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To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Printable Version

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To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - DarkTails - 07-09-2017

From: Nicole Prower
To: Forlorn
Subject: A contract
Encryption: Phoenix
Signal Strength: Strong

Opening message....


Well it's a bit of an awkward situation for me. I'll get to it. There's a guy causing me severe problems, the kind of problems that get people like me killed. I won't go into too much detail unless you need me to, but he's going to get me killed in some way and he'll notice myself or any Navy boys I send out his way. Because of this I can't act within the bounds of the Navy. That's where I need you. I need him taken out, if you want the job, contact me, if not I'll have to call on someone else. I'll be more than happy to generously compensate for the time.

Safe skies,

Lt.Cmdr. Nicole Prower, 5th Fleet

RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Byron - 07-09-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Nicole Prower


It's a true pleasure to hear from you again. Though a little surprising due to the fact it seems to be of ... business nature? Very well then, I can serve that as well, surely, so I will forego the usual introductions with personal topics and come straight to the point, as you seem to be dead serious about this job.

We'd need to be informed about the standard stuff: Name of the entity that is to be disposed of, his callsigns, nature and friends and foes of the individual if you know anything about this. An explanation of why you wish him dead is not necessary if you don't want to enlighten us about it, however we'd like to know if we will dance on legal or illegal parquet while solving your little problem. The latter would be a litle more problematic out of natural reasons.

Oh, and the sum of money that you would be willing to pay us, of course. Of what exactly have you thought there?

Anyhow, you can be assured that anything that is being said in this communique will stay exactly there and won't travel through any other hands that aren't involved in the matter. Which means, you can speak freely about what is troubling you. If you don't trust our comm decryptions and the like, we can of course agree on a face-to-face meeting as well.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope


RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - DarkTails - 07-09-2017

From: Nicole Prower
To: Elena Voigt
Subject: RE: Contract
Encryption: Phoenix
Signal Strength: Strong

Opening message....


While I really do wish I could've reached out on a personal call, this measure is moreso to ensure, I'm still alive to make such calls. The contract would be perfectly legal, I am targeting a freelancer after all. This man seems to know my movements too well and the Navy's movements too well for our own good. He'd spot me or my men three systems away before we go to him. That's why I've called upon you.

As for the usual stuff, The man's true name I don't know, but an alias I overheard was 'Smith'. Maybe it is his name, I don't care. He flies a Corvo-class civilian explorer, from what I can tell, it's not too heavily armored, but I know it's packing a razor battery. I wish I had some scans.. anyway. His vessel's registration is The.Prometheus. His ship shouldn't be packing any specialized equipment, so no need for something to go after a cloaking ship or anything. As to why I need him gone? Well, the man's threatening to kill me and my family. Nobody messes with my family, and even if my hands are tied, I will find a way to get them. The compensation I'm offering is 50 million credits for him to be taken out.

I hope this is something you and your people are capable of handling, it'll take a great weight off my shoulders. Hell, I'd owe you more than 50 million, you'd probably be saving my life. Let me know if you can handle it.

Stay safe,

Lt.Cmdr. Nicole Prower, 5th Fleet

RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Byron - 07-10-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Nicole Prower

Whew, seems like your little trouble buddy is truly infatuated with throwing with stones in a glass house. Threatening you with killing your family off? I don't know if I should find that alarming or just plain ridiculous. Very well, as much as I'm interested in your personal matters and would love to hear about them, it seems the job is a little more serious and should be done rather sooner than later, and there's no denying that this case interests me just as much of a great deal. What do you call it? Right, a variation of everyday's business.

Thanks for the given information, it helped a lot to get a better view on the situation. The craft should be a fairly easy one to take down, just bring a few bombers into the action and the business is done in notime. From what I could gather from the brief overview of the facts though, it doesn't seem the person in question is an unlawful one, which makes it just a tiny bit more complex, but by God nothing we could not handle with ease. Especially with the proposed sum of money, we would be more than glad to releave you of this little problematic, bold acquaintance you got. We will detach a wing to deal with him very soon, yet we need to catch him off-guard, and the less audience we got doing so, the better.

However it's by no means legal, which means absolute silence about this talk, but that should be self-evident to you.

No worries, we will make his mouth shut. He won't even be able to touch a hair on your loved one's head.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope


RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - DarkTails - 07-11-2017

From: Nicole Prower
To: Elena Voigt
Subject: ---
Encryption: Phoenix
Signal Strength: Strong

Opening message....


From what I've dug up, this man leans more on the outlaw side than anything. He's brushed against the First fleet before from what I've heard. From what I was told, I can add a crime to him. Impersonating Navy personnel. Nonetheless, the less witnesses is always better. But if anyone has issues with a loud-mouthed freelancer getting what he deserves for threatening Navy officers, send them to me. Once this guy is dealt with and I know my family is safe, I can pin him on several crimes. Blackmail, threatening Navy personnel, conspiracy to commit murder, amongst others. Don't let this get to your conscience, this man is a criminal, and deserves what's coming. I appreciate you handling this for me. The last known place reported from one of my operatives out taking care of something was he was last seen in orbit of Manhattan, but I doubt he stayed. He won't go too far from Liberty, not while he thinks I'm playing ball.

I owe you, Elena, more than just the sum I've promised.

Good hunting,

Lt.Cmdr. Nicole Prower

RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Byron - 08-16-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Nicole Prower

Hello Nicole,

As you wished, you can find the guncam shots showing one of these idiotic artifact smugglers attached to this message. May Sader or whoever else sits in the High Command (yes, I know exactly who does) have fun with that one. Had I reacted faster I'd have blown him up, Liberty pays good for them on its bounty board. It's a little brutal in my opinion, given that officers aren't supposed to outright shoot them in the face either, but who am I to say something against it. Who doesn't double-check their environment while smuggling doesn't deserve better anyway.

Tell me as soon as you got that party thing running. I will be there. Don't make the cuisine Kusarian though, or at least not completely. Sushi makes me vomit.

When you see Kiara on your Democritus, give her regards from me. You can tell her what I told you yesterday if you want. Though I'd prefer telling her myself, there's so much bad blood between us currently, maybe somebody should just let her know that I have my reasonings to get sloshed.

We haven't forgotten about The Prometheus, however observing him proves to be difficult when he doesn't show up at all. Maybe it's better that way. Maybe he just realized strangulating himself is the best way to end his senseless life. Who knows.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope

1 | 2


RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - DarkTails - 08-18-2017

From: Nicole Prower
To: Elena Voigt
Subject: --
Encryption: Moderate
Signal Strength: Strong

Opening message....


Illegal ship and cargo. A good catch, command will love it, thanks. Onto that annoyance, perhaps he did do that, I can only hope. In case he shows his ugly face again, the contract will stand. Now, onto better topics, I haven't spoken to Kiara about it yet, it may be little while for that, she seems to still be in a bad mood about it, but I'll try. When I get this ol' tub moving, I'll be sure to let you know about it. Don't worry, it won't be fully Kusarian food, as much as I enjoy it, I never really eat food from other regions often, so I'm looking forward to that. Can even make more than one stop, if you had anywhere in mind?

See you soon,

Nicole Prower

RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Byron - 08-18-2017



[Image: gwLyK5U.png]


  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Nicole Prower

Hello again Nicole,

As for the trip, I have always liked the looks of Baffin. Maybe something would be arrangeable there...

Have you ever tried Rheinlandian cuisine? If not, I think this will be a good opportunity. Perhaps I can show you one scrumptious meal or another.

Looking forward to that.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope


RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - Byron - 08-26-2017




  • »»» Location: :::Encrypted:::
  • »»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
  • »»» Recipient ID: Nicole Prower

Hello Nicole,

Yes it's me again. Been some time since our last correspondence. How is the matter with Kiara? Is she still residing on your Yacht? How is her frame of mind currently? Possibly open enough to talk to her without getting slapped in the face? That would be helpful.

And: When will the party take place? With which guests?

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Voigt
The Forlorn Hope


RE: To: Forlorn Command | From: Nicole Prower - DarkTails - 08-27-2017

From: Nicole Prower
To: Elena Voigt
Location: LNS-Omaha
Subject: --
Encryption: Moderate
Signal Strength: Strong

Opening message....


It has been a little while. Well, Kiara was kind of upset and left in a hurry, I haven't been able to find her since. She was incredibly distraught, but atleast she didn't leave drunk.. You might be able to talk to her if you can find her but I haven't had any luck in finding or reaching out to her. Not even people I talk to have seen her anywhere. As for the second thing, I have everything really ready, suppose mostly whenever you show up. One of my coworkers will be coming along, not many others had the time.


Nicole Prower