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The Right Hand - Yber - 06-17-2017

Admiral Driedrik Sterr stared down the list of delivered materials Dauman Heavy Construction had provided him, as if that would make the process any faster. Still looking into the void, he transmitted throughout the entire battleship- Kapitän Liam Engel, to the admiral quarters.- His weight rested on top of the tactical table inmediatly below. The admiral divagated for a fraction of a second, his mind racing through plans only known to him.

For the first time since he took command of the Rheinwehr, someone else would conduct an operation on his behalf. Dresden's points of interest had been secured with the success of Operation MRGA, which, albeit a risky bet, was a gamble won only by the Militär's skill, determination and willpower."But that was not nearly enough". The Red Hessian Army would eventually be brought down to its knees, once their icon had to be humiliated and destroyed in front of their eyes. Anna Heinrich had departed from Dresden and battleship Altenburg was secure, while dozens of Dauman Heavy Construction teams work on its repairs.

"Rheinland has more enemies than its own kind." It is time for the corsairs to learn what it is like to live in fear. The wrath of a hundred years of torture, plundering and piracy would be returned to them hundredfold. "The Rheinwehr needs victory, conquest. And I shall deliver. The lifes of countless men and women of Rheinland rest on my shoulders, tainting my hands." Because to not protect is to kill, and to not avenge is to condemn more to follow the same fate.

The voice of Liam Engel rose through the speakers in the tactical table, requesting permission to enter his chamber. Still standing and wearing a flight suit half burned, Driedrik Sterr gave his new Vizeadmiral way.

RE: The Right Hand - Kanzler Niemann - 06-17-2017

Kapitän Liam Engel was in a briefing on Battleship Altenburg, introducing Pilots of the Rheinland Militär to a patrol into deeper Red Hessian territory, pointing on diffrent locations on the holograph Map. Zuhören Piloten, you will take a risky route today he said, you will start your way from the New Berlin Jump Gate. We need to cover the Frankfurt Jump Hole in any case we lose the Berlin Gate we need to guard the Jump Hole to Frankfurt, it will our only escape from Dresden. Make your way to the southern sectors of Dresden. Be careful when you approach Leipzig Station and Vogtland, keep distance otherwise you will drag attention of the Hessians we already lost enough ships in this sector the Admiral will tear my head off when we lose more. Jedenfalls, the briefing is over Soldaten, weggetreten! The three pilots hailed and left the briefing room. Liam returned to his room to review recent flight reports preparing his own report for the Admiral.

Ugh.. Papierkram.. awful work. The call of Admirall Sterr made its way trough the announcement speakers of Altenburg. Liam didn't notice the call and kept working on, a few minutes later the Admirals secretary knocked on his door to remind Engel. Herein, said Liam, Frau Hansen is there something I can do for you? Yes Kapitän Admiral Sterr wishes to speak with you, didn't you hear the announcement? Wirklich? Ich believe I was to concentrated and to focused on the flight reports. Gut I will go to him immediately. Liam and Frau Hansen left Engels office, Nochmals danke Frau Hansen the Admiral is not a person who likes waiting. Liam made his way trough Altenburg to Sterr's chamber arriving at Sterr's chamber he adjusted his Uniform, Kapitän Liam Engel requesting permission to enter. Admiral Sterr granted me permission to enter. Liam entered the room, saluting.-Kapitän Liam Engel zu Befehl Herr Admiral!

RE: The Right Hand - Yber - 06-19-2017

Kapitän, you are 2 minutes and 35 seconds late, give or take.- Sterr laughed internally while staring into his subordinate's eyes. He reached out to two seats next to the table, pointing at them without interrupting eye contact. Sitting down, supporting his elbows on his knees, with his hands covering his mouth, the veteran admiral analized the process he had chosen the man standing in front of him by. A promotion of such caliber required so.

You are 24 years old. Raised in an orphanage, you consider the Rheinwehr your family after the death of close friends to the hands of the Red Hessians.- This was half guessed half learned through his chart in the piloten database.-You've risen through our ranks at a phenomenal rate, proving your prowness time and time again. And yet, you've only been awarded the Campaign medal, once.- Paying no attention to him, he continued to review all the data available, despite there was no particular goal to such action. Driedrik had made his mind up weeks ago.

The admiral rose from his seat and turned away from the seat, staring into the void. Kaptäin Liam Engel of the Rheinwehr, you've shown skill and determination in the defense of Rheinland, but I'd not put you in the lead of an offensive. Not in a million years.- He turned around on his feet, facing him. His eyes were tired, and his entire body complained every second, every movement. The last time he slept for longer than 20 minutes was 4 hours ago, and the time before that, 17. This tired, wasted man looked into the eyes of the new vizeadmiral one more time.- Will you defend Dresden, the Rheinwehr and Rheinland with all your might? Will you avenge our fallen comrades and murdered people, even if it costs you your life? Will you make use of any and all tools to safeguard our homes?- Towering over him, as he was much taller, Admiral Driedrik Sterr reached into a compartiment of his flight suit, were he took a small and piercing item.- And should you die a pointless death in the most unreachable spot behind enemy lines, will you trust me to take revenge and give your struggle a meaning?

He extended his hand towards him, making a fist at the height of his chest.- Swear to me, Liam Engel, and become my new vizeadmiral. I will leave Dresden in your hands.- And as he swore, Driedrik clipped the vizeadmiral badge on his uniform...

RE: The Right Hand - Kanzler Niemann - 06-25-2017

"Verzeihung, Herr Admiral" Liam said.- So you wanted to speak about something with me? He was indeed nervous as the Admiral took a breath to answer his question. So you took a view into my Personalakte? I consider the Military as my "family" I mean meine Kameraden, as a proud and loyal Rheinlander I would defend mein Vaterland at all costs and give my life for it. Well considering my rank ex-Admiral von Braun put me into this position, maybe he had something in mind.- Liam seemed to be a bit nervous as the Admiral was speaking with him. So what is this all about?- Liam asked. Was? Ich? Vizeadmiral? -Liam had a voice in his mind.- Can I really handle the responsibility? Am I ready for this? Will we be able to stand against the Red Hessians under my command? Liam felt proud but insecure about his answer. I can't let Rheinland go down, I must take thischance and prove myself. It is time to rise against those revolutionists and claim back what is ours!- Liam stood up and raised his left hand. With loud and clear words Liam swore: Admiral, Ich Kapitän Liam Engel schwöre: I will defend Dresden, the Rheinwehr and Rheinland with all my strenght. I will revenge every single of our fallen Kameraden and make the Hessians pay for it! I trust you Admiral as you will! Für Gott und Vaterland!-He saluted.

RE: The Right Hand - Yber - 06-30-2017

Liam's oath was retransmitted through the entire battleship, and the announcement was issued to the Rheinwehr. For the first time in almost an entire year, the Military had a vizeadmiral.

After Vizeadmiral Liam Engel had his briefings quickly squeduled by Sterr himself and every scrap of inmediatly needed data had been transfered to him, he was dismissed.

The towering admiral sat down and prepared the transmissions he would send the next day. Leaving Dresden in the hands of the young man who had just departed had not been possible until now, but with the hessians seemgly losing interest in the system and battleship Altenburg having undergone most of its repairs thanks to the hundreds of men deployed by Daumann Heavy Construction, the frontline was stable.

He stood up, still wearing a tattered flight suit. For years, Rheinland had fought in the defensive. Assaulted by all fronts, the Rheinwehr prevailed. But armies are not for fighting its own people, and that was something they paid dearly day after day. It is time for Rheinland to take the war to its enemies. Away from its people, families and properties.

It is time for the Rheinwehr to annihilate the corsairs and remind Sirius what a real military looks like. For each rheinlander they had murdered, he would kill a hundred. With this rightful revenge on his mind, Sterr smiled, making the last preparations for his trip to first, Omicron Xi, and then, Omicron Rho.
[Image: Eu6u4Zi.jpg]

//screencap from the manga Berserk