and gives Greif a small nod.

Our supplies are low and we are stretched thin as it is. As a nation, we struggle to be self-sufficient and Bactun supplies the bulk of our minerals for our fleets. We might be able to order an increase in extraction of the planet to help fund out war machines, but it's not something we could do often. It's agreeable that we need more firepower to combat our ever growing list of enemies, but we need to be cautious on where we divert our resources. Doctor, I expect you to run the numbers on this is the Council votes in favour.

Calatrava takes a moment to clear his throat, before addressing the next set of issues.

Next on the list is reestablishing contact with our allies, the IRG & Battlegroup Auxesia. These two groups proved to be true assets before our communications broke down and contact was lost. If voted in favour, we will make effort to move our attention to securing these two organisations on good terms once again. In the past, we voted to approve Auxesia to use our facilities in Cayman in exchange for protection and assistance on the battlefield. The IRG provided key insights required to helping secure our future on Braillia and the groundwork for project 'Hestia' was complete before deterioration of communications began.

Another thing to note, a point raised by Doctor Owen, OSI deals with logistics and supplies - primarily in the Omegas and Omicrons. It is believed that it could be possible to recruit their help for restoration of our main economy in return for some basic services like acting as a port of call or proving escorts to them. If in agreement, we could send them a transmission and open diplomatic channels and see what deal we could potentially make.

With that out of the way, we may now begin discussion on the matters. So, over to you Commander Greif.

The Archon nods to Alexander, giving him a small bow before taking his seat ready to hear what he has to say.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Fallen Angels - 06-11-2017

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Greif looks around while he prepares his speech.

As we all know, our current status doesn't allow us to build a fleet to protect Cayman. We are in need of supplies, not only materials, even our Cardamine depot is almost empty, which we all know, is a problem. We require a lot of resources to recreate our strength, but since we aren't a super economic group, we aren't able to effort a contract with the Zoners.

Greifs takes a break, and drinks some water

Here is my plan, since we are in lack of everything. Get in contact with OSI and try to get some escort jobs or even eliminating some of their targets. If they pay us a good amount of money, we should be able to get some materials from them, which would allow us to rebuild our strengh-

Greif looks down at his arm.

About the IRG, we really should contact them, the same goes to Auxesia, some help from our old friends is always appreciated.

Greif takes his seat again and starts to search for some Cardamine to consume, while he looks at Risi and nods.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Zyliath - 06-11-2017

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After exchanging nods with Greifs, Risi stands up and takes the word.

I agree with senor Greifs' plan of accepting escort jobs or even eliminating some of the OSI's targets. As for we stand right now, it is our only way to rack up some funds for our war machines. Our objective right now is to complete these three Montante-class gunboats around the clock, in order to be able to deal some additional firepower with potential intruders should the need arise. Our enemies are behind our doors, and we might struggle to deal with them without those vessels.

Risi takes a break, takes a sip from his water glass, then resumes.

I agree about re-establishing contacts with Battlegroup Auxesia and the IRG. As our Archon said, these groups have been our true assets, until contacts were broken. Whether Auxesians will still be allowed to use our facilities in Cayman or not, it shall be decided by votes, I think. I will leave the word to Dr. Owen now.

Risi takes his seat again, takes his dose of Cardamine and inhales it, while he looks and nods at Dr. Owen.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Laz - 06-12-2017

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Giving a small bow to Risi before beginning, Doctor Owen rises to address the council.

Thank you, Risi, before I begin could I remind everyone that politeness dictates that we shouldn't be doing Cardamine while in session.

David was old and it could be heard in his voice and how he talked. Even his attitude was one that showed it, despite his enthusiasm.

Now, to begin. Concerning the gunships, I don't much say. By your request Archon I can run the numbers but I think it should be within our, already stretched, capacity. Regarding the reestablishment of contact between Auxesia & the IRG, I'm all in favour. The IRG is a key part of my work and the progress I can make is severely limited, if not entirely hindered by not having them provide support, just as before.

He clears his throat before continuing.

With Auxesia, I don't have enough information on what they provided us in the past. It would be worth inquiring whether they could support us in any way or what the nature of our agreement would reform as. Now, onto OSI, when I first spoke to the IRG they recommended I contact OSI in regards to our economic 'issues' but I felt it best to wait until we had an established reputation with the IRG as that was to act as a groundwork for future Zoner relations. I feel now, that we are resurfacing again, is a good time to act - that is after we recontact the IRG.

Doctor Owen turns his attention towards the high chair, that had a rather patient Archon sitting on it.

That is all Sir.

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RE: The Fallen Angels "A" - The Supreme Council Conference Hall - Fallen Angels - 06-21-2017

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Archon Calatrava rises to address the entire council.

Thank you Doctor. You have all had your say now, and I believe I'm correct in stating we are all in agreement. Unless anyone has any objections, I decree this council session concluded and the following policies/actions to be enacted:

The order shall be given for three Montante class gunships to be constructed.
Doctor Owen will contact the IRG and rekindle relations.
I and Commander Greif will arrange a meeting with Auxesia to see where we stand.
And after these are all done Doctor Owen will contact OSI.

Calatrava pauses and looks around the room, seeing if anyone objects.

Very well. Without any objections, this session is concluded.

The Archon descends into his seat and awaits the others to leave.

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