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To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Printable Version

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To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Docent - 07-16-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: Live]:::

ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: APM Flagship "Core|APM-Sagittarius-3", Omicron Rho
Subject: Revisiting Nauru Project

Esteemed Leaders of Ageria Innovations,

as the current CEO of AP Manufacturing I would like to revisit the suspended "Project Nauru" outline discussed upon by Chief Executive Officer John White of Ageira Innovations and former Guildmaster Eric Nodtviet of The Core a few years back (//flashback).

If you recall, the prospects of carrying out this endevour had been overshadowed by the Rheinland-Liberty conflict. Since the political arena in these parts has cooled down over time, The Core High Command along with AP Manufacturing have taken interrest in strengthening business relations between our organisations and reviving the idea of constructing planetary docking facilities in the Nauru low orbit. We believe that this project will mark a new chapter in our cooperation.

I am sincerely hoping to hearing from you at your eraliest convenience.

CEO, AP Manufacturing


RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Jay Anderson - 07-22-2017

[Image: PbsLHqO.png]
To: Martin McKinsey

Good to see this project getting traction in the higher ranks of The Core and APM again. I opened for you the recordings of the latest agreement between my predecessor and current Vice-President, Mr. Evans, and Guildmistress Cordelia Lyell regarding this matter. I'm not aware of her current status within The Core, however, I assume that we could pick up the project from where it was left.

Please, note that Mr. Evans secured investment funds from IC for this project, so we don't need to worry about money, and just focus on delivering the result in the quickest and safest manner possible.

Ageira will handle logistics of manufacturing and delivery of the Docking Ring Parts and other high-technology equipment to the construction site. I will also contact DSE to arrange transportation of construction crews.

From you we will expect a supply of raw construction materials for the framework of the Docking Ring and associated facilities, orbital and planet-side. The specifications will be sent to you along with a list of the materials over this channel.

Jay Anderson,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Docent - 07-23-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: Live]:::

ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: APM Flagship "Core|APM-Sagittarius-3", Sigma 19
Subject: Revisiting Nauru Project

Mr. Anderson,

I am pleased to learn that the spirit of the Nauru docking ring project did not linger on, but was truely kept continuously in perspective of Ageira Innovations and our benefactor, Interspace Commerce. Now there will be no further distractions as far as APM participation in this joint endevour is concerned - we wish to consider it with the highest of priorities.

Naturally APM will assure steady supplies of the required materials. Our facilities on Yaren Base and Nauru surface shall be perfectly well adapted to accomodate construction crews, as well as to ensure sufficient material storage. I will personally oversee the preparations.

In spirit of the progress made so far I am looking forward to our cooperation.
Guildmistress Ruby Hydra sends her regards.

CEO, AP Manufacturing


RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Jay Anderson - 08-07-2017

[Image: PbsLHqO.png]
To: Martin McKinsey

My engineering team reviewed the standard specifications of Docking Ring for planet with parameters you sent me. The following list of materials will be required from APM to deliver to Yaren Base. Comments added for your convenience regarding the designation of certain supplies.

There is also a list of materials that will be handled and delivered by Ageira and DSE due to their specific nature or higher sensitivity. This includes:

Finally, the workforce for the construction itself will consist of DSE engineering crews. We will need to deliver 3000 Crew from Baltimore Shipyard to Yaren Base. In addition to personnel, at least 2 Repair Ships will have to be brought to Yaren by DSE pilots. I will arrange that with Deep Space Engineering representatives shortly.

Let me know of any questions or concerns that you might have regarding these lists and the project overall. From my side, I would like to understand the security measures you are going to take to ensure our safety and success. Remember that this is the most important condition from IC to provide funding for the whole endeavor. Could you please share detailed plan to provide security on site? Consider it prerequisite to move on with this project.

Have a nice and pleasant day, Mr. McKinsey.

Jay Anderson,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Docent - 08-21-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: Live]:::

ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: Planet Nauru
Subject: Revisiting Nauru Project

Mr. Anderson,

thank you for the outline of conditions your company will require to initiate construction - AP logistic divisions have been tasked with the supplying of the listed materials. We expect all runs to be completed within a few weeks. My trusted advisor, Dr. Rosenberg shall oversee the operation making sure it is on schedule at all time.

If you have not had the opportunity to visiting Core space yet, I trust you will feel more then reassured of the safety and security of any endevour hosted within the perimeter of Planet Nauru, as well as within Omicron Rho certainly once you do. To give it a foretaste, orbiting Nauru is as you know Base Yaren, which is not only the current transfer port to or from the surface, but foremost the primary base of Core operatons in Omicron Delta. The defence force is comprised out of Battleship Bellora and her fleet - in itself a most impressive sight to behold. Additionally, a considerable percentage of our primary forces are stationed in the system, either on Nauru, Yaren or on patrol in deep space. Close proximity to the phase aligned Omicron Rho does great favour in terms of quickly moving forces back and forth, ensuring reinforcements are always within range. I trust our benefactors at IC can rest assured.

As soon as both Ageira and APM deliveries are complete we shall move on to the next phase and prepare the safe transfer of DSE engineering crews along with said repair vessels. Please let me know as soon as all the delicate parts have made their way to Yaren for assembly - likewise I shall notify you when the last APM transport completes its run. We shall then discuss further steps.

CEO, AP Manufacturing


RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Jay Anderson - 08-22-2017

[Image: PbsLHqO.png]
To: Martin McKinsey

It is great to have this contract moving forward. Ageira transports already started delivering the parts and equipment to Omicron Delta. You could expect regular updates on our progress in this channel.

While it is good to know that you provide some security forces in Omicron Delta and obviously in Omicron Rho, my primary concern is about Sigma-15 system. It seems that this part of the space has significant presence of Rheinland unlawful elements, such as Alster Union and various political radicals. So I would kindly ask APM and the Core to provide additional patrols and, if possible, escorts to our ships starting from Frankfurt system, specifically the jump hole to Sigma-15. Is this something that you could arrange?

Jay Anderson,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Docent - 08-22-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: Live]:::

ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: Planet Nauru
Subject: Revisiting Nauru Project

Mr. Anderson,

your request has been taken care of - just moments ago I received word from the Quirinus that one of your convoys encountered in Sigma-15 has been escorted safely to Yaren and back. I am sure also other Ageira operatives have already noticed increased armed presence in this region. The Core forces shall ensure that this venture progresses smoothly.

CEO, AP Manufacturing


RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Jay Anderson - 09-07-2017

[Image: PbsLHqO.png]
To: Martin McKinsey

I'm glad to inform you that Ageira Innovations completed the delivery of commodities required for the first phase of construction of Docking Ring. Everything is safely shipped to Yaren Base and securely stored in its cargo bays. I'm forwarding you the delivery manifests for your convenience. Please, check that everything is in order.

Now we will wait for deliveries by APM before we could proceed to the next phase, which will involve sending DSE construction teams and repair ships to work on the frame of the Docking Ring.

Have a nice and pleasant day, Mr. McKinsey.

Delivery report #1
Delivery report #2

Jay Anderson,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: Ageira Innovations | From: Martin McKinsey, AP Manufacturing - Docent - 09-07-2017

:::[VIDEO FEED: Live]:::

ID: Martin McKinsey
Location: APM Flagship "Core|APM-Sagittarius-3", Omicron Rho
Subject: Revisiting Nauru Project

Mr. Anderson,

thank you for these most wonderful news - the depot attendant's office confirmes all listed Ageira provisions to have reached their destination. Each container is kept secure on Yaren under heavy guard.

You will be pleased to learn that nearly all required construction materials on part of APM have been delivered as well. We are awaiting the final shipment of super alloy to be registered shortly. As soon as all containers are in, we may proceed to the next phase of the operation, viz. the transfer of DSE engineering crews and vessels to the construction site. Our facilities on both Yaren Base and Planet Nauru shall provide suitable accomodation.

To see this bold venture take form with each passing day truely fills my heart with joy. The future is bright Mr. Anderson.

CEO, AP Manufacturing