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Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Printable Version

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Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Emperor Tekagi - 07-16-2017

There is so much connection instability since it was moved to a german host. It is unbelievable, I am in germany and prolly 250km away from it and suffer from lagspikes, come on.
Noticed many having more lag than before, me included. It is definetly not related to people's internet, not to mine, not to others.

it ruined a nice fight just now .w.

Edit: I suppose I have a theory for the lags on my side already. That ain't server lags, that's performance lags caused by the latest modified engine effects of mine in addition to more frequently happening lag spikes when more than 8 players are around at the same area o-o"

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Snoflek - 07-16-2017

I'm not having any real issues with lag, except when a ton of people are on. I'm finding my overall experience on Disco has been a lot better, server side, since the switch. I see a lot less people lag jumping around too, which is nice

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Shalo - 07-16-2017

I haven't had any significant problem with lag either. Only the ocasional spike, but that hasn't happened often, even in fights.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Emperor Tekagi - 07-16-2017

Purge me, I am a nice thread.
Found out the real reason, a shame the beautiful color changing engines cause it .w.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Skorak - 07-16-2017

What fixed those lag spikes for me back then was to move the game to an ssd. If you have that option, test it out.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Emperor Tekagi - 07-16-2017

Sounds like an idea, especially since I found an unused ssd in another computer standing around here. Oh well, looks it is going to have a purpose soon.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Skorak - 07-16-2017

If you have no ssd yet though you might want to consider putting your OS on there instead of games first.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - ASimpleMan - 07-16-2017

Lag has murdered any career I could've had in snubs since my lag is permanently 220. It used to be 180, which was okay. But now its impossible. Anyone I fight jitters around due to the lag. But, alas, I suppose there is nothing that can be done. Nobody is gonna magically move the server closer to Murica so I guess I'll sit down and shut up about it. Or, maybe get a better internet plan. Idk if that'll happen, and I don't want to spend a crapton of money on a plan just so I can play with like 190 ping.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - Daynox - 07-16-2017

Now that i have built my newest rig here with SSD's i will never go back to regular HD's.. mind you i went a little overboard with 2 1TB ssd's, but in the end it is totally worth it!..

ssd's toally make a difference in everything.

RE: Honestly. The new server needs more stability. - fmike/Alien_CrazyJew - 07-16-2017

Iv not had very bad lag even during my first pvp combat! the player never jumped at all and im using wireless internet ( not cell phone or satillite or land line )

And i can totaly agree on the SSD idea. i think they run alot smoother than HDDs for some reason. i guess its the fact theres no moving parts and use less power

since a couple days ago when the server was down the lagg has reduced. i also did some of this on windows 10 to FMIKEs Reduce Lagg