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10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Printable Version

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10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Incindre - 01-11-2009

Hello people who own Crysis!

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but oh well!
As I am an utter novice at Sandbox and can barely create walkable terrain I need someone to make a custom map for me. It shouldn't be very hard at all for you experienced people out there. I will pay for it (though I don't know what a sensible price is so I'll put down 10 mill and we will work our way up from there :)

I require a medium sized map in a simple bowl shape with 4 high points in the corners. I want 2 TAC Tanks on two opposite corners and 2 North Korean helicopters on the other high points.

The bowl needs to be filled to bursting with gas tanks and exploding barrels and vehicles that make good explosions.

If they could be arranged so that it make the coming explosion look really flash that would be great but if that can't acheived I want to be able to create a MASSIVE explosion with a few guys with rockets.

So post here if you would like to undertake this and give me a price estimate, I will be fairly generous.


10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Guest - 01-11-2009

Sadly enough, you cannot place explosive barrels in online games, yet vehicles might work.

10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Incindre - 01-11-2009

' Wrote:Sadly enough, you cannot place explosive barrels in online games, yet vehicles might work.

But can't you just create one and then export it to crysis and just play it as a mod? It doesn't have to be made for multiplayer.

10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Guest - 01-11-2009

ahh, sure then. whats the blast radius needed on those things, btw? Also, if they cause a chain reaction, im not responcable for your PC freezing, right?

10 Mill For A Custom Crysis Map - Incindre - 01-11-2009

Honestly if my pc freezes thats all good, i'll just overclock it muchly if it doesnt work.

pretty much i want the biggest and coolest explosion ever, im sure you will have some good ideas. solong as there is a safeish spot where i can sit in the tac tank.