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Reapers of Sirius - Printable Version

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Reapers of Sirius - Antonio - 06-16-2017

Seeing as there's no player faction for over a year now nor are there any plans for a new one, do you think it's time to remove the faction from the game? At this point the contribution of the faction to the server is nothing more than confusion and wondering how the hell they got random bases out of the blue in house space right next to lanes (whooping 5k distance in Koeln). It's one of many factions that had its purpose once, and is now ready to become a part of the history. I don't see it having any future, the NPC faction has been on life support by the devs for way too long.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Corile - 06-16-2017

I agree.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Sombs - 06-16-2017

There Reapers back for two weeks?

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Misfit - 06-16-2017

I also agree.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - thisDerius - 06-16-2017

I say we should give a chance to the Fallen Angels faction. If they go official, they get the right upon the NPC faction.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Euca - 06-16-2017

(06-16-2017, 03:07 PM)thisDerius Wrote: I say we should give a chance to the Fallen Angels faction. If they go official, they get the right upon the NPC faction.

The Fallen Angels faction did appear earlier last year, apply for officialdom, then vanish.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Sombs - 06-16-2017

If anything, leave Cayman untouched for the new approach but take the other weirdly placed Reaper bases away. If the Reapers don't care for Cayman anymore, the SCRA can at least take it over.

On the other hand, I'd rather see people remove them inRP instead of contributing nothing and just complaining about those stations.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Docent - 06-16-2017

there are other, more elegant solutions to the ROS dilemma. true, the auxiliary stations in the Borderworlds, Köln and Poole serve no purpose, bu there is a whole faction oriented system that has to be considered - plotwise it would be a shot in the knee to delete Cayman.

i'd suggest giving up the auxiliary posts to other factions, like BGH for instance and focus on reviving ROS within its lore. naturally, a new and improved ID has to come in, plus proper promotion to engourage gameplay. I'd join with pleasure! an all snubcraft faction is always a nice challange.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Fallen Angels - 06-16-2017


If you read the FAQ of the new faction, we go in depth of the reasons behind why we failed last time. The Reapers of Sirius are a very... "Interesting" faction within discovery. They might not always fit and many people have a problem with the faction. We've made amendments to our lore in many places to compensate for these issues.

In regards to what's been said, we'd request you give us a chance. If we fail again the RoS are gone for good.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Docent - 06-16-2017

(06-16-2017, 03:14 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If anything, leave Cayman untouched for the new approach but take the other weirdly placed Reaper bases away. If the Reapers don't care for Cayman anymore, the SCRA can at least take it over.

On the other hand, I'd rather see people remove them inRP instead of contributing nothing and just complaining about those stations.

there's an idea - revive ROS temporarily and make an even of it! let the SCRA take over Cayman iRP! - i'd playthat for sure (on the ROS side that is), but i need some wingmen. takers?