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To: Heidi Wolff | From: Elena Voigt - Printable Version

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To: Heidi Wolff | From: Elena Voigt - Byron - 07-02-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Heidi Wolff

Dear Ms. Wolff,

You might not know me personally, so let me introduce myself quickly before we come to the matter at hand. My name is Elena Voigt, and as it stands, I am a high-ranking figure inside the Forlorn Hope, a publicly known paramilitaristic organization. As far as I am aware, you already had the pleasure of meeting one of our pilots in person not long ago, going by the name of Mason Coleman. And as far as I got instructed by my contacts, you also had the questionable pleasure of being present at a very certain incident occurring close to the Luxury Liner Hawaii in Sigma-19.

You surely know what I am talking about, but to refresh your mind if such is necessary, let me go over the facts real quick. You have been together with Mr. Coleman as well as Ms. Walker when suddenly two vessels with as I heard scrambled IFFs approached the Liner. One of them passing themselves off as agent of the Kusari Naval Intelligence and the other one as a mercenary hired by the first one. There was business to be done with our pilot, but that is of no greater role for now. What is important is that you came under attack by these vessels, all while a third one, reportedly a Guardian-class snub, joined in the party as well all of a sudden.

So far so good. Now to the reason why I am actually establishing contact with you, Miss. From what I have heard, you were attempting to scan said vessels, in spite of them being scrambled, and got attacked for doing so. Such recordings tend to get lost when vessels get damaged or even blown up, but I truly hope you have been able to retrieve the data you could acquire back then.

What I am asking from you is to share these datas with my organization. I am aware that they are decidedly scrambled, but even though is surely a pity, it's of no matter to me. What I would also be interested in are any sort of guncam shots you were able to take of said vessels. It shall not be to your loss. If being able to find out more about the background of the attack should not suffice as a reason for you to transmit these information, we can discuss other ways to remunate you if you wish.

That is all for now. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, safe flights out there.

Yours sincerely,
Elena Voigt,
Knight Captain

The Forlorn Hope


RE: To: Heidi Wolff | From: Elena Voigt - Cælumaresh - 07-02-2017

Incoming transmission...

[Image: U42Qr7P.jpg?1]

Location: Stuttgart, Darmstadt Depot
Sender ID: Heidi Wolff
Recipient ID: Ms. Elena Voigt
Subject: Reply

Miss Voigt,

Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must say that I myself haven't heard much from your organization yet, nor did Mason really talk of it when we were both at the Luxury Liner. It was indeed sad that I had first come into contact with your organization under these circumstances.

As for the evidence, thankfully, after several incidents in Rheinland space, I decided it was best for evidence I take to automatically upload to a backup server I have. As such, the evidence I had is mostly intact, including scans of some specific equipment.

I had the pleasure of running into such individuals before in the Omega's. The only difference in tactics and weaponry is that the vessels are of Rheinland origin, and the guns follow suit. I dont need compensation for these pictures at all. You are welcome to them and anything else you might need.


Heidi Wolf

RE: To: Heidi Wolff | From: Elena Voigt - Byron - 07-03-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Heidi Wolff

Dear Ms. Wolff,

First of all, I wanted to express my sincere thankfulness for your decidedly co-operative demeanor, it is definitely highly appreciated. Surely was it a a very misfortunate circumstance for our two parties to meet, but in my own personal opinion such incidents shouldn't be recognized as much and should never define diplomatic approaches to a certain degree. With that being voiced, I can reassure you once again that the sent data will be left in excellent hands, and we will make the best out of it to draw particular conclusions about the matter at hand.

If you should ever feel like being in need of a service in return, feel free to contact me again and we will see what can be done about it.

For now, we wish you safe skies, and a nice rest of the day.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope