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Discovering the Truth - Printable Version

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Discovering the Truth - Sol - 06-10-2017

Discovering the Truth:
A Libertonian Conspiracy

A Libertonian gunship was waiting obediently as if it was shackled to its place by a dozen beams showering it with blinding light from each direction. Two wide circles of yellow and black cordon surrounded the lights, and inside this circle were a few sturdy barriers where the Kusari Naval personnel hid as they kept a watchful eye on this ship, even trained a couple rocket launchers towards it. Yukawa's docking bay number two and its gate to freedom were completely shut tight to further trap LNS-Secession and her crew.

This situation had lasted without a disturbance for the last few hours and, probably, kept everyone involved at a nervous edge. Eventually, the uneasy silence was broken with gears cranking and churning, metal rubbing on metal as the heavy door of the docking bay's entrance widened open and let in an entourage of grim looking fellows. About a couple dozen, their heavy boots trampled the smooth floor with rhythmic sounds as they made way towards the persecuted vessel. The troops all wore black, carried heavy rifles and wore helmets with dark visors, and were surrounding an important looking couple.

They were quite deliberate with their steps, ridiculously slow, and they felt the need to slap their feet on the floor loudly with each step. A small, plump man led this entourage, and his short legs took their sweet time. He fixed his glasses with the tip of his index finger on his tiny nose, his expression was unnervingly neutral, his inquisitive eyes were as dark as coal and could barely be made out with how thick his glasses were. But such an expression only barely could hide the heroism of this small person determined to reveal the truth. His empty, steely gaze wouldn't flinch one bit and he'd not blink even once. He'd stop at nothing for the well being of Kusari and her people, even if it meant he had to walk this far away from his beloved arm-chair and desk, and talk to a few people.

"Hmmmm..." Gaikotsu muttered after they were close enough to the scene, and when he could barely see the ship surrounded in light from over the yellow cordon with his short stature. He paused on the way and along with him his guards and companion.

"Hmmmmmmm..." he let out again, his thick glasses shone before his clever eyes. A minute had passed in silence, his stare unchanging and so neutral, locked on to the ship patiently. He gulped, quite loudly, swallowing the mucus building up in his throat. Everybody could hear it. Another minute passed. He finally said, "Open... up the way," slowly, cleverly focusing on each word so that he could properly sound as clever as he really is.

Two guards answered "Hai!", and they quickly did as they were told to, clearing the way for this grim entourage.

RE: Discovering the Truth - Yaoquizque - 06-10-2017

As the group was about to reach the gunship main airlock, a noise coming from the docking bay gates made the noble leader of this fine group stop and spin around. His left brow could be seen rising, despite his thick glasses, when he noticed a young aide-de-camp running to them, seemingly breathless already. Unfortunately for the young lady, her haste made her miss a step, a few meters away from them.

A panicked "Wahh~" could be heard echoing in the docks when the young officer fell flat on her face, the papers she was holding scattering around her.
"itai..." emitted the officer, rubbing her forehead. She then rose her head, suddenly noticing the entire group staring at her in an awkward silence.

Her face suddenly turned red and she muttered a repressed "Yahhh!~" before reaching around to gather the files spread on the ground.

Quickly getting on her feet, the officer then ran to the group and bowed respectfully, saying : "Su..Sumimasen! I have this missive for.. Eto... Officer G..Gaikotsu!"
She then looked at them all, wondering whom she would give the file to.

"Hmm..." Emitted the man, behind his glasses. He did not do any gesture to help the poor officer out of this uneasiness, however.
The woman near him laughed warmly.
"I like this officer. She's moving so... Wonderfully."

The young aide-de-camp pretended not to have heard this little comment. Or perhaps she genuinely didn't, too busy listening to her heartbeats as this stressful situation was persisting.
It appeared she suddenly took a decision and quickly bowed before the woman who just spoke, handing her the file.

The woman facing her didn't make any gesture to accept the file. She smiled softly, before saying :
"No.. I'm not Gaikotsu... That makes two mistakes already.."
She stuck her tongue out in a playful way.
"Make it three and... Oh..." That soft smile played again on her lips "But why would I spoil you the surprise...?"

The young officer now looked like one of those little rabbits ending up caught in the headlights, and the woman was not missing a second of it, her eyes locked on her like some kind of twisted laser beams.
"Hmmmmmmmmmm..." emitted once again the man while gazing as his companion. He eventually raised his hand as to accept the file.

"Ho! Gomennasai, Gaikotsu-sama! Here is a m...message for you!" immediately reacted the young officer, bowing shortly.
"Hmm..." was the only response she got before getting dismissed.

The letter contained a short message :

Kiyohime Wrote:Gaikotsu,

I believe there is no need to rehearse all the elements stated in Briefing KA-Kyu-San. There is however a few points I'd like to insist on.

First, your top priority is to ensure the crew of the Liberty gunship Secession is not compromised by Alien entities in any way.
Second, retrieving data from both the gunship's recording devices and the crew is essential to understand what is happening in Liberty, and incidentally gather further Intelligence about Liberty Navy protocols and tactics.
Third, Intel gathered by 66th lead us to believe Liberty Navy is well aware the Secession reached Kusari sovereign space, and that Liberty government may be sending a formal complaint to request the ship and its crew back. In that regard, please save me unnecessary trouble. I don't want to have to rub the Ministry of Defense the right way because you were too kin to resort to extreme measures without necessity, like covering walls with blood, for example.

Ningyo will be with you. It is unlikely you ever interacted with her. She's been infiltrating the Order and only returned a few weeks ago. Her behavior can be strange but that's a trustee and a member of the third circle.

Luck be with you,