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Message to the Colonial Remnanant - Printable Version

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Message to the Colonial Remnanant - pbrione - 01-10-2009

--Incoming Public Transmission--

Attention leaders of the Colonial Remnant:

Following yesterday's incident in Kyushu, where several =CR= smugglers attempting to illicitly supply the Kusari Empire with industrial materials were halted by a brave squadron of Her Majesty's Privateers carrying out their loyal duty to the Crown of Bretonia as laid out in their official letters of marque, I feel bound to present your authorities with the following message, in order to counter your libellous accusations of wrongdoing.

Our ceasefire with the Colonial Remnant was established in accordance with certain conditions, conditions which I must regretfully say the Colonial Remnant appear to show increasingly no sign of abiding by. In recent weeks =CR= warships have been repeatedly sighted in Bretonian space, both in large convoys heading to Liberty and in Viper squadrons flying to and from the Battleship Hood in the Dublin System. I feel I must remind the Colonial Remnant that not only do they lack any authority in the Dublin System (any authority emanating from the Hood is strictly in the hands of the Independent Mining Guild leadership), but that their mere presence in one of our star systems is in direct contravention of our ceasefire agreement.

At the same time, any colonial remnant vessels trading with the Kusari Empire are legitimate, if not deserving, targets of any of Her Majesty's Privateers operating in the area, and that any attempt to force your way past our privateers using military force shall be treated as an attack against Bretonian Sovereignty in the Taus, and an overt attempt to assist the Kusari Empire in their bid for domination of the region. Such actions can and shall be met with the full weight of military response available to our Bretonian Armed Forces. The Privateers are licensed by an official Letter of Marque, authorising them to intercept any and all trade with the Kusari Empire, and given the nature of the War which we are facing, with Bretonian Officers and civilians dying daily, and the effectiveness of this strategy of interdiction of hostile economics, neither the Bretonian Government nor Her Majesty have any intention of revoking the Letters of Marque, and nor shall they be intimidated into doing so by your politically insignificant forces. If you avoid trading with Kusari, you have nothing to fear from the privateers.

You would do well to follow the example of the Independent Mining Guild with whom we have a most satisfactory Peace Treaty; they treat us with respect and avoid directly violating our trade blockades. So long as you do the same we can work together peacefully, but if you continue to act with your current disregard for Bretonian interests in the Taus, then I must regretfully state that our current ceasefire agreement may not endure much longer. I therefore offer the following ultimatum to the Colonial Remnant; either desist from your disruption of our trade interdiction, and refrain from entering Bretonian territory, or face the resumption of hostilities with the Bretonian Crown and lawful agents thereof.

Yours respectfully,

Commodore Stanley Nelson
BAF Diplomatic Officer
5th Fleet - HMS Suffolk

--End Transmission--

Message to the Colonial Remnanant - Colonial Remnant - 01-12-2009

Written statement.

- Accusing Colonial civilian vessels of being smugglers will not be tolerated.

- Attacking them out of Bretonia, trying to interrupt our trade routes will not be tolerated.

- Any privateer vessel is now object of immediate destruction by our forces. Anywhere.

- IMG council showed lack of courage with negotiations with bretonian government and ignoring issues that
IMG has with BMM. Although Colonial Remnant does not represent IMG as whole, we respect council's decision.
However we do not share same opinion.

- If we see any more provocations by Bretonian government like recent events, we assure you, not only cease fire will be over, but ALL bretonian vessels will be treated like hostile entities and we will be forced to respond with same measures you already applied on our traders.

- Bretonian government showed too much arrogance in the past. Now it is time to end that.

- We will not open these communication channels again.

Signed by all members of Quorum of Twelve

Message to the Colonial Remnanant - pbrione - 01-15-2009

--Public Broadcast--

To our great disappointment the Colonial Remnant leadership has rejected the terms of our ultimatum, namely that they should respect our existing ceasefire agreement. It is therefore with deepest regret that I must announce the following:

The Bretonian Government is determined that Her Majesty's Privateers be able to continue their strategy of economic warfare unhindered by Colonial Forces.

To that effect, and in light of the Colonial Remnant threat to destroy our Privateering Corps, we consider it prudent to deploy an increased BAF Fleet into Tau space, to counter any such threats against our Privateers.

From this moment forth, Colonial vessels seen obstructing our war effort in any way, be it economic supply of our enemies, obstruction of our Privateers, threats against any vessels of Bretonian origin, or actively assisting the KNF, shall be subject to summary termination by all lawful agents of the Crown of Bretonia and allies thereof. Similarly any Colonial aligned vessels entering Bretonian Space shall be shot on sight.

Should the Colonial Remnant reconsider their ill-advised decision to precipitate the re-opening of hostilites with the Bretonian Crown, their attempts to sue for Peace shall be considered if and only if they unconditionally renounce all support, active or passive, of the Kusari Empire and their invasion of Tau space.

[This broadcast was made on behalf of Her Majesty's Government of Bretonia]

--End Broadcast--